

Strength through joy
Why don't you use your smart yahoo and search how many people get killed in Cancun or Puerto Vallarta compared to San Diego ?

side note on this casino fire;
Kin of Cop Detained in Deadly Mexico Massacre Killed

Gunmen Kill Kin of Cop Detained in Deadly Mexico Casino Fire

MONTERREY, Mexico – Three relatives of a police officer arrested for his alleged role in a deadly arson attack last month on a casino in this northern Mexican industrial city were slain by suspected cartel gunmen, officials said.
The father, mother and step-brother of Nuevo Leon state police officer Miguel Angel Barraza Escamilla were shot dead in an “act of revenge by the Los Zetas group,” the security spokesman for that northeastern state, Jorge Domene Zambrano, said at a press conference Thursday.


Strength through joy
Now back to the main topic.

(The Washington Times) — Dismal new poll numbers for President Obama in Virginia and North Carolina underscore a growing danger to his 2012 re-election hopes — his job-approval ratings have dropped below 50 percent in all of the key states that he “flipped” from the Republicans in 2008.
Mr. Obama was able to win three years ago mainly because he captured nine states that had gone for Republican George W. Bush in 2004: Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia, Indiana, Colorado, Iowa, New Mexico and Nevada. Combined, those states will account for 112 electoral votes in 2012.
But with just over a year until the next election, Mr. Obama’s rating has fallen below 50 percent in every one of those states — always a warning sign for an incumbent. In only one state, Iowa, is his approval rating, 48 percent, higher than his disapproval rating, 45 percent.
“The country’s off on the wrong track, and you pay a price for that when you’re in charge,” said Glen Bolger, a partner at the Republican polling firm Public Opinion Strategies in Alexandria. “It’s all about the economy. He’s not getting the job done in the eyes of the voters.”


Strength through joy
bhos is going around saying that 1.9M jobs will be created.
I don't believe him , he is just repeating stuff like he did for obamacare making promises on a bill he never read.
It has been proven for every gov't produced job the private sector loses 2.2 jobs.
So using those numbers 4.18M current job holders will disappear.


Für Meno :)
50 Million Americans now without healthcare insurance.

I wonder if even those hardcore republicans that are effected and without health insurance will sacrafice and vote against Obamacare that would kick in by 2014.


Strength through joy
'(A) most young people don't care about coverage.
(B) a majority can't afford it , even with state sponsored plans available.
(C) Mass has Romneycare, which states if you make to little to get private care ,but to too much to join Mass Health then you will be fined and possibly jailed for it.
(D) also under Romneycare only companies with over 10 employees must join.
(E) Muslims do not believe in any type of insurance .
(friend) some religions strictly forbid it.

So we subtract all those people from 50M which would equal only a handful of under covered folks.


Für Meno :)
'(A) most young people don't care about coverage.
(B) a majority can't afford it , even with state sponsored plans available.
(C) Mass has Romneycare, which states if you make to little to get private care ,but to too much to join Mass Health then you will be fined and possibly jailed for it.
(D) also under Romneycare only companies with over 10 employees must join.
(E) Muslims do not believe in any type of insurance .
(friend) some religions strictly forbid it.

So we subtract all those people from 50M which would equal only a handful of under covered folks.

Baba, just where do you get your info from ?
Your telling us Muslims don't drive , nor own business because they don't believe in insurance ?
Indonesia has the highest muslim population on earth, and of course, like most every country, they have national healthcare.
You just love to throw every race or religion into 1 huge basket, and you're totally wrong doing so !

And I don't know of any religion that forbids healthcare !


Für Meno :)

And thats the problem, "You dont know"...

ok, I was wrong, you and Baba are right ! Only a handful of people in the US are not insured that wished they were.
Hope that is better and more truthful !

That "truth" sure fits the repulicans, tea partiers, and fox news agenda, anyways.
And makes the both of you feel better, too.

What a nonsense 50 Million uninsured, because most don't want it, anyways.
You should give up yours, too !


golden ticket member
50 Million Americans now without healthcare insurance.

I wonder if even those hardcore republicans that are effected and without health insurance will sacrafice and vote against Obamacare that would kick in by 2014.

Obamacare is already passed....what voting against are you referring to ?


golden ticket member
50 Million Americans now without healthcare insurance.

I wonder if even those hardcore republicans that are effected and without health insurance will sacrafice and vote against Obamacare that would kick in by 2014.
All Canadians are without "adequate" healthcare.......maybe you all should be the worried ones!!


golden ticket member
Baba, just where do you get your info from ?
Your telling us Muslims don't drive , nor own business because they don't believe in insurance ?
Indonesia has the highest muslim population on earth, and of course, like most every country, they have national healthcare.
You just love to throw every race or religion into 1 huge basket, and you're totally wrong doing so !

And I don't know of any religion that forbids healthcare !
What about those religions that refused chemo for their cancer kid??


golden ticket member
ok, I was wrong, you and Baba are right ! Only a handful of people in the US are not insured that wished they were.
Hope that is better and more truthful !

That "truth" sure fits the repulicans, tea partiers, and fox news agenda, anyways.
And makes the both of you feel better, too.

What a nonsense 50 Million uninsured, because most don't want it, anyways.
You should give up yours, too !
That's why, when it comes to healthcare, the focus needs to be on those few that don't have it....not 100% of Americans!!


Well-Known Member
All Canadians are without "adequate" healthcare.......maybe you all should be the worried ones!!

Many of the 'have nots want not!!

0 for 2 on those two answers.

There is nothing inadequate about the level of Canadian healthcare--it is only in those instances where you may need immediate care that there may be issues. This is why most Canadian pro athletes seek medical care in the States.

Many of the "have nots' don't have the luxury of having a choice.


golden ticket member
0 for 2 on those two answers.

There is nothing inadequate about the level of Canadian healthcare--it is only in those instances where you may need immediate care that there may be issues. This is why most Canadian pro athletes seek medical care in the States.

Many of the "have nots' don't have the luxury of having a choice.
Too many times I've read where people wait & wait for cat scans or other tests and the cancer grows while they wait. That's inadequate in my book.


Für Meno :)

In May 2011, we also looked at whether or not Canada and its peers are getting what they pay for when it comes to health care.- Read more and watch video.

Anyways, out of 16 countries, Japan finishes 1st with an "A", Canada 10th with a "B", USA dead last 16th, with a "D" performance.
Last edited:


Strength through joy
klein ever hear of a group called The First Church of the Christian Science .
They believe in the words of GOD and that all healing will come from his words.