
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Case and point: This from mccormicks own printed plan. Isnt this what Obama is currently trying and saying? Its wrong for Obama but GREAT for McCormick?

Give us a break.

Investment in America’s Infrastructure
Bridges, highways, ports, airports, railroads, national parks, energy grids, and border security need additional investment monies beyond the budgeted expenditures. Additional sources of revenues can possibly come from private-public partnerships, from future surpluses in federal budgets, and from additional revenue from new energy leases and royalties on federal lands and waters.


golden ticket member
Good thing the kids will have jobs because the parents don't !!

(ABC News) — President Obama will continue his campaign to bypass Congressional opposition to his jobs agenda Thursday by announcing a new partnership aimed at helping a quarter of a million young people find summer jobs.

The initiative, part of Obama’s “We Can’t Wait” campaign, is intended to replace a youth jobs fund that would have been enacted had Congress passed the president’s $447 billion jobs bill.

“America’s young people face record unemployment, and we need to do everything we can to make sure they’ve got the opportunity to earn the skills and a work ethic that come with a job. It’s important for their future, and for America’s.

That’s why I proposed a summer jobs program for youth in the American Jobs Act — a plan that Congress failed to pass. America’s youth can’t wait for Congress to act. This is an all-hands-on-deck moment,” Obama said in a written st


golden ticket member
110,000 unpaid jobs....what's the point????

Obama’s Executive Order Youth Jobs Plan Includes 110,000 Unpaid Positions, Will Cost U.S. Taxpayers $1.5 Billion…

No wonder he had to circumvent Congress to enact this disaster.
(The Hill) — President Obama on Thursday will unveil a summer-jobs initiative that the White House says is already on track to create 180,000 “work opportunities” in the private sector in 2012.

That is the number of opportunities, which includes mentoring and unpaid internships, that companies have told the administration they are willing to create. Some 70,000 jobs are paid, the White House says.

The initiative was hatched after Congress failed to approve a $1.5 billion summer-jobs fund that President Obama had been seeking as part of the American Jobs Act.

“Today’s announcement is the latest in a series of executive actions the Obama administration is taking to strengthen the economy and move the country forward because we can’t wait for Congress to act,” a White House statement reads.

Labor Secretary Hilda Solis said the “opportunities” are all new and were not jobs that would have existed anyway.


Well-Known Member
This is what Brown Can Do For You:

UPS, the global leader in logistics, is continuing its commitment to summer jobs and will offer 1,500 employment opportunities to youth across the country in 2012. Most opportunities qualify for employment benefits and UPS’ educational assistance program which can pay up to $3,000 a year for educational benefits.


Für Meno :)
Well smart, conservative Moreluck, I`ll ask you these 2 questions. :

1) If it was up to you, would you rather see the 60+ age people unemployed or those under 25 ?
2) Do you believe it's better if the youth can't find work until they age into their mid 20's ?


golden ticket member
No one will be fighting for jobs that pay no money!!! So, 110,000 unpaid jobs helps no one but'll skew the unemployment rate.

There doesn't have to be any choice.......there'd be jobs for everyone if the country was run right!
No one will be fighting for jobs that pay no money!!! So, 110,000 unpaid jobs helps no one but'll skew the unemployment rate.

There doesn't have to be any choice.......there'd be jobs for everyone if the country was run right!
LOL and the dems were criticizing Perry's Texas jobs creating as being mostly minimum wage jobs. NO PAY is true minimum wage. LOL and the hypocrites hold zer0bama up as a hero for that.
My question is if there is 11,000 no paying jobs, what the hell is the 1.5 billion for? lol


Strength through joy
klein, you must have missed Rachel Madcow's report that those over 60 are financially better off than any other age group.
if you want to increase the number of entry level jobs available to young persons, then the solution is quite easy. Just ask all the undocumented workers to give up theirs.


golden ticket member
Don’t buy into today’s BS unemployment rate drop, the size of the U.S. workforce is at a 27-year low and the bulk of the jobs added were “courier services” related to Christmas. Lets wait a couple months to get a more accurate number.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Don’t buy into today’s BS unemployment rate drop, the size of the U.S. workforce is at a 27-year low and the bulk of the jobs added were “courier services” related to Christmas. Lets wait a couple months to get a more accurate number.

ahh, sour grapes. Love it. Dont look now More, but by november, at the current rate of growth we are experiencing, the unemployment rate will be at 8%. 2 10ths of a percent higher than when he took office.

Better stock up on kleenex more, you're gonna need em come november 2012.

You might want to find some more racially charged stuff to post on the cafe!



Für Meno :)
ahh, sour grapes. Love it. Dont look now More, but by november, at the current rate of growth we are experiencing, the unemployment rate will be at 8%. 2 10ths of a percent higher than when he took office.

Better stock up on kleenex more, you're gonna need em come november 2012.

You might want to find some more racially charged stuff to post on the cafe!


Don't you love all those dumb excuses ?
In the Fall unemployment shrunk because teachers went back to work.
Xmas because of seasonal workers.

Let me guess, in Spring because of vacation time and need replacement workers ????!!!!


golden ticket member
Look for Feb., March, April, 2012 and see the number creep up again.

Don't you think there was extra hiring during the holidays?? UPS, FDX, retail? Think about it. That's not an excuse, it's fact!

In the last 2 months, 170,000 people have just given up they go off the rolls.