Again with the smoke and mirrors.......The red lines are jobs? NO The blue lines are jobs? NO
This chart means nothing about the JOBS!!
I realize that if you are NOT told to believe something by FOXED SPEWS, you reject it. The chart is self explanatory. The red lines are AN EXACT number of jobs LOST in RED by month and year and in BLUE, the jobs GAINS from ZERO.
The facts are facts moreluck, and they may not fit your ideas that you believe, but thats what separates you from reality. You buy into the RIGHT wing idea that the country is still heading downward when in fact, it isnt.
The harder the right wing tries to TANK this country, the more its fights to go the other way.
In the chart moreluck, you must find the ZERO line. below the line in red represents the total number of jobs lost per month per year. BUSH was losing jobs near 750K every month for the last year he was in office. SHOW us where OBAMA came close to that number beyond the first 4 months he was in office? Show us where, after the stimulus spending where OBAMA came close to BUSH's employment record in 07 and 08?
If you cant, then you dont know squat about employment other than what you hear.
Looking at the chart, above ZERO in blue represents the NET jobs gain every month and year since OBAMA took office.
The trend in RED begining with BUSH shows a spiraling decline in jobs each month forcing the unemployment rate to skyrocket to 7.8% when he left office. Obama had to ride out the continued "planned" job losses through 09 and when the stimulus was passed and implemented, the jobs losses were "STUNTED".
Nobody likes job losses, but OBAMA through no fault of his own had to suffer the job losses in his first few months. Now, the picture is clear, the TREND is going in the right direction. NET JOB gains for 22 consecutive months.
It took BUSH 8 years to wipe out the economy of the United States, and to think that OBAMA could fix that in 2 years was silly at best. Going into 2012, the jobs picture is getting stronger.
With new technologies leading the way, new manufacturing sectors are being created. While corporations have no intention of bringing back manufacturing to the USA no matter what the tax rates are, its up to us consumers to STOP buying their products until they start making them in the USA. You could take corporate taxes to ZERO and they wouldnt bring a single job back to the USA.
The chart moreluck, is a direct representation of the jobs picture in the USA.
Get over it. Unemployment should get down to 8% by november, and that will be only 2 10ths of a percent higher than when he took office.
You may hate it, but its what will win Obama re election.