The kid has it right!!!!Yeah, reading in here sometimes depresses me. To read hear you would think the company is going bankrupt, the union is scammimg you,sups hate you, work is hard,
I have been working for UPS for almost 5 years now and I find myself liking it more and more.
The pay is great for unskilled labor after time. I have no problem getting overtime almost EVER. My wife and I had baby recently basically FREE thanks to a great union health package. A policy like that for a family is going to cost several hundred dollars a month otherwise.
The Sups at my hub always respect me and treat me well. The trick is to really do "A fair days work for a fair days pay" It says it in the contract. You do that, they treat you well.
The work is physical. But honestly when you compare it to something like diging trenches for construction and crap like that that you could get with an equal education, it's easy.
And lastly, I am enjoying more and more a job that I can leave at the door. I dont give it a second thought when I go home. I have had other jobs where when the day is over I am still fixed on problems,politics, and ideas from work. Stresses the Bleep out of me. At UPS you work hard and go home to have a nice weekend.
Thats my take on it.
You're right, you brought a bit more balance to my point. So I'll revise my argument: as much as you do have control of your health, the work is in fact demanding, but ultimately, your health is still largely in your hands. eat right and stretch plenty. and i'm sure you can find 10 minutes a night to stretch while watching larry king"..but as a UPSer, your health and wellbeing at middle age is completely in YOUR hands."
Total BS.
Body parts wear, like everything else. When you punch out at 7:30, you won't be going to the gym. You will go straight home to spend a little time with the family before getting some sleep in so you can do it again the next day.
Go to the gym. Sheesh!
I've been a member of this forum community for two days now, as a result of starting a part-time position as a driver helper next week.
And I was just curious from reading most of the posts, is UPS really as horrible as people make it out to be?
Some of the things I've seen people say:
1. You don't get paid overtime. <---this is only on certain jobs
2. You work 13 hours a day. <---this is also on certain jobs your getting paid what are you whining about??
3. You have to work part-time doing backbreaking work as a preloader for years before you get a position in management or as a driver. <--This is not true you are either good at what you do or you are not u also have to be attending or have some form of a degree in tech or college....
4. Supervisor's rule their stations with an iron fist and threaten people with false accusations. <----I have a very good supervisor who is considerate and i have never once seen being mean or unfair.
5. Sexism is rampart. <---Sexism hmm maybe a few gals can get what they want but period no matter who u are if you do your job and apply yourself it doesnt matter what sex you are.
6. You can be "on call" for months, meanwhile you are expected to call in every single day just to see if any work is available for you. <---Is this referring to driver helpers? That is not true at most places driver's helpers especially around holidays are slim
7. You retire with a blown back, bad knees, and in poor health. <--This is bull. You can easily get a back brace, you can also go to your doctor and then the doctor that ups appoints if you are having issues, and if someone is saying this crap you would have to wonder if there poor health is in reference to their attitude. I take muscle relaxers before i go to work because i had a bad back before i even started working at ups, i had knee surgery when i was 14 from a torn acl ligament, i played soccer for 7 years, and one of the HABITS words is Health and another is athleticism. You are not recquired but are encouraged to eat breakfast, and start your day off right if you work early or to eat before you come to work period and get plenty of sleep. You are also not recquired but strongly encouraged to stretch and maybe even do some form or excercise elsewhere. There are safety compliance and ways to work and lift and arrange packages that they give us that help you from having these problems.
8. A much higher than average divorce rate attributed to being a UPS employee. <---blaming your marital life on work?? I could understand this if you were a doctor or a on call surgeon this is ups and this is so not true. My mother works sunrise at the air ramp here in south carolina and her marriage is fine, if u bring your work home with you that is your problem and that is a stupid idea in the first place.
9. If you get in an accident you are fired no questions asked. <--this is so not true. If you get in a accident you are not fired but u do have to get clearance from your doctor and the doctor from ups.
10. Blackmail. <---If you allow someone to blackmail you that isnt a supervisor or anything when honesty is a key at ups get a backbone and tell someone if you allow someone to push u around this is your own fault
11. Mental anquish. <---LMFAO this is my favorite. I scan packages such mental anguish when i first started at ups and even now i havent been there forever or even a long ass time but i can tell you this much a idiot could do it and they move me around alot, and still a idiot could do it there is no mental anguish.
12. Etc, etc.
Also, I visted the website Vault: The Most Trusted Name in Career Information and looked up "UPS". This website is great for a job seeker, because you get to see what employees of a company have to say about working for this company. For UPS, most of the comments are horrendous....let me quote a few:
"UPS allows and encourages it's center managers to push, degrade, humiliate, find fault" <--My center doesnt do this
"Unfair treatment, overwork not rewarded, for hard work we are asked to perform 100% each and everyday" <--We are rewarded at our job, and are commended for doing a great job at my hub. You are not recquired to perform at 100% everyday this is so much crap.
"Most unprofessional place I ever worked, run like a prison." <---If you make ups a prison then it is a prison. Your job is what u make it
"A horrific experience probably equivalent to Iraq (without the blood and gore). Not fun at all." <---This is annoying as hell and a stupid statement.
"Non-stop stress, upper management is never satisfied with anyone's performance, no matter how good your center's performance is". <---My supervisor tells me how much of a good job i do and i havent even been there for that long.
"Very bad all around"
From what I have read about UPS in the last two days of researching the company, my stomach feels sick. Should I look elsewhere and not start next week? Or are the comments I am reading from a very minor percentage of UPS employees?
"yim @ offspringbabe_56 or msn at oOHookah_SweetieOo @"
OK, that was just weird....
You should work for ups. I LOVE my job. All of this stuff pisses me off to no end and is a load of shi*. I dont know where these people are getting this stuff, but your job is what u make it. I have a good supervisor, and yes i have these certain days where im tired and i might not be as chipper as other days when i leave work but me not being in a good mood when i leave my job is very rare. I tell my family all the time it makes a huge difference when you love your job. It seems like you just got a bunch of whining new-hire's or lifer's that either havent improved their outlook of their job or never had a good outlook to begin with. Either that or they are expectin a supervisor to hand them a job sitting back and relaxing in a nice HR office and i will admit you have to be diligent working for ups. I dont expect anyone to hand me anything. I want a ups supervisor position and when and only when i feel i am ready for it when i take it this is a example of what i am saying. These comments have me livid, u really should contact me on yim @ offspringbabe_56 or msn at oOHookah_SweetieOo @ this is insanity. Have a nice day sweetheart, and contact me![]()
How many of us wonder if this isn't another management imposter posing as a sweet little babydoll, so naive, so energetic and so full of life?
In the past we've had a troll posing as a not-yet-old-enough-to-drive babydoll who was, supposedly, impregnated by her delivery man and appealed to this forum for emotional support. Or was that the one that everyone thought was an enforcement agency fishing for online predators?
I can't remember her name but she didn't last long.
Yeah, this has one of those Dateline NBC "To Catch A Predator" feels to it. Pink font and a Playboy Bunny avatar? Gimme a break. Somebody here is gonna friend up and send "her" a pic of his "junk". Come to think of it, I haven't seen double_standard around in awhile........."yim @ offspringbabe_56 or msn at oOHookah_SweetieOo @"
OK, that was just weird....
you're been with UPS for how long? what's your work experience? what's the experience you have working under Fortune 500 companies?You should work for ups. I LOVE my job. All of this stuff pisses me off to no end and is a load of shi*. I dont know where these people are getting this stuff, but your job is what u make it. I have a good supervisor, and yes i have these certain days where im tired and i might not be as chipper as other days when i leave work but me not being in a good mood when i leave my job is very rare. I tell my family all the time it makes a huge difference when you love your job. It seems like you just got a bunch of whining new-hire's or lifer's that either havent improved their outlook of their job or never had a good outlook to begin with. Either that or they are expectin a supervisor to hand them a job sitting back and relaxing in a nice HR office and i will admit you have to be diligent working for ups. I dont expect anyone to hand me anything. I want a ups supervisor position and when and only when i feel i am ready for it when i take it this is a example of what i am saying. These comments have me livid, u really should contact me on yim @ offspringbabe_56 or msn at oOHookah_SweetieOo @ this is insanity. Have a nice day sweetheart, and contact me![]()
I just have to get me a Ground Hub Angel...I mean so up beat about everything, so willing to divulge person information and talk, and look at how cute her avatar and posts are, I am head over heals, move up here and marry to get me a young southern bell <3asl? myspace?
Before I began my tenure here, but reading it was frickin hilarious. Check her myspace, and there you have a photo of our, uh, 17 year old southern belle.How many of us wonder if this isn't another management imposter posing as a sweet little babydoll, so naive, so energetic and so full of life?
In the past we've had a troll posing as a not-yet-old-enough-to-drive babydoll who was, supposedly, impregnated by her delivery man and appealed to this forum for emotional support. Or was that the one that everyone thought was an enforcement agency fishing for online predators?
I can't remember her name but she didn't last long.
Diad, frickin' awesome. Good to see some young blood that's not burnt out with UPS and on this forum...Come to think of it, I haven't seen double_standard around in awhile.........