It's your personal logic, and that's fine It's purely opinion though. Doesn't seem as though you saw the sarcasm in my analogies that you quoted. It was all to make a point about why one might want a nice car.
Exactly my point. What's the differance in other nice things and nice cars? Nice shoes wear out. Why not just get $20 shoes? People prefer Nike's in the same way they prefer a Lexus.
Again, being sarcastic. I have a 60" in my living room and a 51" in my bedroom. It was for the purpose of argument.
I was talking UPS package cars. Many of us still don't have power steering. Of course regular cars have had power steering standard for decades.
I do indeed value your opinion. I asked for everyone's and appreciate it. This is a great debate.
Yes, there are still NEW cars available for around $12-$13K to start. Nissan Versa, ect...
Like I said earlier, I drive a Yaris. A $14K sub-compact that I bought used. It now has 150,000 trouble free miles on it. I love the car but in a few years I lookfrward to a rnice upgrade after I reach top rate.
Premium brands usually start around $30-$35K. That's all I'm talking about. I would never expect a driver to pull up in a Mercedes S-Class. I do see drivers with vehicles in the $35K area, but it's mostly trucks rather than luxury sedans.
Thats way too much of a post......for nothing a car lot and sell to UPS employees their is your future!..........good luck with that!