

golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
Why would he want to create new jobs? Look at how many jobs UPS provides for this country and read some of the post on here. You people celebrate being bad employees. Creating new jobs would just lead to more bad employees taking advantage of a union/company. Most of the people out of work, DON'T want to work.


Strength through joy
(The Hill) — President Obama’s American Jobs Act, which he presented to Congress on Monday, would make it illegal for employers to run advertisements saying that they will not consider unemployed workers, or to refuse to consider or hire people because they are unemployed.
The proposed language is found in a section of the bill titled “Prohibition of Discrimination in Employment on the Basis of an Individual’s Status as Unemployed.”
That section would also make it illegal for employers to request that employment agencies take into account a person’s unemployed status.

It would also allow aggrieved job-seekers to seek damages if they have been discriminated against.
This provision in particular prompted Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) to argue that Obama’s proposal is aimed at creating a new, special class of people who can sue companies.

“So if you’re unemployed, and you go to apply for a job and you’re not hired for that job, see a lawyer,” Gohmert said on the House floor.
“You might be able to file a claim because you got discriminated against because you’re unemployed.”

He said this provision would only discourage companies from interviewing unemployed candidates, and would “help trial lawyers who are not having enough work,” since there are about 14 million unemployed Americans.
Under the bill, companies saying they will not consider unemployed candidates could face a court order enjoining them from this practice, a fine of up to $1,000 per day or “reasonable attorney’s fees.”
Other violations could lead to damages as high as $5,000.

Finally a jobs bill just for lawyers.
Well at least it's some progress.



golden ticket member
Obama Instructs Media To Help Him Pass Jobs Bill: “I Want You Guys To Pump This Up”…
And like good lapdogs they will obey their master’s commands.
(Politico) — President Obama made a “surprise” appearance at a question-and-answer session at the White House Monday afternoon to promote his jobs package.

“I want you guys to pump this up,” Obama told the audience after taking a few questions about the American Jobs Act, which was sent to Congress on Monday. “No, look, we are in a critical juncture here. I’ve been fighting for two-and-a-half years to get through this economic storm, and we have stabilized … but the unemployment rate is still too high, and too many people are still hurting.”

Obama predicted “enormous resistance” to his proposal and urged Americans to push lawmakers to pass the bill so that “Congress gets it done, or if Congress doesn’t get it done, people know exactly what’s holding it up.”

According to the White House, guests at the panel included members of black news organizations including News One, Hello Beautiful, Black Planet, The Urban Daily and Grio. Administration officials at the event included Melody Barnes, Shaun Donovan, Valerie Jarrett, Marie Johns, Ron Kirk and Gene Sperling.


Für Meno :)
More, you must be embarrassed everyday, too, as your neighbors see your Mini , (not made in USA), parked outside your house !

Gee, doesn't the president drive in a Ford Lincoln Limo, too, as Bush did ? Made in Canada, too !


golden ticket member
Listen, Special Klein..........I'm not the president and I'm not out there saying I'm dedicated to Americans getting jobs........he is (That's the difference)
I'm a private citizen and I can purchase any car I want.

As far as my neighbors? The hell with them. They drive lexus, honda, mitzubitchy, scion, mercedes, . We can drive whatever we want. I frankly don't give a damn what my neighbors may think...........I please only me & mine.


golden ticket member
The best incentive would be reducing the time back to 26 weeks and making them work for their unemployment clean parks, cut grass snow removal, etc.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Obama Instructs Media To Help Him Pass Jobs Bill: “I Want You Guys To Pump This Up”…

The Kool-aid drinkers and the idiots that like more smoke blown up their :censored2: can go to the MSM for all the pumping they need. The Messiah did not have to ask his lapdogs to do this for him because they already do but i guess he wants them to really sugar coat it. LOL


Für Meno :)
As now, republicans now only want to do cuts.
Our city and our province did exactly the opposite and are building new roads, bridges, new downtown bulidings (including Museum and Hockey arena), because now it's the cheapest time to build.
Hasn't been cheaper in over a decade to build.

In Boom times, construction gets very expensive, because builders and construction firms can ask for more.

Right now is the best and cheapest time to invest in infrastructure, but not according to the GOP.
Saving is on the agenda, and keeping people unemployed.

I do agree spending has it's limits, but when you get the best deals for something you need, and keep the economy going at the same time, and getting people employed that pay taxes - now it's the best time.


golden ticket member
As now, republicans now only want to do cuts.
Our city and our province did exactly the opposite and are building new roads, bridges, new downtown bulidings (including Museum and Hockey arena), because now it's the cheapest time to build.
Hasn't been cheaper in over a decade to build.

In Boom times, construction gets very expensive, because builders and construction firms can ask for more.

Right now is the best and cheapest time to invest in infrastructure, but not according to the GOP.
Saving is on the agenda, and keeping people unemployed.

I do agree spending has it's limits, but when you get the best deals for something you need, and keep the economy going at the same time, and getting people employed that pay taxes - now it's the best time.

Yeah, your town is perfect, we already know!


golden ticket member
Klein, if you didn't have 2 loonies to rub together and you owed $20,000 in student loans...................just how would you invest???? You have nothing, remember? That's where the country is only on a much bigger scale.

There is money going out the door for non essential the study of shrimp on the treadmill......gazillions in waste. Money to foreign countries who hate our guts. That needs to be STOPPED!! You don't tax people and use the money and throw it after the bad money . Somebody has to be strong enough to draw a line in the sand, put their foot down and quit the stupid spending. We already have the's just sent out on stupid ass stuff.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Klein, if you didn't have 2 loonies to rub together and you owed $20,000 in student loans...................just how would you invest???? You have nothing, remember? That's where the country is only on a much bigger scale.

There is money going out the door for non essential the study of shrimp on the treadmill......gazillions in waste. Money to foreign countries who hate our guts. That needs to be STOPPED!! You don't tax people and use the money and throw it after the bad money . Somebody has to be strong enough to draw a line in the sand, put their foot down and quit the stupid spending. We already have the's just sent out on stupid ass stuff.

Talking to a Canadian brick wall wont get you anywhere...but he does have some Weiners he can sell you. :wink2:


Für Meno :)
Then please stop about government not creating jobs.
You tell me how they can do it with out spending money !

Bachmann wants Zero corporate taxes, - that costs money !

Lucy and Moreluck have the solution, it's stop spending, stop creating government contracts, and jobs will follow ...... down the drain....


golden ticket member
Try removing some of the 4000 regulations that tie the hands of employers and price them out of the American market................for starters!


Strength through joy
nklein you must try to understand , bhos is just saying the same things over & over.
First GWB did a small stimulus and nothing happened, the bhos tried a larger stimulus which included $$ for school upgrades, highway construction, and as he called it "shovel ready " jobs. And again nothing really happened unless you wish to acknowledge those 1,100 green jobs created with a $535 Million loan which he skipped over proper procedures to push through. But now 1 year later , the monies gone and 1,100 jobs are lost. They were aware before breaking ground that China had a better and cheaper way to produce the same product.

Today he is still trying to tell the people the same old tune.
And nobody likes being fooled again.
Then please stop about government not creating jobs.
You tell me how they can do it with out spending money !

Bachmann wants Zero corporate taxes, - that costs money !

Lucy and Moreluck have the solution, it's stop spending, stop creating government contracts, and jobs will follow ...... down the drain....

The government really shouldn't be creating jobs, but creating an atmosphere friendly to job creation by private concerns. Government jobs, while the employee does make a wage and in turn spends that money does help the economy BUT, when only public jobs are being created (by the government) it also creates a black hole that swallows up the economic increase to never be seen again. When the government creates a $60k per year job @ the cost of $ 500k, there is only one winner and that is the individual that landed that job. When a private company creates a $60 per year job, there are multiple winners, including the government. I really doubt there can be a scenario where the economy can recoup the $500K spent to create a $60k job.

Moreluck is correct that the massive regulations imposed (regardless of who imposed them) is strangling job creation.

Oh and cutting back on the spending is only part of the equation.