It's crazy...


An officially retired Oregonian .
I agree. As long as you have a dependable vehicle that can get you around, then you dont need a new fancy one...

Theres one driver at our center that gets a brand new truck every few years. His last truck was a 2015 GMC denali and it was over 70k!!! Such a waste of money
I have now, and always driven used cars. I have a few now. I'm retired and have never been inside a dealership, not about to start now. By buying cars 3 or 4 years old, you avoid a lot of depreciation, not to mention higher insurance and registration rates. My wife and I have no debt and we plan to keep it that way!

El Correcto

god is dead
For your own good----save some money too (as much as you can). Don't blow all your new found wealth on toys. There will be time for that later. Unless you can REALLY afford it a brand new vehicle is the worst possible purchase you can make.
You can't put a price on happiness.:p
Also, I can afford it. I'm going to pay off half of it with a down payment 17,000 financed for 2 years. At the moment I have 0 credit so this will help build that as well. I'm also lacking reliable transportation. I'm in a clunker with 170k miles on it and a spare tire.


Retired 23 years
You can't put a price on happiness.:p
Also, I can afford it. I'm going to pay off half of it with a down payment 17,000 financed for 2 years. At the moment I have 0 credit so this will help build that as well. I'm also lacking reliable transportation. I'm in a clunker with 170k miles on it and a spare tire.

Then by all means ---go for it and welcome to the world of being in debt up to your ears and forced to punch that time clock everyday for many years. While you're at it you may as well get married, buy a NEW house and have a dozen kids.:-)

Orion inc.

I like turtles
Leasing cars is an attractive option. If you negotiate right, very little money down, very little maintenance costs and before depreciation hits, you trade in for new lease.

We both own and lease and it has really been a good experience leasing.

El Correcto

god is dead
Leasing cars is an attractive option. If you negotiate right, very little money down, very little maintenance costs and before depreciation hits, you trade in for new lease.

We both own and lease and it has really been a good experience leasing.
Leasing would be nice, I have 0 credit and no one to co sign for me. Not really an option.


Well-Known Member
There are even people on here who are retired and can't seem to move along.

I think the corporate propaganda that we are exposed to everyday along with the semi toxic work environment causes some kind of change in many people....