

golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Weekly jobless report 414,000...............they were expecting 405,000. Great prelude to the messiah's big time speech tonight.


golden ticket member
Bloomberg still pushing the "unexpectedly" nonsense.

(Bloomberg) — Claims for U.S. unemployment benefits rose last week, a sign the labor market is struggling to gain traction more than two years after the recession ended.

Jobless claims rose by 2,000 to 414,000 in the week ended Sept. 3, Labor Department figures showed today in Washington. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg News projected a drop in claims to 405,000, according to the median forecast. The number of people on unemployment benefit rolls and those receiving extended payments fell.

Companies are stepping up the pace of firings, raising the risk that consumer spending will slow further. Job growth stagnated last month and the unemployment rate was unchanged at 9.1 percent, the Labor Department reported last week. The Labor Department said there was no national effect from Hurricane Irene.


Strength through joy
Let's see he is willing to cut my pay check taxes, just more money to stuff under my mattress . So how is that going to create jobs ?


Well-Known Member
Let's see he is willing to cut my pay check taxes, just more money to stuff under my mattress . So how is that going to create jobs ?

$4K tax credit for businesses who hire a new employee who has been unemployed for an extended period of time. Reduction of payroll taxes. Credit for investments in improving their businesses.


Strength through joy
wkmac, you just can't post anything with real numbers, are you trying to make the kool-aid drinkers heads explode ?

What ever the messiah and his minions say is the real word.
So what if the messiah never took an economic class , according to everyone around him he is ALWAYS the smartest guy in the room. Thus his followers are devoted to every word he speaks as their truth.


golden ticket member
The least you could've done was go to a UPS Store and have it bound nicely. Did Biden do the binding in summer camp craft class ??


golden ticket member
With Obama speaking in Ohio with the "pass this bill" chant over & over, it makes me very wary of why he wants it passed so fast.

I heard Axelrod saying this bill was not an 'ala carte menu' and must be passed as it stands !!

"Oh mommy, you don't have to read it, just sign's OK. " Well, it's not OK. It needs to be picked apart and examined before it can be approved. This is not a dictatorship......


Strength through joy
He wants the federal gov't to build and maintain schools.
If that is true then why do I pay property taxes ?
You know , property taxes that support local gov't and the schools.
But didn't his stimulus bill already included funds for up grading schools ?


Für Meno :)
New Buy American provisions in Obama's jobs act, much to Canadian dismay

By Lee-Anne Goodman, The Canadian Press | The Canadian Press – 48 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Call it Buy American, The Sequel.

U.S. President Barack Obama's proposed new $447 billion American Jobs Act is aimed at creating much-needed jobs in the United States, but it's also reigniting trade tensions between the country and Canada, its biggest trading partner.

The act, released in full by the White House this week, contains yet another protectionist Buy American provision of the type that strained the Canada-U.S. relationship for much of 2009.


Strength through joy