
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Nearly 1 Million Workers Vanished Under Obama

Initial jobless claims unexpectedly jumped by 24,000 last week to 399,000 as more workers lost their jobs, the Labor Department said Thursday.
At the same time, the economy continues to lose workers.

In the 30 months since the recession officially ended, nearly 1 million people have dropped out of the labor force — they aren't working, and they aren't looking — according to data from Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics.
In the past two months, the labor force shrank by 170,000.

This is virtually unprecedented in past economic recoveries, at least since the BLS has kept detailed records.
In the past nine recoveries, the labor force had climbed an average 3.5 million by this point, according to an IBD analysis of the BLS data.
The smaller labor force is just one of the problems with the current unemployment number.
The other is that the jobs being created aren't keeping pace with population growth.
Since June 2009, the economy has added 1.4 million jobs, which is below the more than 2 million needed to keep up with population growth and far below the gains experienced at the same point in the previous 10 recoveries — which saw job gains average more than 4 million.

ODDLY, your chart leaves out years 05,06,07,08 which represents the largest loss of jobs in the country since the depression, YET you believe you are showing some kind of factual chart? Your chart states that OBAMA has lost 1 million jobs since taking office, yet leaves out that in 2008 alone, BUSH lost 3.78 million jobs just before Obama took office. Wierd huh?

GIVE US A BREAK, please dont adopt morelucks style of "CUT AND WASTE".


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If you recall, I tried to say there were less folks employed now under O than under Bush.........Someone tried to spin the "facts" and it didn't work. The record doesn't lie and O is stuck running on that record now.

YOU were corrected with your own chart. YOU were OWNED by the facts, and yet, you and numbskull preach on about job losses and the workforce.

Give us abreak.



Well-Known Member

Nearly 1 Million Workers Vanished Under Obama

Initial jobless claims unexpectedly jumped by 24,000 last week to 399,000 as more workers lost their jobs, the Labor Department said Thursday.
At the same time, the economy continues to lose workers.

In the 30 months since the recession officially ended, nearly 1 million people have dropped out of the labor force — they aren't working, and they aren't looking — according to data from Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics.
In the past two months, the labor force shrank by 170,000.

This is virtually unprecedented in past economic recoveries, at least since the BLS has kept detailed records.
In the past nine recoveries, the labor force had climbed an average 3.5 million by this point, according to an IBD analysis of the BLS data.
The smaller labor force is just one of the problems with the current unemployment number.
The other is that the jobs being created aren't keeping pace with population growth.
Since June 2009, the economy has added 1.4 million jobs, which is below the more than 2 million needed to keep up with population growth and far below the gains experienced at the same point in the previous 10 recoveries — which saw job gains average more than 4 million.

What you right wingers fail to say is that corporate america is sitting on $2 TRILLION in cash and they are the ones not creating jobs. Even boehner has admitted to companies holding back. Funny, if unions and lobor would announce that we were holding back our labor, the right wing would be calling us traders and our actions treasonous. This is like a general strike only done by the capitalists!!

Also remember when bush left office we were shedding over 750,000 jobs per month!! You reactionaries blame obama for everything dont you??
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

What you right wingers fail to say is that corporate america is sitting on $2 TRILLION in cash and they are the ones not creating jobs. Even boehner has admitted to companies holding back. Funny, if unions and lobor would announce that we were holding back our labor, the right wing would be calling us traders and our actions treasonous. This is like a general strike only done by the capitalists!!

Also remember when bush left office we were shedding over 750,000 jobs per month!! You reactionaries blame obama for everything dont you??

He and Moreluck have NOTHING else to contribute to the conversation Brown.



Well-Known Member

What you right wingers fail to say is that corporate america is sitting on $2 TRILLION in cash and they are the ones not creating jobs. Even boehner has admitted to companies holding back. Funny, if unions and lobor would announce that we were holding back our labor, the right wing would be calling us traders and our actions treasonous. This is like a general strike only done by the capitalists!!

Also remember when bush left office we were shedding over 750,000 jobs per month!! You reactionaries blame obama for everything dont you??

So is a strike good or bad? You seem to be saying that a strike is good if you do it but bad if someone else is doing it? To be honest it is very difficult to follow the logic of a leftist but I'd like to try and understand.

BTW you will lose every time you try to compare the Bush jobs record to the B. O. jobs record. Just a piece of advice if you are wanting to offer support to zero you'd probably want to highlight his successes.

What I would say to your point is that if "corporate America" were sitting on two trillion in cash that would be the right of the business owners and actually not a horrible move in this climate of overtaxation and over regulation. By some accounts the President is sitting on half a trillion in campaign cash. When you put that in perspective with all "corporate America" you kinda make "corporate America" look good.


Well-Known Member
YOU were corrected with your own chart. YOU were OWNED by the facts, and yet, you and numbskull preach on about job losses and the workforce.

Give us abreak.


Why the hostility and personal attack from you when the facts do not agree with your position? Go be a good little leftist drone and try and create another fallacy.


Well-Known Member
So is a strike good or bad? You seem to be saying that a strike is good if you do it but bad if someone else is doing it? To be honest it is very difficult to follow the logic of a leftist but I'd like to try and understand.

BTW you will lose every time you try to compare the Bush jobs record to the B. O. jobs record. Just a piece of advice if you are wanting to offer support to zero you'd probably want to highlight his successes.

What I would say to your point is that if "corporate America" were sitting on two trillion in cash that would be the right of the business owners and actually not a horrible move in this climate of overtaxation and over regulation. By some accounts the President is sitting on half a trillion in campaign cash. When you put that in perspective with all "corporate America" you kinda make "corporate America" look good.

During Bush’s eight years in office -- January 2001 to January 2009 -- the nation gained a net 1.09 million jobs. Because there were gains in government jobs, the private sector actually lost 653,000 jobs during that period.

My point on capital holding back is that you reactionaries are bitching how high the unemployment still is yet your friends in corporate america are PURPOSELY denying people jobs because of their boycott, their capital strike. In this "climate of overtaxation and overregulation"?? LOL Taxes have never been lower for the rich and corporations. Both pay a lot less than they should due to special tax breaks and looopholes that they all exploit. On regulations, lol, it was cutting regs on corporations that allowed our economy to be sent over the edge. I guess to you ideologues what happened to our economy was not a learning experience: let wall street titans do WHATEVER they want to do, they are SO smart, they KNOW what to do, just keep GOVERNMENT off their backs, etc!!

Obama is sitting on half a trillion $$ in campaign cash?? $500 BILLION??? lol, now you are hyperventilating.


Well-Known Member
804- I see it must be difficult for an extreme leftist but since you made the implications could you please explain your position of how a strike is good when you do it but bad when someone else does it?

Obama is sitting on half a trillion $$ in campaign cash?? $500 BILLION??? lol, now you are hyperventilating.

My bad I wasn't thinking that you are probably one of the three people on here that think the "stimulus" plan wasn't a reelection fund.


Well-Known Member
804- I see it must be difficult for an extreme leftist but since you made the implications could you please explain your position of how a strike is good when you do it but bad when someone else does it?

My bad I wasn't thinking that you are probably one of the three people on here that think the "stimulus" plan wasn't a reelection fund.

Workers go on strike when companies violate the contract or there is no contract. For unfair labor practices. A strike in capital hurts everyone;it is why the rulers of capital have way too much power CURRENTLY.

LOL, the stimulus was a re election fund?? LOL, are you one of those nuts that also believe obama was born in kenya, is a socialist-fascist-manchurian candidate?? LOL!!

One third of that stimulus was tax cuts, another third was sent to the states to save jobs and may bills. Only one third maybe $250 billion was infrastructure and green jobs. Granted it wasnt close to what was needed to truly stimulate the weakened economy but it did work in that it saved or created 2-3 million jobs and saved the economy from going over the cliff.


Well-Known Member
Granted it wasnt close to what was needed to truly stimulate the weakened economy but it did work in that it saved or created 2-3 million jobs and saved the economy from going over the cliff.

That's a classic leftist drone.

So as far as your "strike" claim....

I think you are saying that any business or company belongs to the state but labor belongs to the worker? The implication(you seem afraid to come right out and say it) is that businesses owe jobs but workers do not owe labor. I can tell you that I would disagree with that on multiple levels but honestly you seem to have lot's of anger and be all over the place. Try and focus.


golden ticket member
. Granted it wasnt close to what was needed to truly stimulate the weakened economy but it did work in that it saved or created 2-3 million jobs and saved the economy from going over the cliff.

Then how could it possibly be that there are approx. 1.5 million jobs less, now than when Bush left office????.
You can't story your way out of FACTS!


golden ticket member

These are the number of people with jobs when Obama took office:
141.687 million.

As of December 2011:
140.790 million.

How many private sector jobs have been gained or lost since Obama took office?

Seasonally adjusted:
  • Private-sector jobs lost to "trough" (bottom of recession): 4,189,000
  • Private-sector jobs gained since "trough": 2,181,000
*(This is the number often used by Obama and the Democrats as the number of private jobs created. It is a correct number, but it is a seasonally-adjusted number. In "real" unadjusted numbers, 5,110,000 private sector jobs have been created.)
Net loss in seasonally-adjusted private-sector jobs : 2,008,000


Well-Known Member
That's a classic leftist drone.

So as far as your "strike" claim....

I think you are saying that any business or company belongs to the state but labor belongs to the worker? The implication(you seem afraid to come right out and say it) is that businesses owe jobs but workers do not owe labor. I can tell you that I would disagree with that on multiple levels but honestly you seem to have lot's of anger and be all over the place. Try and focus.

"Classic leftist drone"?? What is classic, the facts presented or your denial??

Did I say that any business belongs to the state?? Not. I am just blaming the true culprits of our high unemployment. Reactionaries like yourself want to blame the president for everything. Blame him for not pushing for a bigger stimulus. This is capitalists not doing their jobs which is to create jobs.

Focus?? You sound like some arrogant management personnel. Focus.


Well-Known Member
Then how could it possibly be that there are approx. 1.5 million jobs less, now than when Bush left office????.
You can't story your way out of FACTS!
As per CBO, between 1.4 to 3.3 million jobs were either saved or created due to the stimulus $$. That was confirmed by politifact. The reason there might be less jobs is that the recession causes the government at every level to cuts jobs: federal, state, local. The stimulus was to stop further government cuts in cops, firemen, teachers,etc. So yes it saved some jobs while states and locales still cut some. I know it doesnt sound like a great campaign slogan but :IT COULD HAVE BEEN WORSE!!


Well-Known Member

These are the number of people with jobs when Obama took office:
141.687 million.

As of December 2011:
140.790 million.

How many private sector jobs have been gained or lost since Obama took office?

Seasonally adjusted:
  • Private-sector jobs lost to "trough" (bottom of recession): 4,189,000
  • Private-sector jobs gained since "trough": 2,181,000
*(This is the number often used by Obama and the Democrats as the number of private jobs created. It is a correct number, but it is a seasonally-adjusted number. In "real" unadjusted numbers, 5,110,000 private sector jobs have been created.)
Net loss in seasonally-adjusted private-sector jobs : 2,008,000

It is true over the entire 3 yrs obama has been in there has been a net loss of private sector jobs. But blame the greedy corporations sitting on their profits not government polices for not creating jobs. Granted the govt does create lots of private sector jobs like when they spend (overspend) on weapons systems they dont need: they buy from the defense industry (private).Thes other greedy corporations have been making $$ hand over fist but instead of creating jobs they just squeeze their work force harder : JUST LOOK AT UPS!!

Again it is easy and superficial to blame obama for all of our ills but the real blame lies with those greedy corporations who refuse to hire more people.


golden ticket member
It is true over the entire 3 yrs obama has been in there has been a net loss of private sector jobs. But blame the greedy corporations sitting on their profits not government polices for not creating jobs. Granted the govt does create lots of private sector jobs like when they spend (overspend) on weapons systems they dont need: they buy from the defense industry (private).Thes other greedy corporations have been making $$ hand over fist but instead of creating jobs they just squeeze their work force harder : JUST LOOK AT UPS!!

Again it is easy and superficial to blame obama for all of our ills but the real blame lies with those greedy corporations who refuse to hire more people.
The companies sitting on their money are doing exactly what they are suppose to do when the costs of hiring (payroll tax & such) are high and the healthcare rules are still unknown and companies don't like "unsure". UPS has money and they are expanding facilities and opening up new territory.....but they've been sitting on their $$$ for a long time.

The atmosphere for the regulations must be favorable for businesses to hire. You cannot tie the rope of regulations aroung them again and again and expect them to do any hiring under those circumstances.