
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Employed Persons !! Originally, the ? was are there more people working today than when Bush left office. You can post colored bars and lines all you want, but the number of people working is less under Obama than when Bush left. More people on food stamps. You can't spin the truth monkey breath!

I like the clarity & simplicity of the curve!!

You are unbelievable. The programming in your brain is sooooooo confused. You want to hear what you want to hear. If you look at YOUR OWN CHART, you will see SOLID GROWTH FROM 2009 to 2012. THE LINE goes UP moreluck. Unlike the tail end of the BUSH administration where it is STRAIGHT DOWN!

Are you this clueless??

The TREND line STILL PROVES OBAMA has the economy GROWING! ITs the identical lines as in EVERYONE of my graphs only smaller.

Dont be so dense, or is that something we cant fix?

That large hump is the false economy of the BUSH administration, but notice when it blew up in ALL our faces it goes straight down UNTIL OBAMA takes office and it heads upwards once again.




golden ticket member
I'm not the dense one.......are there less people employed now than when Bush left office?............................Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. No way to get around that fact. Twist all you want Chubby. It won't work.

No one mentioned trends. No one said anything about improvement. I show you 2+2=4 and you're trying to spin it that it =6.

For the final time.....How many people were employed when Bush left? How many people are employed now? Which number is larger? Simple enough for you?

Next you'll be telling me that gas prices are down since Obama took over. NOT!!


golden ticket member
"In contrast, under President Obama’s administration, the private sector has still lost a net 2.91 million private sector jobs. "

"For every job that the private sector created under George W. Bush, the private sector eliminated ~21 jobs under Barack Obama. While the private sector job outlook has improved recently, the economy still must create 2.91 million private sector jobs to break even."

Bush vs. Obama: Unemployment (May 2011 Jobs Data) | Reflections of a Rational Republican

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
For the final time.....How many people were employed when Bush left? How many people are employed now? Which number is larger?

Again, why do you make this tough on me? I cant say what I want or ill get banned, so i have to yell at my keyboard instead.

You asked this ridiculous question "How many people were employed when Bush left? How many people are employed now? Which number is larger?"

Well, when bush left office (like you asked) there were approximately 129 million working according to your OWN CHART. As of today OBAMA is near 131 million.

I think EVEN YOU can figure out that OBAMA has a larger number according to your OWN CHART.

Thats why I ask if you are that dense. Its clear you want to hear what you want to hear, and maybe your just not bright enough to know the difference between numbers? All you hear is misinformation from your source of brainwashing and you run with it. You post a chart that clearly, and definitively proves what I am saying, and yet, you want to claim otherwise.

Then you back up your nonsense with a ridiculous question that makes you look foolish.

Obama has created over 1.5 million jobs since taking office in the midst of the largest decline in jobs in recent history.

I know you dont like it, and youll have to face that you will have a black president for 4 more years, but youll get over it.

He's black, get over it.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I'm not the dense one.......are there less people employed now than when Bush left office?............................Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. No way to get around that fact. Twist all you want Chubby. It won't work.

No one mentioned trends. No one said anything about improvement. I show you 2+2=4 and you're trying to spin it that it =6.

For the final time.....How many people were employed when Bush left? How many people are employed now? Which number is larger? Simple enough for you?

Next you'll be telling me that gas prices are down since Obama took over. NOT!!

The largest loss of jobs and labor force occured in 2008 during the bush administration. In YOUR OWN article, it says BUSH lost 3.78 million jobs in 2008 alone! That represents the largest drop in the labor workforce in history.

That has nothing to do with OBAMA.

You can say it does, but it doesnt and your OWN charts prove it.

Study the article again.



golden ticket member
You are swimming all around the original statement..................I quit. You can't handle the truth without spinning it, trending it , trying to improve it, dunking it, or whatever you are trying to do. Numbers don't lie but you do.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You are swimming all around the original statement..................I quit. You can't handle the truth without spinning it, trending it , trying to improve it, dunking it, or whatever you are trying to do. Numbers don't lie but you do.

You are correct, the numbers dont lie, but your sources of information do. I wont say you LIE, because I and the E4 know you only repeat what you are told.

I have proved to you everything i said, and then was able to prove it using your own data. The only spin is between your ears.



Strength through joy
[h=2]Fun Fact of The Day: Current 8.5% Unemployment Rate Is What Obama Predicted It Would Be If Congress Did Not Pass His Gargantuan $825 Billion Stimulus Bill…[/h]
( – The 8.5 percent unemployment rate announced on Friday is in line with the rate the Obama administration forecast if the $825-billion stimulus package did not pass – it was signed into law in February 2009 and, besides funding myriad government projects and more public employees, was supposed to keep unemployment below 8 percent.
Without the stimulus, unemployment was projected to rise to 8.8 percent by the fourth quarter of 2010, according to a report by Christina Romer, then the chairwoman of the Council of Economic Advisors, and Jared Bernstein, then the chief economist for Vice President Joe Biden.
“In the absence of stimulus, the economy could lose another 3 to 4 million more [jobs],” said the January 2009 report by the Obama administration. “Thus, we are working to counter a potential total job loss of at least 5 million. As Figure 1 shows, even with the large prototypical package, the unemployment rate in 2010 Q4 is predicted to be approximately 7.0%, which is well below the approximately 8.8% that would result in the absence of a plan.”


Strength through joy
Jobless rates for young and female vets climbed in late 2011

Growing numbers of young and female veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan remain jobless despite an overall decline in unemployment and an infusion of new federal programs aimed at providing them jobs.
One out of three veterans ages 18 to 24 were without work the last quarter of 2011, double the rate of civilian peers, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. One in five young veterans were without work in the last quarter of 2010.

Nearly 22 percent of female veterans - or an estimated 50,00 women - who served during both wars were unemployed in December, according to the data. The jobless rates for Iraq and Afghanistan female veterans in the first through fourth quarters last year were 9.8 percent, 8.6 percent, 11.3 percent and 16.8 percent, respectively.
"In November and December these (unemployment figures) really shot up," says Adriana Kugler, chief economist for the Department of Labor. "Certainly something happened."

Jobless rates for young and female vets climbed in late 2011 - Veterans - Stripes

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Jobless rates for young and female vets climbed in late 2011

Growing numbers of young and female veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan remain jobless despite an overall decline in unemployment and an infusion of new federal programs aimed at providing them jobs.
One out of three veterans ages 18 to 24 were without work the last quarter of 2011, double the rate of civilian peers, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. One in five young veterans were without work in the last quarter of 2010.

Nearly 22 percent of female veterans - or an estimated 50,00 women - who served during both wars were unemployed in December, according to the data. The jobless rates for Iraq and Afghanistan female veterans in the first through fourth quarters last year were 9.8 percent, 8.6 percent, 11.3 percent and 16.8 percent, respectively.
"In November and December these (unemployment figures) really shot up," says Adriana Kugler, chief economist for the Department of Labor. "Certainly something happened."

Jobless rates for young and female vets climbed in late 2011 - Veterans - Stripes

What is your point about this article??

Werent you part of the group that supported both wars even when the E4 talked about this very thing back in 03,04,05,06,07,08,09??

This happens every time there is a war, and in this case, two wars.

It happened to Jimmy Carter and its happening to Barack Obama. When you take part time soldiers away from their day jobs and send them on tours 4 or 5 times, their employers dont have to hold their jobs anymore.

Once that happens, they are unemployed. The bush administration has used the national guard tour after tour until most were let go by their employers and they came back to the unemployment line. Once there, employers wouldnt hire ex soldiers because of the problems associated with returning vets.

PTSD and other behavioral problems plague todays soldiers returning from Iraq/Afghanistan and employers want no part of that.

It is NO surprise the unemployment rate of soldiers is high, it was predicted years ago. Maybe now you can understand why war isnt good for the economy or labor force?



golden ticket member
Monday, January 9, 2012 @ 9:40 am | Fun Fact of The Day: Current 8.5% Unemployment Rate Is What Obama Predicted It Would Be If Congress Did Not Pass His Gargantuan $825 Billion Stimulus Bill…

Never mind the fact that six million people left the work force since Obama took office, artificially lowering the unemployment rate.
( – The 8.5 percent unemployment rate announced on Friday is in line with the rate the Obama administration forecast if the $825-billion stimulus package did not pass – it was signed into law in February 2009 and, besides funding myriad government projects and more public employees, was supposed to keep unemployment below 8 percent.

Without the stimulus, unemployment was projected to rise to 8.8 percent by the fourth quarter of 2010, according to a report by Christina Romer, then the chairwoman of the Council of Economic Advisors, and Jared Bernstein, then the chief economist for Vice President Joe Biden.

“In the absence of stimulus, the economy could lose another 3 to 4 million more [jobs],” said the January 2009 report by the Obama administration. “Thus, we are working to counter a potential total job loss of at least 5 million. As Figure 1 shows, even with the large prototypical package, the unemployment rate in 2010Q4 is predicted to be approximately 7.0%, which is well below the approximately 8.8% that would result in the absence of a plan.”

The 8.5 percent is the lowest rate since February 2009, when President Barack Obama took office in January with a 7.8 percent unemployment rate. However, the unemployment rate has steadily risen since the president was in office.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Monday, January 9, 2012 @ 9:40 am | Fun Fact of The Day: Current 8.5% Unemployment Rate Is What Obama Predicted It Would Be If Congress Did Not Pass His Gargantuan $825 Billion Stimulus Bill…

Never mind the fact that six million people left the work force since Obama took office, artificially lowering the unemployment rate.
( – The 8.5 percent unemployment rate announced on Friday is in line with the rate the Obama administration forecast if the $825-billion stimulus package did not pass – it was signed into law in February 2009 and, besides funding myriad government projects and more public employees, was supposed to keep unemployment below 8 percent.

Without the stimulus, unemployment was projected to rise to 8.8 percent by the fourth quarter of 2010, according to a report by Christina Romer, then the chairwoman of the Council of Economic Advisors, and Jared Bernstein, then the chief economist for Vice President Joe Biden.

“In the absence of stimulus, the economy could lose another 3 to 4 million more [jobs],” said the January 2009 report by the Obama administration. “Thus, we are working to counter a potential total job loss of at least 5 million. As Figure 1 shows, even with the large prototypical package, the unemployment rate in 2010Q4 is predicted to be approximately 7.0%, which is well below the approximately 8.8% that would result in the absence of a plan.”

The 8.5 percent is the lowest rate since February 2009, when President Barack Obama took office in January with a 7.8 percent unemployment rate. However, the unemployment rate has steadily risen since the president was in office.

The enormous amount of BOGUS sources you cite on this board is nauseating at best. Lets look at what your article says, and then lets ask if it contradicts itself.

First line of the story starts with an OPINION by the writer "Never mind the fact that six million people left the work force since Obama took office"...

Then towards the end of the story, the writer then posts the facts "Since Obama took office, 1.7 million jobs were lost."

Well, which is it, 6 million people lost their jobs when he took office or 1.7 million??? This writer knows the truth, but he also knows that people who read this kind of crap dont finish the article or fact check the opinions contained in it.

NO matter what crap you post moreluck, it will always come out the same. The economy is improving just like President Obama said it would.

Despite your OWN chart showing the largest drop in employed americans during the BUSH administration, you continue to try and repeat others claims that it only got worse because of Obama.

Sorry My dear, but you are failing miserably.



golden ticket member
Let's not and say we did.

Read it, don't read it. I really don't care. Agree with it or don't agree with it. I don't care.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Let's not and say we did.

Read it, don't read it. I really don't care. Agree with it or don't agree with it. I don't care.

Dont forget to add "Read it, don't read it. I really don't care. Agree with it or don't agree with it. I don't care cause I dont understand it anyways"



Strength through joy
What is your point about this article??

Werent you part of the group that supported both wars even when the E4 talked about this very thing back in 03,04,05,06,07,08,09??

No, I only joined this forum in 07 and you in 08.
Plus never heard anything about E4 until 2012.