ISIS aka The Islamic State


Well-Known Member

In the 'Inter-web' age, I'm immediately suspicious of any website that has multiple links at the end of the article, before the comments, like:


New Testosterone Booster Takes GNC by Storm

Case in point.

But, on balance, you are correct.

Six years into Obama's Presidency, it's safe to say that it falls on Obama at this point.

It's quite difficult to figure out exactly what Obama's plan is, vis-a-vis ISIS.

P.S. What the eff is in the palm of the hand in the picture? It shows up so many times in links posted in the BC...


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
In the 'Inter-web' age, I'm immediately suspicious of any website that has multiple links at the end of the article, before the comments, like:


New Testosterone Booster Takes GNC by Storm

Case in point.

But, on balance, you are correct.

Six years into Obama's Presidency, it's safe to say that it falls on Obama at this point.

It's quite difficult to figure out exactly what Obama's plan is, vis-a-vis ISIS.

P.S. What the eff is in the palm of the hand in the picture? It shows up so many times in links posted in the BC...
You are so right. Never trust news sources that have advertisement on the same page.
Problem is, that eliminates almost all news sources.
Nice attempt to deflect.
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
2008 U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement
In 2008 the American and Iraqi governments signed the U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement, after being sought by the Bush Administration and the Iraqi government. It included a specific date, 30 June 2009, by which American forces should withdraw from Iraqi cities, and a complete withdrawal date from Iraqi territory by 31 December 2011.[27] On 14 December 2008 then-President George W. Bush signed the security agreement with Iraq. In his fourth and final trip to Iraq, President Bush appeared in a televised news conference with Iraq's prime minister Nouri al-Maliki to celebrate the agreement and applauded security gains in Iraq saying that just two years ago "such an agreement seemed impossible".[28]

These people dont care about facts. They just want to blame the black guy, because thats what they hear everyday in the trailer park.



Well-Known Member
of condos!!

The type of home is irrelevant (the fact that you chose to add it only adds to your sense of entitlement). It is the mindset of the occupants that is being discussed here.

Trailer parks are often associated with ignorance.

Lily white gated communities filled with condos are often associated with elitism.

Both mindsets tend to discriminate against minorities without merit or basis.


golden ticket member
Oh yeah, I's Sunday. Carry on!

Oh, by the way, I don't live in a condo, I was referring to your condo. WHOOSH !


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
av8, you realize i dont waste my time on your nonsense, you have already been debunked a billions times on this board.

All YOU and the like have left to offer, is name calling.

NONE of you, especially YOU, never deliver.

Name Call all you want, hows that working out for ya?

The only one of us who has been debunked is you. It's called the mark of the TROLL that the mods have placed on you.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Once again brown, I have posted on this subject extensively in this very thread. Its up to YOU to pay attention.

Go back through the pages and you will find it. Along with a full breakdown of the second amendment.


Unable to back up another FAKE claim? Silly TROLL.


Engorged Member
Wow troll went racial quick.

It's very interesting that BHO can do nothing correctly for The Right, even when he does, or acts in exactly the manner that a predecessor did, even one of GOP persuasion. This leads to the logical hypothesis that the issue is not BHO's policies and actions, but his race. It's rather simple, but your not being able to figure it out speaks volumes.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Wait! Wasn't it just last week that the GOP were claiming that President Obama was being too casual about ISIS and not taking them seriously? Now the GOP are claiming that President Obama is hyping the ISIS threat.
It's unbelievable that there are still stupid people out there who believe these GOP nutjobs.What scary thing will they be complaining about next?????


Engorged Member
Wait! Wasn't it just last week that the GOP were claiming that President Obama was being too casual about ISIS and not taking them seriously? Now the GOP are claiming that President Obama is hyping the ISIS threat.
It's unbelievable that there are still stupid people out there who believe these GOP nutjobs.What scary thing will they be complaining about next?????

Pssst. He's Black!!! Your point is perfect, because it illustrates just how illogical and irrational they are in the Republicon Party.