Dude 75k is not alot of money. If you do the 401k and buy UPS stock and also pay child support like probably 33% of drivers do there isnt much money left to buy a BMW or a Lexus. Did I forget taxes?
You need a reality check on personal finance. BIG CAR PAYMENTS ARE FOR BROKE PEOPLE.
In all fairness, going through divorce and having to pay child support changes the whole argument. In those cases, yeah, there's not much left for you. I wouldn't dispute that.
In a more common scenario, drivers pull $75K+ while also having a working spouse making a decent paycheck as well. That's a household income well above the national average.
The median household income in the US is $51K. Compared to a typical driver/spouse combo making over double that. That's good money.
Take a look around when you're driving. New cars are selling at record highs. The average transaction price is now $31K in the US. You'll notice tons of new trucks, SUV's, large cars, ect. A typical Ford Explorer, Jeep Grand Cherokee, or full-size p/u costs the same as a BMW 3-series or Lexus IS/ES. Those vehicles sell like hotcakes at IHOP. Yet, most of these everyday families aren't making over $100K.
Anyway, I don't need a reality check. I have a mortgage. I have a car payment. I have a baby. And every expense associated with all those things. I know how fast money goes. And I'm only half way to top rate.
It's good that most UPSer's seem really good at saving and preparing for retirement - that's great. God knows most people don't. In fact, the majority of Americans have NOTHING saved for retirement. But hopefully you guys are enjoying the better part of your lives, at least a little. A million dollars banked when you're dead doesn't do much for ya.