

Strength through joy
AS a customer counter clerk , I can always tell a person's education level by their signature.
Most of the younger ones like to make a large curl of the first letter of their first name and follow it by a straight line.
They have no clue on the proper way to sign.


AS a customer counter clerk , I can always tell a person's education level by their signature.
Most of the younger ones like to make a large curl of the first letter of their first name and follow it by a straight line.
They have no clue on the proper way to sign.

Im surprised they even know how to pick up a pen.


Für Meno :)
Wanna be Santa's helper ????? (New UPS job ad) !

Temporary Holiday Helper

You can be Santa's Little Helper! Description: Going to be low on cash for Christmas? Have a few free hours during the day? Can you work 3-5 hours a day? Are you bondable? Physically fit and able to ...

< 7 hours ago
  • Edmonton


Well-Known Member
Applebees CEO Zane Tankel, told Fox News on Sunday that due to Obama's re-election and the
imminent implementation of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and all the bill's associated taxes
and regulations, that a hiring freeze is coming, as well as layoffs.

Tankel said:

"We’ve calculated it will [cost] some millions of dollars across our system. So what does that
say — that says we won’t build more restaurants. We won’t hire more people. If you have 40
or 50 employees at a restaurant, and the penalty is $2,000, and you’re going to pay $80,000
or $100,000 penalty, there goes the profit in your restaurant.

I want to simply say we are looking at it, we are evaluating. If it’s possible to do without cutting
people back, I am delighted to do it, but that also rolls back expansion, it rolls back hiring
more people, and in a best-case scenario, we only shrink the labor force
minimally. Best case."



Well-Known Member
President Obama formed a jobs committee with labor and business over a year ago ---has never met with them.

Now he is having a new meeting with labor and business ???? Makes sense.


Age quod agis
What is the problem?
I am tired of everyone complaining about job loss.

You have nets to catch you when you experience badtimes.
Look at all the people on the East Coast.
The Big G is taking care of her people.
No one suffers.

Food Stamps
Public housing

And did anyone notice the defense contractors violating the notify law because of a request by the HUGE HOUSE on the Hill.
Does anyone know the legal term for what happened to the notify law which is to protect employees.
I know and you can kiss your middle class booty good-bye!

Card check can't save the middle class.

Welcome to the two class society.

I am just so glad and I will be happy to pay higher tax because the rich keep getting richer.


Age quod agis
What is the problem?
I am tired of everyone complaining about job loss.

You have nets to catch you when you experience badtimes.
Look at all the people on the East Coast.
The Big G is taking care of her people.
No one suffers.

Food Stamps
Public housing

And did anyone notice the defense contractors violating the notify law because of a request by the HUGE HOUSE on the Hill.
Does anyone know the legal term for what happened to the notify law which is to protect employees.
I know and you can kiss your middle class booty good-bye!

Card check can't save the middle class.

Welcome to the two class society.

I am just so glad and I will be happy to pay higher tax because the rich keep getting richer.


Ohio just cut food stamp benefits.


Well-Known Member
Texas Instruments to lay off 1,700
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Chipmaker Texas Instruments said Wednesday that it will lay off 1,700 workers
in an effort to shift focus away from its struggling mobile business.
The job cuts represent about 5% of TI's staff, and they are part of a previously announced restructuring
initiative aimed at cutting costs and increasing its presence in the burgeoning embedded device market.
Shares of Texas Instruments (TXN, Fortune 500) rose about 1% in afterhours trading.


Well-Known Member
A week of Wall Street layoffs
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- As protesters find new ways to "Occupy Wall Street", major financial firms have
been busy handing out pink slips this week.

It's the second week of what's expected to be a brutal season for job cuts as big banks have already announced
that there will roughly 75,000 fewer people working at their firms.

Bank of America, and JPMorgan Chase commenced new rounds of job cuts this week, following the lead
of Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse and RBS.

Most of the layoffs at Bank of America this week came from the firm's investment banking and capital
markets divisions, according to a source close to the firm.
A Bank of America spokesperson declined to comment.

In September, Bank of America announced planned cuts of 30,000 employees over the next several years.


Well-Known Member
[h=1]Job Cuts Announced At Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center
Winston-Salem, NC-- Cost-cutting at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center will cause 950
full-time positions to be eliminated by June 30, 2013, the healthcare provider announced Wednesday.

In a news release, WFBMC said about half of the layoffs will come from "vacant, temporary and
contract labor positions, as well as normal attrition and retirements." As many as
475 current employees -- about 3.5 percent of the company's workforce -- will get pink slips.

While the staff reductions won't be complete until next summer, 76 employees are being
laid off this week.



Well-Known Member
Panasonic prepares for 'garage sale', to axe 10,000 jobs

KADOMA, Japan (Reuters) - About a fifth of Panasonic Corp's <6758.T> 88 business units are losing money and
only half so far meet a target for at least 5 percent operating margin, the Japanese electronics group's
finance chief said in an interview on Wednesday.

Hideaki Kawai said the country's biggest commercial employer will axe another 10,000 jobs by end-March
as it pares its costs and looks to return to profit. Panasonic shed 36,000 jobs last business year, some through
the sale of businesses.


Well-Known Member
Xerox to lay off 2,500; local impact unclear

Xerox Corp. CEO Ursula Burns sent a signal three weeks ago that bad news was coming.

As she and other company executives announced third-quarter financial results, they also looked ahead
to the fourth quarter and said they would spend $100 million on “restructuring” — usually
corporate-speak for layoffs.

On Tuesday, Xerox provided some sketchy details of that restructuring: By the end of the year, 2,500
current employees will be former employees.

The layoffs amount to less than 2 percent of Xerox’s worldwide workforce of 146,000 people.
The impact on the Rochester area, where the company employs about 6,200, is unknown but may not be
severe because those losing their jobs will be “mainly in the services side of the buisness
,” said Karen
Arena, a spokeswoman at corporate headquarters in Norwalk, Conn.


Well-Known Member
Layoffs to start at Pierce Manufacturing in Bradenton

Pierce Manufacturing in Bradenton, a subsidiary of the manufacturer of emergency response vehicles Oshkosh, is beginning its first round of layoffs, which will eventually affect 325 workers.

The company announced earlier in 2012 that it would cut off its ambulance line, only 18 months after it moved jobs to Bradenton. The layoffs are the largest single round of such downsizings in over a decade
in the area, the Bradenton Herald said.



Well-Known Member
Carrollton-based company issues layoff warning for 459 Dallas employees

DALLAS -- Wingspan Portfolio Advisors, a Carrollton-based loan servicing company, will layoff more than
a quarter of its workforce at the end of the year.

Wingspan issued a Workers Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN) letter on Nov. 5 to the
Texas Workforce Commission informing them all 459 employees at the Dallas location will be terminated
effective December 31, 2012