

Strength through joy
I AM NOT A BIG FAN OF THIS PRESIDENT, I respect him he's president, He will be creating jobs soon, that is his only way to win re-election,
If that were true , then why hasn't he approved the Keystone Pipeline ?
Canada is soon going to be sending all that nice oil to China because of his non-action.

Why not read the bill in its entirety? Unions are on CONTRACTS, contracts that are binding. A waiver is only good for a year. You whine and whine and whine, but the law doesnt take effect until 2014. Are you really this clueless?

Once again for the chance to act like you are so informed about everything. You aren't as informed as you think. The Teamsters retiree insurance did not increase this past year because they received a waiver from Pelosi and gang. If I hadn't shredded the letter I would scan and post it here,

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
That doesn't mean we can't dread the inevitable! Plus, parts of it are already in effect.

One year waivers are easily extended, just like tax cuts and other stuff.

I'm not whining because I go on Medicare soon and it'll be a big raise for me. All that runs through my mind is Obama saying....."if you like your health plan, you'll be able to keep it." I think that will turn out to be another lie and he's on record saying it 40-50 times in all those speeches he did while selling this POS.

THE POS you should concern yourself with is the GOP who would eliminate your Medicare coverage and INCREASE your out of pocket expense, yet, you will gladly vote for that.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Why such fear? I just do not get it. You jumped in with nothing as usual. Talk about weak. I asked a simple question about a simple statement made and you leftists run as fast as possible.

You are all about using terms to justify your lack of knowledge. Leftists, liberals, communists, socialists blah blah blah.... weak subsitutions for substance. You sound like a typical right wing talk radio host.

If that were true , then why hasn't he approved the Keystone Pipeline ?
Canada is soon going to be sending all that nice oil to China because of his non-action.
The Keystone Pipeline has issues that would need to be resolved before going forward. It isn't just a simple yes or no.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Once again for the chance to act like you are so informed about everything. You aren't as informed as you think. The Teamsters retiree insurance did not increase this past year because they received a waiver from Pelosi and gang. If I hadn't shredded the letter I would scan and post it here,

Then , why arent you saying thank you??


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The Keystone Pipeline has issues that would need to be resolved before going forward. It isn't just a simple yes or no.

THere are plenty of issues that dont make the foxed spews talking points on the pipeline. THose of you who say "build the pipeline whats the problem" act like there are miles and miles of unclaimed land that this pipeline can go through.

What you dont understand is that "some" peoples land will have to be "TAKEN" by eminent domain in order to make this pipeline happen. As it zig zags across the country, some folks will have to lose homes, farms, roads and businesses in order to complete this project.

Now, I will assume you supporters are all fine with someone else losing property as long as its not yours, but those people affected will disagree with you.

Think it out. Consider all the problems connected with the pipeline before you simplify the issue.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
taaaaaalllllking poinnnnnnnts

Talking points?? Its in the RYAN Budget and every GOP budget proposed so far. The sneaky part of the medicare and social security cuts the GOP place into their bills is that the CUTS and elimination doesnt happen for 20 years.

That allows them to finish their terms and earn the benefits before it cuts off.

Sneaky bastards.



golden ticket member
THE POS you should concern yourself with is the GOP who would eliminate your Medicare coverage and INCREASE your out of pocket expense, yet, you will gladly vote for that.

I actually just got my forms to fill out for medicare.......I'm picking the "cadillac" plan and I'm still going to realize the biggest raise I ever got!! So, you don't know what the hell you are talking about.


golden ticket member
The Keystone Pipeline has issues that would need to be resolved before going forward. It isn't just a simple yes or no.
Yeah, Buck would like to do a 5th EPA (redundant) study for the impact of such a project on glow worms or some other mythical creature. It probably will harm unicorns.


golden ticket member
THere are plenty of issues that dont make the foxed spews talking points on the pipeline. THose of you who say "build the pipeline whats the problem" act like there are miles and miles of unclaimed land that this pipeline can go through.

What you dont understand is that "some" peoples land will have to be "TAKEN" by eminent domain in order to make this pipeline happen. As it zig zags across the country, some folks will have to lose homes, farms, roads and businesses in order to complete this project.

Now, I will assume you supporters are all fine with someone else losing property as long as its not yours, but those people affected will disagree with you.

Think it out. Consider all the problems connected with the pipeline before you simplify the issue.

TAKEN = fair market value
THere are plenty of issues that dont make the foxed spews talking points on the pipeline. THose of you who say "build the pipeline whats the problem" act like there are miles and miles of unclaimed land that this pipeline can go through.

What you dont understand is that "some" peoples land will have to be "TAKEN" by eminent domain in order to make this pipeline happen. As it zig zags across the country, some folks will have to lose homes, farms, roads and businesses in order to complete this project.

Now, I will assume you supporters are all fine with someone else losing property as long as its not yours, but those people affected will disagree with you.

Think it out. Consider all the problems connected with the pipeline before you simplify the issue.


What???? you mean they will just take land and not compensate the owners for it??? REALLY?

What YOU don't understand is I have already talk about the unfairness of eminent domain on this very forum. So please save us all the hype coming out of your pie hole.

Believe it or not there are BIGGER issues than imminent domain(although ID is a grave concern) surrounding the Keystone Pipeline. What you can't ignore is that the pipeline would crate jobs...lots of jobs...permanent jobs.

So it appears that your assumption was wrong, making an ass out of just you.


golden ticket member
THere are plenty of issues that dont make the foxed spews talking points on the pipeline. THose of you who say "build the pipeline whats the problem" act like there are miles and miles of unclaimed land that this pipeline can go through.

What you dont understand is that "some" peoples land will have to be "TAKEN" by eminent domain in order to make this pipeline happen. As it zig zags across the country, some folks will have to lose homes, farms, roads and businesses in order to complete this project.

Now, I will assume you supporters are all fine with someone else losing property as long as its not yours, but those people affected will disagree with you.

Think it out. Consider all the problems connected with the pipeline before you simplify the issue.

Pipeline with tons of jobs for Americans................NO

Bullet train that costs gazillions and no one will ride........YES

You've become a real comic......Maher, Stewart & Colbert would be proud!


Well-Known Member
You are all about using terms to justify your lack of knowledge. Leftists, liberals, communists, socialists blah blah blah.... weak subsitutions for substance. You sound like a typical right wing talk radio host.


Since you appear to be so scared you cannot answer the original question maybe you can answer why are you extreme leftists always so bitter and angry? Is that easier for you and your little buddy?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What???? you mean they will just take land and not compensate the owners for it??? REALLY?

What YOU don't understand is I have already talk about the unfairness of eminent domain on this very forum. So please save us all the hype coming out of your pie hole.

Believe it or not there are BIGGER issues than imminent domain(although ID is a grave concern) surrounding the Keystone Pipeline. What you can't ignore is that the pipeline would crate jobs...lots of jobs...permanent jobs.

So it appears that your assumption was wrong, making an ass out of just you.

I agree that ID is the biggest hurdle yet to be jumped on the pipeline, but MORELUCK seems to think "fair market value" is something that is a terrific idea. What she doesnt acknowledge is that some persons who purchased land or property back a few years, then invested in that land will never see the value of that investment.

As land/property values slide downward, those who are forced to surrender their property under ID will LOSE MONEY. That is not fair. If you consider all the states the pipeline has to enter, think about how many pieces of personal property will have be surrendered.

There is no upside for the property owner and many will be displaced. Its always easy for others to tell others to lose their property, but I bet if morelucks retirement community needed to be raised so a shopping mall could be placed there, shed have a chitt fit for days!

If they gave her .50 cents on the dollar for her mobile home, Im sure she'd be fine with it, right?

I applaud the president for thinking this all out before a decision will be made. You guys on the other hand, just repeat the same old talking points leaving out the meat of the issue. Its not a cut a dried proposal, it has complications and those complications have to be sorted out.

I would rather see and hear what the residents and business owners say after they are told they have to surrender their property for this pipeline to be built. Lets see if there is the same enthusiam for the project.
