ISIS aka The Islamic State


Engorged Member
The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called ‘hypocrites’ and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

Who talked about this today in the Right Wing Media? I seriously doubt you consulted your own Quran. Gee, doesn't the Bible have a lot of verses about killing and smiting and all of that good stuff? "Our" God is a loving God, when he isn't doling out war, starvation, disease, and death. Funny how religious tomes are all about killing and punishment(s).


Well-Known Member
Who talked about this today in the Right Wing Media? I seriously doubt you consulted your own Quran. Gee, doesn't the Bible have a lot of verses about killing and smiting and all of that good stuff? "Our" God is a loving God, when he isn't doling out war, starvation, disease, and death. Funny how religious tomes are all about killing and punishment(s).
But hey, killing in the name of Christianity is more righteous.;)


Strength through joy
Who talked about this today in the Right Wing Media? I seriously doubt you consulted your own Quran. Gee, doesn't the Bible have a lot of verses about killing and smiting and all of that good stuff? "Our" God is a loving God, when he isn't doling out war, starvation, disease, and death. Funny how religious tomes are all about killing and punishment(s).
MrFedEx , If you want to see some smiting try going into work and shouting at the top of your lungs this one word . " UNION " .


Well-Known Member
Your post seemed to imply that we had unlimited resources to take care of every need or want.
We don't.

But that's not what I said, is it?

I said that we have enough money for all our needs, but we choose to spend it on ridiculous misadventures around the world, meaning that there's not enough for what we really do need.

Our infrastructure is crumbling, our education system is in the toilet, we spend the most on healthcare in the world yet our healthcare outcomes aren't all that great, etc.

We're rapidly becoming a third-world nation.

What's most alarming to me is that, as a nation, we don't really have a long-term plan. Our government is completely dysfunctional, which I don't see changing anytime soon, and so it's almost impossible to do the work we need to do.

Most other Western countries are thinking and planning for decades out...we seem to be limited in attention-span to the next election.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
But that's not what I said, is it?

I said that we have enough money for all our needs, but we choose to spend it on ridiculous misadventures around the world, meaning that there's not enough for what we really do need.

Our infrastructure is crumbling, our education system is in the toilet, we spend the most on healthcare in the world yet our healthcare outcomes aren't all that great, etc.

We're rapidly becoming a third-world nation.

What's most alarming to me is that, as a nation, we don't really have a long-term plan. Our government is completely dysfunctional, which I don't see changing anytime soon, and so it's almost impossible to do the work we need to do.

Most other Western countries are thinking and planning for decades out...we seem to be limited in attention-span to the next election.
Nonsense, you are wrong on most of what you wrote.


New Member
I know I might offend some people but this is my honest opinion. We should drop nuclear bombs on the Middle East to rid of ISIS and other terrorists organizations in the Middle East. All of our problems are solved. We can concentrate on fixing our economy and getting this country back on track.

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Inordinately Right
I know I might offend some people but this is my honest opinion. We should drop nuclear bombs on the Middle East to rid of ISIS and other terrorists organizations in the Middle East. All of our problems are solved. We can concentrate on fixing our economy and getting this country back on track.

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I'm not offended, and honestly you're not the only one who feels that way. It is however, a full blown ignorant and disgusting idea. Thanks for adding to the conversation. I weep for the future.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
As long as you all are UNDER 45 years of age, otherwise you wouldnt be following the second amendment at all.

Even back then, they didnt want old people with guns.

Funny. I don't see the number 45 in the 2nd Amendment copy I got.
Can you post your copy that has that number in it?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Funny. I don't see the number 45 in the 2nd Amendment copy I got.
Can you post your copy that has that number in it?

Thats because people like you want to "extrapolate"only the words they "like", skip past the punctuation and create something out of nothing.


Did you read that?? IF you did, then you would have to READ what followed in the next congress in the militia act of 1792.

Reading can be helpful.



Well-Known Member
Thats because people like you want to "extrapolate"only the words they "like", skip past the punctuation and create something out of nothing.


Did you read that?? IF you did, then you would have to READ what followed in the next congress in the militia act of 1792.

Reading can be helpful.


Troll he asked you to back your claim that 45 was the max age of gun ownership desired by the founding fathers.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Thats because people like you want to "extrapolate"only the words they "like", skip past the punctuation and create something out of nothing.


Did you read that?? IF you did, then you would have to READ what followed in the next congress in the militia act of 1792.

Reading can be helpful.

Nothing printed or published after the bill of rights was adopted changes the bill of rights.
Only adoption of new amendments can do that, silly troll.
I thought you knew that.