This is the problem with Israel. They think the enemies of Israel are hiding among women and children when in fact these women and children are also the enemies of Israel. They will never solve their problems with Hamas or any of these other Muslim terrorist organizations with a measured, limited military response. The only way is to use force to eliminate the threat.
Your right. Israel needs to round up the Palestinians, put them in camps, and then exterminate them. Men, women, and children. They can construct fake showers and when the people go into them, they simply poison gas them.
Oh wait, hasn't this been tried before with another group of people? Didn't we call that genocide?
I am being sarcastic but look at it this way. Say a group of native Americans came to your town and with the aid of a foreign government(s) took over your town but left you a little patch of land to exist on. Now remember, the native Americans owned all of your town, say, 2000 years ago. But your family has been living there for 200 and has established deep roots. Would you not fight to take back what you thought was yours? Would you be willing to live in your garage while aggressors lived in the rest of your house?
Now imagine the native Americans possessed the latest in hi-tech weaponery. You only possess crudely made inaccurate ones. Would you still use your weapons?
Nations routinely target civilian populations in order to break the will of an opponent. For example, we did so in WWII when we bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If you don't have the planes and bombs in order to cleanly bring about the desired change in your opponent, would you be willing to strap a bomb on yourself if it meant a possibly better life one day for your family? If that seems ridiculous, is there ever justification for bombing non-combatants?
My personal take on all of this: I understand the Jewish desire to have a home land after the horrors of the holocaust. And I also understand the Palestinian's fight against what they feel is an unfair taking of their land. And I deplore the killing and maiming caused by both sides in this conflict. What I do not understand is why the US has anything to with any of this. We should support neither side because to do so harms our interests more than helps. Our only interest in the Middle East should be oil, period. That is the only product that we, because of our short sighted energy policies, truly need from that part of the world. Our foreign policy should be constructed solely on the fair needs of our nation. Let other countries manage their own problems without our military and our money. Than maybe they can stop blaming us for all their problems.