ISIS aka The Islamic State


Well-Known Member
It's very interesting that BHO can do nothing correctly for The Right, even when he does, or acts in exactly the manner that a predecessor did, even one of GOP persuasion. This leads to the logical hypothesis that the issue is not BHO's policies and actions, but his race. It's rather simple, but your not being able to figure it out speaks volumes.

What speaks volumes is his supporters making racism charges instead of defending his words.


Well-Known Troll
These people dont care about facts. They just want to blame the black Mulatto guy, because thats what they hear everyday in the trailer park.


I love how liberals always play the race card. Do I think Obama is a maroon/a-hole/loser/schmuck? Yes

I have the EXACT same feelings about Biden, Clinton, or any other D in the white house.

He's only half black, so if we (ALL republicans) hate him, we are AT MOST 50% racist


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
I love how liberals always play the race card. Do I think Obama is a maroon/a-hole/loser/schmuck? Yes

I have the EXACT same feelings about Biden, Clinton, or any other D in the white house.

He's only half black, so if we (ALL republicans) hate him, we are AT MOST 50% racist
But you love these guys Right????


Well-Known Member
I love how liberals always play the race card. Do I think Obama is a maroon/a-hole/loser/schmuck? Yes

I have the EXACT same feelings about Biden, Clinton, or any other D in the white house.

He's only half black, so if we (ALL republicans) hate him, we are AT MOST 50% racist
Wouldn't matter if he was 25% or 10% black. If you hate him because of his skin color, you are 100% racist.;)


Well-Known Member
There are certainly people who 'hate' Obama because he's black.

There are also a bunch of people who 'hate' Obama because he's a Socialist.

There's plenty of people who hate Obama because he's a 'secret' Muslim.

Haters gonna hate.

Obama's not a Socialist and he's not a Muslim.

But, haters gonna hate, and they need a target, sooooo....


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
There are certainly people who 'hate' Obama because he's black.

There are also a bunch of people who 'hate' Obama because he's a Socialist.

There's plenty of people who hate Obama because he's a 'secret' Muslim.

Haters gonna hate.

Obama's not a Socialist and he's not a Muslim.

But, haters gonna hate, and they need a target, sooooo....
I noticed that too. He's either rounding the guns up, along with their owners, in the phantom FEMA camps (we could use one here in New york!) or he's playing golf 24/7 and too involved to worry about Iraq or the orphans in Arizona. Which is it, GOP?All it took was black skin to make America lose her mind. Land of the free and home of the brave INDEED.


nowhere special
Its amazing how its always the liberals who bring up race. It is only relevant to them. Conservatives only care about Obama's politics and that he is merely an incompetent narcissistic community organizer.


Well-Known Member
There are certainly people who 'hate' Obama because he's black.

There are also a bunch of people who 'hate' Obama because he's a Socialist.

There's plenty of people who hate Obama because he's a 'secret' Muslim.

Haters gonna hate.

Obama's not a Socialist and he's not a Muslim.

But, haters gonna hate, and they need a target, sooooo....

So since blaming Bush does nothing for your argument now it's on to the racism charge. It's sad after all these years that you guys on the extreme left still can't formulate an argument to defend obama.


Well-Known Troll
There are certainly people who 'hate' Obama because he's black.

There are also a bunch of people who 'hate' Obama because he's a Socialist.

There's plenty of people who hate Obama because he's a 'secret' Muslim.

Haters gonna hate.

Obama's not a Socialist and he's not a Muslim.

But, haters gonna hate, and they need a target, sooooo....

He's a Dumbocrat, that's the only reason I need to hate him


Well-Known Troll
Oh, just shut up, dumdum - no one with an IQ above 50 cares what you "think" anyway. Nasty, mean and vile liars - these "Conservatives"....

Why is think in quotes? Oh, right, because liberal's (AKA morons) think that us conservatives only can repeat what we hear on Fox news? Or "Faux" as you geniuses call it, right?

Grow up.