ISIS aka The Islamic State


Well-Known Member
So since blaming Bush does nothing for your argument now it's on to the racism charge. It's sad after all these years that you guys on the extreme left still can't formulate an argument to defend obama.

Nowhere in my post did I blame Bush.

(If you remember my latest post in a different thread, where I said that Obama has been in office for six years, and as such has inherited the mantle of whatever the eff, meaning that, realistically, we can't blame Bush anymore, did you forget that, did you forget that I basically agreed with you, dumb-:censored2:).

If you have basic reading comprehension, it's clear that my post was about people slamming Obama for five or six reasons that have nothing to do with Obama's performance.

Since you clearly aren't attentive enough to follow my posts, I've said, multiple times, that Obama isn't that great of a President.

My point is and always has been, there are plenty of things to blame Obama about.

Socialism, being a Muslim, not having a birth certificate, none of those things apply.

If you want to criticize Obama, his own record as President is enough.

Which part of what I've consistently said are you having trouble with?


Well-Known Member
BrownArmy said:
Socialism, being a Muslim, not having a birth certificate, none of those things apply.

If you want to criticize Obama, his own record as President is enough.

Which part of what I've consistently said are you having trouble with?

I thought my explanation of my trouble with your argument was clear. Your counter is that since you jumped straight to your silly little racism charge that somehow give your argument some validity?

Now I question your claim that I said someone was a Muslim or didn't have a birth certificate.

I clearly pointed out the problems that I've had with your dishonest and frankly lazy thought process.

Its amusing how you run to defend obama so rapidly by attacking any of his detractors with racism charges without any merit. Very amusing.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
In all the years he's been POTUS when have you EVER seen video of him and his beautiful wife attending Christmas church services?
Just give me one date......
I guess you don't realize ...

The United States IS a secular state. We have no state religion and as a state, neutral to any particular religion or no religion at all.


Well-Known Member
...I clearly pointed out the problems that I've had with your dishonest and frankly lazy thought process.

Its amusing how you run to defend obama so rapidly by attacking any of his detractors with racism charges without any merit. Very amusing.

What are you talking about?

Where am I defending Obama?

Do you read English?

Talk about a lazy thought process, I'm not sure you've read anything I've posted.


Well-Known Member
What are you talking about?

Where am I defending Obama?

Do you read English?

Talk about a lazy thought process, I'm not sure you've read anything I've posted.

yes you were unless you just run around falsely accusing people of racism in an effort to oppose obama


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Why is think in quotes? Oh, right, because liberal's (AKA morons) think that us conservatives only can repeat what we hear on Fox news? Or "Faux" as you geniuses call it, right?

Grow up.
Because you said it all are absolutely correct,excerpt CONservatives are the morons and Fox has educated innocence is lost forever...what have they done to MY America?...the one where most of us had Brains....and used them.....I showed this to my son and he's still laughing.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Because you said it all are absolutely correct,excerpt CONservatives are the morons and Fox has educated innocence is lost forever...what have they done to MY America?...the one where most of us had Brains....and used them.....I showed this to my son and he's still laughing.
Says the MSNBC lover.


Well-Known Member
In all the years he's been POTUS when have you EVER seen video of him and his beautiful wife attending Christmas church services?
Just give me one date......

None of the apostles or for that matter none of early christians attended a Christmas Service so I guess they are socialists and muslims too according to your qualifier.

Most christians I know don't go to any Christmas service either. They are too busy being home with family and friends, opening gifts, eating, drinking and otherwise being Merry. Also watching football if the holiday cycle hits the calendar right. Socialists and muslims too are they?

The easy means of superficially pleasing and satisfying you I find rather instructive. Troubling but instructive.


nowhere special
None of the apostles or for that matter none of early christians attended a Christmas Service so I guess they are socialists and muslims too according to your qualifier.

Most christians I know don't go to any Christmas service either. They are too busy being home with family and friends, opening gifts, eating, drinking and otherwise being Merry. Also watching football if the holiday cycle hits the calendar right. Socialists and muslims too are they?

The easy means of superficially pleasing and satisfying you I find rather instructive. Troubling but instructive.

You seem to know an odd or small group of Christians. The 2 times a year someone is most likely to go to church are Christmas and Easter. Of course the people you know may not really be Christians though religion has little to nothing to do with faith and being a Christian..


Well-Known Member
You seem to know an odd or small group of Christians. The 2 times a year someone is most likely to go to church are Christmas and Easter. Of course the people you know may not really be Christians though religion has little to nothing to do with faith and being a Christian..

I thought Jesus taught about the evils of being judgmental. It could be I can add one more name to the questionable christians I know!


Well-Known Member
Are you a Christian or just quoting "what you heard" about Jesus?

Quoting what I read. Many passages deal with being judgmental. Some more direct, others more subtle.

Matthew 7
Luke 6
Romans 3
2 Corinthians
Ephesians 2
Romans 2
John 8

There's much more but therein lay the idea.


nowhere special
Quoting what I read. Many passages deal with being judgmental. Some more direct, others more subtle.

Matthew 7
Luke 6
Romans 3
2 Corinthians
Ephesians 2
Romans 2
John 8

There's much more but therein lay the idea.

You missed my original point. You mentioned Christians not going to church on Christmas and I was just pointing out that was one of the few times when someone who normally doesn't go to church will go. So I was saying it was more likely for them to go to church then when you seemed to imply the opposite. And when quoting the Bible context is what is important.


Well-Known Member
You missed my original point. You mentioned Christians not going to church on Christmas and I was just pointing out that was one of the few times when someone who normally doesn't go to church will go. So I was saying it was more likely for them to go to church then when you seemed to imply the opposite. And when quoting the Bible context is what is important.

Now you are moving the goalposts. Your previous post to my response in question was this.

Are you a Christian or just quoting "what you heard" about Jesus?

You questioned my sources so there they are. A few of them anyway. You made a judgmental observation of the people I know as to whether they are even christian in the first place of which I thus responded. Seems to me you are arguing from ignorance again as you know none of these people.

On Christmas Eve I work till the early to mid evening hours and on my way home I pass a number of Churches. Most are dark and empty but a couple are open holding services. On Sundays these places of worship often overflow with people and yet on such an important evening, they sit empty. As I make my way home passing countless homes, so many are adorn with festive decorations and more than a few have overflowed driveways with cars. Through the windows as I pass, it's a Norman Rockwell moment as the sight of people in celebration with one another. These people are not at the local church but I make no judgement of them not being christian. Most are on some level but yet most of the churches sit empty and dark. Now with such evidence at hand, what would you have me think?

Maybe these christians and churches follow the example of the gospel of Mark which makes no mention at all of any birth story or even of Jesus childhood. Wonder why that is?

BTW: Do you have to be a christian to read the bible? Of the many translations I own, and I own a number of them, not once at the bookstore, several were christian bookstores (one even at a church) was I ever asked if I was a christian before they gladly sold me the book. Same is true of the many other various religious texts I've bought over the years.


nowhere special
Now you are moving the goalposts. Your previous post to my response in question was this.

You questioned my sources so there they are. A few of them anyway. You made a judgmental observation of the people I know as to whether they are even christian in the first place of which I thus responded. Seems to me you are arguing from ignorance again as you know none of these people.

On Christmas Eve I work till the early to mid evening hours and on my way home I pass a number of Churches. Most are dark and empty but a couple are open holding services. On Sundays these places of worship often overflow with people and yet on such an important evening, they sit empty. As I make my way home passing countless homes, so many are adorn with festive decorations and more than a few have overflowed driveways with cars. Through the windows as I pass, it's a Norman Rockwell moment as the sight of people in celebration with one another. These people are not at the local church but I make no judgement of them not being christian. Most are on some level but yet most of the churches sit empty and dark. Now with such evidence at hand, what would you have me think?

Maybe these christians and churches follow the example of the gospel of Mark which makes no mention at all of any birth story or even of Jesus childhood. Wonder why that is?

BTW: Do you have to be a christian to read the bible? Of the many translations I own, and I own a number of them, not once at the bookstore, several were christian bookstores (one even at a church) was I ever asked if I was a christian before they gladly sold me the book. Same is true of the many other various religious texts I've bought over the years.

You are splitting what I said from my response to your original post to a later one. You just now stated you saw empty churches. I don't know why you saw that but it does indicate something you just saw driving by and not from really knowing what the reasons might be. Mark not mentioning Jesus birth is irrelevant because of what he was writing about and who he was writing to. It is great you are reading the Bible but I do believe to really understand you need to be a Christian because you need the Holy Spirit to really understand. I read the Bible when I was younger and it just didn't make sense. Now there are many things I still don't understand but many other things click and begin to make sense. As to those churches being empty, there is no legalistic requirement to go to a church but it is important to fellowship with fellow believers. A church is not the building either. It is comprised of its members.
Here is a link that explains why Mark did not write about the birth of Jesus.