

golden ticket member
I agree that ID is the biggest hurdle yet to be jumped on the pipeline, but MORELUCK seems to think "fair market value" is something that is a terrific idea. What she doesnt acknowledge is that some persons who purchased land or property back a few years, then invested in that land will never see the value of that investment.

As land/property values slide downward, those who are forced to surrender their property under ID will LOSE MONEY. That is not fair. If you consider all the states the pipeline has to enter, think about how many pieces of personal property will have be surrendered.

There is no upside for the property owner and many will be displaced. Its always easy for others to tell others to lose their property, but I bet if morelucks retirement community needed to be raised so a shopping mall could be placed there, shed have a chitt fit for days!

If they gave her .50 cents on the dollar for her mobile home, Im sure she'd be fine with it, right?

I applaud the president for thinking this all out before a decision will be made. You guys on the other hand, just repeat the same old talking points leaving out the meat of the issue. Its not a cut a dried proposal, it has complications and those complications have to be sorted out.

I would rather see and hear what the residents and business owners say after they are told they have to surrender their property for this pipeline to be built. Lets see if there is the same enthusiam for the project.

Selling now and not realizing the real value of your property applies to every homeowner in America right now, not just on the pipeline route, so that's an empty argument.......The only exception in the world I can think of is Klein....his property has increased fourfold.....lucky him !!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Selling now and not realizing the real value of your property applies to every homeowner in America right now, not just on the pipeline route, so that's an empty argument.......The only exception in the world I can think of is Klein....his property has increased fourfold.....lucky him !!!

The republicans are trying to catch OBAMA in a trap. But OBAMA is smarter than that. He wants all the information about the project upto and including how many peoples personal property would be affected. Then he can get out front of that issue and "PIN" that on the republicans.

What he ISNT going to do is sign off on the project and 5 months from now watch as a parade of home owners, business owners and land owners show up on FOXED SPEWS complaining that BIG GOVERMENT came and took their homes or didnt give them enough for the value or investments they made.

The republicans thought they were slick, but OBAMA is smart enough to dodge that bullet.

The last thing he needs is to have some person on FOXED SPEWS crying about how the family farm has been in the family for generations and the big evil socialist, communist regime of President Obama is land grabbing.

Get serious.



golden ticket member
Obama is a wuss, afraid that a yes will upset the green people and a no will upset the union he puts it off. The sad fact is that with no decision, he may lose both sides because they'll see him for what he is.....a campaigner only after votes and has no interest in leading.
I agree that ID is the biggest hurdle yet to be jumped on the pipeline, but MORELUCK seems to think "fair market value" is something that is a terrific idea. What she doesnt acknowledge is that some persons who purchased land or property back a few years, then invested in that land will never see the value of that investment.

As land/property values slide downward, those who are forced to surrender their property under ID will LOSE MONEY. That is not fair. If you consider all the states the pipeline has to enter, think about how many pieces of personal property will have be surrendered.

There is no upside for the property owner and many will be displaced. Its always easy for others to tell others to lose their property, but I bet if morelucks retirement community needed to be raised so a shopping mall could be placed there, shed have a chitt fit for days!

If they gave her .50 cents on the dollar for her mobile home, Im sure she'd be fine with it, right?

I applaud the president for thinking this all out before a decision will be made. You guys on the other hand, just repeat the same old talking points leaving out the meat of the issue. Its not a cut a dried proposal, it has complications and those complications have to be sorted out.

I would rather see and hear what the residents and business owners say after they are told they have to surrender their property for this pipeline to be built. Lets see if there is the same enthusiam for the project.


Living in the area that I do, I have seen many pipe lines crisscross the state. In all that I have personally seen ranches and farms are marginally ill effected. No one losses their ranch or farm, just the use of part of it for a period of time, they then resume normal activities. As far as citizens and businesses being lost it is minimal also. I've never seen a major pipe line go through an existing community, not saying it hasn't or couldn't happen but have never seen it happen. The pipeline will not displace what is already there but in very few instances.

With all that said, I am basically not for imminent domain and believe that if ID is to be used anywhere, there should be some major changes made. Instead of ID law providing for "fair market value", maybe a "replacement value" instead.


golden ticket member
I'm guessing that looking at a pipeline would be easier on the eyes than all those windmills in West Texas. We have them on the way to Palm Springs.........sure takes away from the desert views.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I'm guessing that looking at a pipeline would be easier on the eyes than all those windmills in West Texas. We have them on the way to Palm Springs.........sure takes away from the desert views.

Ya moreluck, looking at windmills is horrifying. People would rather look at endless dirt mounds anyday.


Ya moreluck, looking at windmills is horrifying. People would rather look at endless dirt mounds anyday.


Endless dirt mounds? just goes to show how little you know, the pipe lines are UNDER GROUND. Yes there will be temporary mounds till the soil natuatlly levels out and vegetation grows. I'd bet there are pipe lines not far from where you live, you just can't see them.


Für Meno :)
Endless dirt mounds? just goes to show how little you know, the pipe lines are UNDER GROUND. Yes there will be temporary mounds till the soil natuatlly levels out and vegetation grows. I'd bet there are pipe lines not far from where you live, you just can't see them.

Are you sure about that. That`s new news to me !

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Endless dirt mounds? just goes to show how little you know, the pipe lines are UNDER GROUND. Yes there will be temporary mounds till the soil natuatlly levels out and vegetation grows. I'd bet there are pipe lines not far from where you live, you just can't see them.

Psst, trp, you missed the boat on this conversation. We are talking about a local issue to me and moreluck. Palm Springs. NOT pipelines.

Just an FYI



golden ticket member
I'd like to strangle him for dragging his feet just so he doesn't piss off certain people. That shows that he is more interested in his own re-election than having jobs for Americans.


Für Meno :)
Yup, we seen that before, to bad the really big step downwards is missing (the last 4 years of Bush), by contrary that same figure above would show Obama climbing back up the steps, if those Bush years were included !

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Again, to repeat Mr Klein, this chart is misleading as it leaves out the 4 years with the LARGEST DECLINE in the labor force since the great depression, and yet, moreluck would have us look at this chart and think that its Obamas fault.

How people read stuff like this and accept it as fact is mind boggling.



golden ticket member
Again, to repeat Mr Klein, this chart is misleading as it leaves out the 4 years with the LARGEST DECLINE in the labor force since the great depression, and yet, moreluck would have us look at this chart and think that its Obamas fault.

How people read stuff like this and accept it as fact is mind boggling.

Maybe "at comparable points in economic recoveries" means something ....ya think?


Für Meno :)
Then why is 2009 included, when all of 2009 was still a recession ? Should only be 2010 and 2011 (jobs created) !

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Then why is 2009 included, when all of 2009 was still a recession ? Should only be 2010 and 2011 (jobs created) !

She doesnt get it dude. Shes only hooked on hearing what she wants to hear to make her feel better. The 3.78 million jobs lost in 08 right before Obama took office means nothing to her. Shes been convinced not to talk about BUSH so those numbers magically disappear from reality.



Strength through joy
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