Observations like this....
Is why I always read your posts.
Beside Lagoona stirring up my "attitude" I try to be
real about important issues and treat people with the respect they dispense my way.
I dont have a great (or all encompassing) overview on the big picture when it comes to "union" issues because they are complex but I know that I loathe liars and corrupt, company friendly business agents and officials.
When you've been subjected to that kind of suppression for way too many years it changes your attitude. Your patience turns into hate. I promised a high ranking official that I would give
it another chance. I did. Our members still consistently got screwed. Even though you have absolutely no idea about what's gone on here behind closed doors I have been told that you're not a fan either.
I've treated you with respect. I haven't "piled on" when you are disrespected on here and I dont play games. I'm a black and white type of person when the issues are about representation and truth.
So with that being said, I hope that someday we can all sit back and say "We fought for those who had no spine, no chance of winning, and we dragged some from the fire" that had no hope otherwise.
It's who I am, not perfect, not special, but someone who hates bullies and that's what matters in this job. Take a stand and no matter what happens, stand there.
I think it's simple. But some that are polluted through years of compromising will never get it because they like it that way.