Is anyone following Wisconsin?

Lue C Fur

Evil member
(WaPo) —It’s enough to make you wonder why there are no protesters circling the White House.
Op-ed: “Striking the right bargain in Wisconsin” — Scott Walker

All the govt workers should apply for representation from the Teamsters and then walk out in protest...then we could control the deficit by not paying all the govt employees. LOL


Squeaky Wheel
Well unions were one thing, and that's not over yet. The next thing is that some democrats want to raise minimum wage. I think it's GOPs in Michigan that are trying to lower it? That is a joke. You start talking bout minimum wage and ppl's livelihoods, you get their attention. That is the one thing a majority of ppl agree on. In one of the votes it was like 79/21 in favor of upping the minimum wage. IMO the right won't get better odds on that stand. Economic populism. A lot of extreme republicans are against it. Now I have a great job just now, but any number of things could change that. I've got a couple back-up plans that are promising, but if they didn't pan out or I didn't enjoy them, I would want the minimum wage as high as I could get it. That really could create an economic boom. And I still haven't seen any documentation telling me my pension is fully funded. So I might want an easy hourly job when I'm old so I can go once a year and sit on some rocks and watch the sun go down.


Well-Known Member
Just a temporary situation. At any time the Republican's can put the law up for a vote , the quorum will be in place --and its a done deal .