

Well-Known Member
"Classic leftist drone"?? What is classic, the facts presented or your denial??

Did I say that any business belongs to the state?? Not. I am just blaming the true culprits of our high unemployment. Reactionaries like yourself want to blame the president for everything. Blame him for not pushing for a bigger stimulus. This is capitalists not doing their jobs which is to create jobs.

Focus?? You sound like some arrogant management personnel. Focus.

Yes focus please. You said that it is bad when a business is on "strike" and good when a worker is on "strike". I'd still like to know why. It should be easy for you to defend or explain since you feel so strongly about your position. I'm beginning to get the feeling that was just some talking point you heard and you are not sure why you believe that.

I really do not care if you think I am arrogant just to get that out of the way but I will say that if you think I sound arrogant that I think you sound like a coward and are afraid that you cannot defend your position. I will try to assure you that I am not really that interested in you defending your position but like I stated before was just curious as to why you take that position.

Ok since you asked. What is classic? You are a classic extreme leftist. You make wild claims and when questioned you attack and change the subject. There is a term for that type of argument but I'd be getting in the weeds. You really hit all the bases and when I did not bite on your change of subject argument you claim that Obama is a hero and his plans worked and if by some miracle someone proved that they didn't work it was because his plans were not big enough. Even I will admit that caused a chuckle from me. So please, please, please focus.


Well-Known Member
It is true over the entire 3 yrs obama has been in there has been a net loss of private sector jobs. But blame the greedy corporations sitting on their profits not government polices for not creating jobs. Granted the govt does create lots of private sector jobs like when they spend (overspend) on weapons systems they dont need: they buy from the defense industry (private).Thes other greedy corporations have been making $$ hand over fist but instead of creating jobs they just squeeze their work force harder : JUST LOOK AT UPS!!

Again it is easy and superficial to blame obama for all of our ills but the real blame lies with those greedy corporations who refuse to hire more people.

This post if more proof that you are an extreme leftist drone(not an insult but you should just embrace what you are). You are trying to shift into class warfare but you never really give a valid reason why. The real question is why do you believe that government spending and the government overpaying for goods is great for the economy unless it is on the defense sector? That my friend is classic extreme leftist hypocrisy. On one hand you are saying that the government overspending on solar energy is good even though at least one of the companies they supported is out of business and many jobs were lost. On the other hand you are saying that government overspending in the defense industry is bad even though jobs seem to be thriving there. By your own admission you feel it is a responsibility of government to create jobs. I mean even you have to face it Obama is a warmonger. There can be little doubt even for the extreme leftist.


Well-Known Member
It is true over the entire 3 yrs obama has been in there has been a net loss of private sector jobs. But blame the greedy corporations sitting on their profits not government polices for not creating jobs.

I hope you take this as a friendly post. It will be hard for you guys to make your case like this. You are trying to claim that Obama created jobs and also blame companies for a net loss of jobs. That angry leftist rant thing does not go over well with middle America as they tend to see past that type of donkey poo. There is a very large block of Americans that would like to see everyone treated equally and with those people your argument fails miserably.


Well-Known Member
Yes focus please. You said that it is bad when a business is on "strike" and good when a worker is on "strike". I'd still like to know why. It should be easy for you to defend or explain since you feel so strongly about your position. I'm beginning to get the feeling that was just some talking point you heard and you are not sure why you believe that.

I really do not care if you think I am arrogant just to get that out of the way but I will say that if you think I sound arrogant that I think you sound like a coward and are afraid that you cannot defend your position. I will try to assure you that I am not really that interested in you defending your position but like I stated before was just curious as to why you take that position.

Ok since you asked. What is classic? You are a classic extreme leftist. You make wild claims and when questioned you attack and change the subject. There is a term for that type of argument but I'd be getting in the weeds. You really hit all the bases and when I did not bite on your change of subject argument you claim that Obama is a hero and his plans worked and if by some miracle someone proved that they didn't work it was because his plans were not big enough. Even I will admit that caused a chuckle from me. So please, please, please focus.

If you dont get it that is your problem. I get tired trying to explain things over and over.
I "sound" like a coward. Hmmm didnt know that you could actually hear me typing. I guess the arrogant line bugged you.

I make wild claims. LOL, Have you read some of the nonsense on some of these threads. You might not agree with what i post but "wild claims"?? Maybe you are just used to weak arguments in reply. By the way Im not a supporter of obama. I will defend the historical record of what occurred like with the stimulus ,etc. It seems libs think it was wonderful and right wingers think it was a total failure. Truth is : it helped but was not big enough. That does not make obama a hero in anyone's eyes. But do give credit where it is due. Unless you are the type that thinks he can do no right and is evil and hates this country, etc.


Well-Known Member
This post if more proof that you are an extreme leftist drone(not an insult but you should just embrace what you are). You are trying to shift into class warfare but you never really give a valid reason why. The real question is why do you believe that government spending and the government overpaying for goods is great for the economy unless it is on the defense sector? That my friend is classic extreme leftist hypocrisy. On one hand you are saying that the government overspending on solar energy is good even though at least one of the companies they supported is out of business and many jobs were lost. On the other hand you are saying that government overspending in the defense industry is bad even though jobs seem to be thriving there. By your own admission you feel it is a responsibility of government to create jobs. I mean even you have to face it Obama is a warmonger. There can be little doubt even for the extreme leftist.

"CLass warfare" !! OH dear, not that!! As though class warfare started on jan 20,2009. I have no problem with class warfare. By the way obama is no leftist. Call him what he is : a moderate corporatist. Wait now you want to talk about what a warmonger he is. "FOCUS'' now!! You reactionaries are so obsessed with obama. When I go down to the OWS occupations, the word democrat or repub or obama never come up. Our problems are beyond R's and D's , dont you get it??


Well-Known Member
I hope you take this as a friendly post. It will be hard for you guys to make your case like this. You are trying to claim that Obama created jobs and also blame companies for a net loss of jobs. That angry leftist rant thing does not go over well with middle America as they tend to see past that type of donkey poo. There is a very large block of Americans that would like to see everyone treated equally and with those people your argument fails miserably.

Like I have said before, the government can create jobs: infrastructure, defense, health care, education, energy, etc.Usually as the spender of last resort when the private sector refuses or cant spend. Obama's polices were to stimulate growth in a weakened economy, that is classic Keynesian economics, not leftist ideology ( no one is taking away the profit motive). It has been used by every administration since the 1930s to strengthen a weakened or depressed economy.

On middle america, they have no problem with government that works for them. They do not want government budding into their private lives but feel it is ok to protect them from greedy bastards that look to harm them: our food supply, the air we breath, at work, etc. . I agree we all want to see everyone treated equally. But we all want government to make sure we are all being treated equally. A true democratic government representing we the people, not just the rich and powerful, is what is wanted. But you keep arguing with that strawman you created.


golden ticket member
I remember hearing that O was making 110,000 (non-paying) jobs. WTH? If he's counting those, then he thinks America is not paying attention. We are paying attention and especially to your late Friday document dumps. We'll sift through it all.


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
If you dont get it that is your problem. I get tired trying to explain things over and over.
I "sound" like a coward. Hmmm didnt know that you could actually hear me typing. I guess the arrogant line bugged you.

I make wild claims. LOL, Have you read some of the nonsense on some of these threads. You might not agree with what i post but "wild claims"?? Maybe you are just used to weak arguments in reply. By the way Im not a supporter of obama. I will defend the historical record of what occurred like with the stimulus ,etc. It seems libs think it was wonderful and right wingers think it was a total failure. Truth is : it helped but was not big enough. That does not make obama a hero in anyone's eyes. But do give credit where it is due. Unless you are the type that thinks he can do no right and is evil and hates this country, etc.

"CLass warfare" !! OH dear, not that!! As though class warfare started on jan 20,2009. I have no problem with class warfare. By the way obama is no leftist. Call him what he is : a moderate corporatist. Wait now you want to talk about what a warmonger he is. "FOCUS'' now!! You reactionaries are so obsessed with obama. When I go down to the OWS occupations, the word democrat or repub or obama never come up. Our problems are beyond R's and D's , dont you get it??

So since you refuse to answer one simple question about your own statement I have to guess that you are either a coward, incapable, or you have no confidence in your position which is why you are constantly dodging with those goofy attacks. Which one is it?

Like I said earlier this is why you extreme leftists will have difficulty gaining mainstream support. You make wild claims not based in fact and then you refuse to back them up and resort to personal attacks. Good luck with that BTW.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So since you refuse to answer one simple question about your own statement I have to guess that you are either a coward, incapable, or you have no confidence in your position which is why you are constantly dodging with those goofy attacks. Which one is it?

Like I said earlier this is why you extreme leftists will have difficulty gaining mainstream support. You make wild claims not based in fact and then you refuse to back them up and resort to personal attacks. Good luck with that BTW.

AV8, its a dumb question. The answer you seek is the same as if I asked about extreme right wingers, like SANTORUM. Why isnt he getting the full support of the republican party? Answer: he's an extremist.

Same for liberals. The right wing has tried to paint the democrats with the same brush as all extreme leftists, and you are no different. We dont like extremists on the left, but UBERS like yourself and the other C9ers will say all democrats are leftists as if your party isnt full of extremists kooks, like Pat Buchanan.

Your OWN party is rejecting the far right extremists of your party, and settling for a liberal moderate. What does that say for YOU and the OTHERS with the same thought system?

You cry about Obama and healthcare, yet nominate a man who created the very program you hate. You hate gays and gay marriage, yet nominate a man who supports gays, then changed his mind. YOU live in fear and need guns under your pillows because you live in such fear you have to be near a gun to feel manly, yet nominate a man who imposed the strickest gun control laws in his state.

I could go on and on about Romney, but you wouldnt get it. All you know, is to throw the leftist bombs....

The extremist right wingers dont have any support in the mainstream. This country is moving away from religious zealots as leaders. Thank god.



golden ticket member
The lefties always throw the same dirty water over & over again......Obamacare & Romneycare....but they fail to mention the HUGE difference. R. Care was for the 8 or 9 % of people who had no heath coverage.

O. Care didn't address just the people without coverage, but lumped the entire country together.......................

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The lefties always throw the same dirty water over & over again......Obamacare & Romneycare....but they fail to mention the HUGE difference. R. Care was for the 8 or 9 % of people who had no heath coverage.

O. Care didn't address just the people without coverage, but lumped the entire country together.......................

Thus , the problem with understanding.



Well-Known Member
AV8, its a dumb question. The answer you seek is the same as if I asked about extreme right wingers, like SANTORUM. Why isnt he getting the full support of the republican party? Answer: he's an extremist.

Same for liberals. The right wing has tried to paint the democrats with the same brush as all extreme leftists, and you are no different. We dont like extremists on the left, but UBERS like yourself and the other C9ers will say all democrats are leftists as if your party isnt full of extremists kooks, like Pat Buchanan.

Your OWN party is rejecting the far right extremists of your party, and settling for a liberal moderate. What does that say for YOU and the OTHERS with the same thought system?

You cry about Obama and healthcare, yet nominate a man who created the very program you hate. You hate gays and gay marriage, yet nominate a man who supports gays, then changed his mind. YOU live in fear and need guns under your pillows because you live in such fear you have to be near a gun to feel manly, yet nominate a man who imposed the strickest gun control laws in his state.

I could go on and on about Romney, but you wouldnt get it. All you know, is to throw the leftist bombs....

The extremist right wingers dont have any support in the mainstream. This country is moving away from religious zealots as leaders. Thank god.


See you just proved my point. Thanks for that BTW. I knew it was only a matter of time. One drone trying to help another is very amusing.

I asked a simple question about a simple statement. Just like the other extreme leftist drone you duck and dodge and bring the personal attack. Cowardice? Possibly. Like of substance? Probably.

If it is a dumb question to ask someone to explain his statement that doesn't speak well for the original statement.


Strength through joy
The lefties always throw the same dirty water over & over again......Obamacare & Romneycare....but they fail to mention the HUGE difference. R. Care was for the 8 or 9 % of people who had no heath coverage.

O. Care didn't address just the people without coverage, but lumped the entire country together.......................

Except Congress and all those that he gave waivers too.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
See you just proved my point. Thanks for that BTW. I knew it was only a matter of time. One drone trying to help another is very amusing.

I asked a simple question about a simple statement. Just like the other extreme leftist drone you duck and dodge and bring the personal attack. Cowardice? Possibly. Like of substance? Probably.

If it is a dumb question to ask someone to explain his statement that doesn't speak well for the original statement.

WEAK attempt at an escape. But what else is new.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
That congress part really ticks me off. They pushed that bill so hard and if it was soooo good, why didn't they accept it too. And, the waivers are to all the unions.........what a sell out!


Why not read the bill in its entirety? Unions are on CONTRACTS, contracts that are binding. A waiver is only good for a year. You whine and whine and whine, but the law doesnt take effect until 2014. Are you really this clueless?



golden ticket member

Why not read the bill in its entirety? Unions are on CONTRACTS, contracts that are binding. A waiver is only good for a year. You whine and whine and whine, but the law doesnt take effect until 2014. Are you really this clueless?

That doesn't mean we can't dread the inevitable! Plus, parts of it are already in effect.

One year waivers are easily extended, just like tax cuts and other stuff.

I'm not whining because I go on Medicare soon and it'll be a big raise for me. All that runs through my mind is Obama saying....."if you like your health plan, you'll be able to keep it." I think that will turn out to be another lie and he's on record saying it 40-50 times in all those speeches he did while selling this POS.


Well-Known Member
I AM NOT A BIG FAN OF THIS PRESIDENT, I respect him he's president, He will be creating jobs soon, that is his only way to win re-election,