

nowhere special
The missiles hitting Israel right now are the same ones Biden and Harris worked to lift UN sanctions on the first month he took office. They said it would help promote diplomacy with Iran.



Well-Known Member
Where are the hundred of billions for the Kurds? What about Tibet? Is the Founding Fathers vision of America to be the protector of every minority group on earth?

Oh right, they're the richest in US politics, IM SURE THATS JUST A COINCIDENCE LOL

So they hate us for our freedoms, not because we bomb them and supply the bombs for their enemies? I didn't know people still existed who fell for that scam

So they lived in peace with the Jews for 1000 years, when we are Israel to crush the Arabs around them, it's just coincidence the Muslim world turned against us?

They weren't ALLOWED to leave, socialist Jews that would later be a part of the Bolsheviks decided to form a socialist homeland in Palestine, in according with Marxist principles

Their determination was armed struggle against the British and Arabs, again in accordance with the Marxist revolutionary principles Zionism was founded in

I mean, not in the short term sure, but demographics are destiny, they will be outbred and replaced by the Arabs eventually unless they go full apartheid state

No, they were getting Saudi and Egypt to turn a blind eye so Israel could "final solution" the Palestinians out of their land

Only smart thing you've said, too bad you don't see the connection between that and literally EVERYTHING ELSE YOU SAID
Conspiracy theory meet Catstalking.

If it were up to me I'd relocate every.Jew in Israel to the U.S. or any other country who would take some. But until then they are there and have the right to exist. You may not have noticed but Israel is surrounded by hundreds of millions of Muslims. Israel isn't the threat to them you make them out to be. They are trying to survive.

P.S. Ask the Turks why we don't give the Kurds their own homeland. And arm the Tibetans against the Chinese? Seriously?
Ok? I could see the two countries butting heads from time to time but at the end of the day we’re strong allies for a reason.
Yes, money

It's so funny you're normally a big leftie that can see right through conservative money interest but the moment it comes to Israel and the insanely simple reason we support them you put the Ray Charles shades on
Conspiracy theory meet Catstalking.

If it were up to me I'd relocate every.Jew in Israel to the U.S. or any other country who would take some.
No thanks they can stay there

But until then they are there and have the right to exist. You may not have noticed but Israel is surrounded by hundreds of millions of Muslims. Israel isn't the threat to them you make them out to be. They are trying to survive.

P.S. Ask the Turks why we don't give the Kurds their own homeland. And arm the Tibetans against the Chinese? Seriously?
Your response doesn't address a single point I made


Well-Known Member
No thanks they can stay there

Your response doesn't address a single point I made
Because you're off the charts antisemitic. And nothing I say is going to change that. SOME Jews were part of the Bolshevik revolution. Some Jews have demonstrated hatred for other groups. As usual this gets extrapolated into ALL Jews are this or that. No sympathy for victims of the Holocaust because deep down inside you know they deserved it, huh? And as soon as they're rounded up and exterminated there will be some to focus on. Look at the demonizing Trump supporters. We're all white supremacists I hear. It never stops.
Because you're off the charts antisemitic. And nothing I say is going to change that. SOME Jews were part of the Bolshevik revolution.
Yes, the leadership but that's not what I was saying, thanks for pointing it out though

I was saying the Zionist leadership that began the immigration to Israel were mostly Bolsheviks, which is true

Some Jews have demonstrated hatred for other groups.
Yes, the leadership, all the important decisions makers as well as their most important voting blocs

"Some" lol

As usual this gets extrapolated into ALL Jews are this or that.
No I'm sure Moshe running the fried fish shop may not, but nobody cares what he thinks

No sympathy for victims of the Holocaust because deep down inside you know they deserved it, huh?
Are you projecting? Is sympathy how the USA should conduct it's foreign policy? Where's your sympathy then for illegal immigrants fleeing gang warfare?

And as soon as they're rounded up and exterminated there will be some to focus on.
Historically you're wrong, tons of groups have been exterminated and the party at fault didn't go on an extermination quest afterwards

Anyways extermination isn't what the Arabs are calling for, even the hardcore Hamas guys just want the Israelis to basically :censored2: off back to Europe or the US, or at least go back to Dhimmi status where they pay a tax to live among Muslims

Look at the demonizing Trump supporters. We're all white supremacists I hear. It never stops.
Your problem is your mind has been melted by leftist guilt so you're afraid of words that you shouldn't be


Well-Known Member
Yes, the leadership but that's not what I was saying, thanks for pointing it out though

I was saying the Zionist leadership that began the immigration to Israel were mostly Bolsheviks, which is true

Yes, the leadership, all the important decisions makers as well as their most important voting blocs

"Some" lol

No I'm sure Moshe running the fried fish shop may not, but nobody cares what he thinks

Are you projecting? Is sympathy how the USA should conduct it's foreign policy? Where's your sympathy then for illegal immigrants fleeing gang warfare?

Historically you're wrong, tons of groups have been exterminated and the party at fault didn't go on an extermination quest afterwards

Anyways extermination isn't what the Arabs are calling for, even the hardcore Hamas guys just want the Israelis to basically :censored2: off back to Europe or the US, or at least go back to Dhimmi status where they pay a tax to live among Muslims

Your problem is your mind has been melted by leftist guilt so you're afraid of words that you shouldn't be
So you're ok with the Jews being subjugated to the Muslims? No self determination for them? And you're oblivious to what the Palestinians have been calling for the last 70 or so years. The complete destruction of Israel and the killing of all Jews wherever they are found. That includes numerous attacks in Europe and in South America.

And illegal immigrants fleeing gang warfare? Where are they all from, Somalia? Funny how there have been documented arrivals from 180+ countries yet most of the populations of those countries stayed home. That fleeing gang warfare is what you Leftists use as an excuse for throwing the border wide open. And to compare some fleeing from a few places with the systematic, industrialized killing of a whole group is ridiculous.
Russian… aggression.

Do you think Russia would like to see the U.S. and Israel lose their close ties?
I think it would depend on how and why, I think Russia rather enjoys us alienating the entire Muslim world as is

But if we could mess up our relationship and still alienate the Muslims, yeah I'd bet they'd be tickled about it
So you're ok with the Jews being subjugated to the Muslims? No self determination for them?
Don't care, none of my American business, they have my sympathies

And you're oblivious to what the Palestinians have been calling for the last 70 or so years. The complete destruction of Israel and the killing of all Jews wherever they are found. That includes numerous attacks in Europe and in South America.
Don't care, none of my American business, they have my sympathies

And illegal immigrants fleeing gang warfare? Where are they all from, Somalia? Funny how there have been documented arrivals from 180+ countries yet most of the populations of those countries stayed home. That fleeing gang warfare is what
You think our foreign policy should be based on sympathy

you Leftists
This is ironic considering Israel is a left wing state, but I'm far to the right of you or anyone else on this site

use as an excuse for throwing the border wide open. And to compare some fleeing from a few places with the systematic, industrialized killing of a whole group is ridiculous.
Please list when the Arabs systematically killed a whole group of people in an industrial fashion


Well-Known Member
Don't care, none of my American business, they have my sympathies

Don't care, none of my American business, they have my sympathies

You think our foreign policy should be based on sympathy

This is ironic considering Israel is a left wing state, but I'm far to the right of you or anyone else on this site

Please list when the Arabs systematically killed a whole group of people in an industrial fashion
I never said that sympathy should be our foreign policy. I pointed out YOU have no sympathy for the victims of the Holocaust. And apparently you think Jews rounded up from all over Europe were communists. And I was referring to comparing having no sympathy for those fleeing gang warfare, which is silly, with what the Nazis did. Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.