I was in clerical union. Our base pay was very close to our pension at 30 years. Part of the problem for delivery and feeder drivers is the amount of overtime. They get used to this as being part of their monthly income and live accordingly. When retirement comes, it's quite a drop in income because of the overtime loss. If the drivers can attempt to live at the level of the pension and invest the overtime, it will become a lot easier at retirement. I was lucky enough to be able to retire at the age of 49 with 30 years of service and receive a full pension and insurance. With the pension being similar to my salary it hasn't been a problem at all. The nicest thing was to turn 65. Medicare and a good supplement is so much better than the UPS insurance pkg. As for the comment that someone mentioned, "give me $500,000 and they would leave". My pension so far that has been paid to me is almost $600,000. I am still young enough a healthy enough, I plan on another $500,000, which put me over $1,000,000. I follow the information each year concerning the health of our plan. The money some of the locals pay their retirees can be envious. But, the long picture, a healthy plan and not having to worry as much about a possible decrease is in my mind much better. As most people who retire, no matter what kind of pension or retirement package, you just have to learn to live within your means. And also to be sure and use Senior Discounts whenever possible. Saved $3.69 at Golden Corral today. Enough for lunch tomorrow.