Why would I want to go into management? Right now I make more decisions daily than most of the bosses we have. Are you mixing your geritol with Vodka again?
The fact is you speak on subjects that you obviously have no idea what you are speaking about and when you are shown you are wrong you get all defensive. Your a maroon!
The one that seems to be getting defensive is you. read your posts, name calling was something i did in 5th grade not as an adult. In my office you would act professional or be told(not asked) to leave, why wouldn't you want to go into management its an opportunity to make more money, advance, and when i first started driving i was at a PCM for a driver retiring with 35 years, great guy was sad to see him go, but i was a young punk kid making the same money and benefits as him, he had about 32 years more time than me and we brought home the same paycheck, i felt i could do BETTER for me and my family, so the opportunity was there and i took it. And guess what it was the best decision i ever made. Management is not for everybody, but the ones that want it and are afraid to take it should not be knocking those that do.