

Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Your signature is stolen !!! You do not have my permsion to use it.

No, it's not stolen, it's part of the public domain. You said it in public, I just like to remind you ;).

Are you going to have a mod remove it again? Don't say something you don't want repeated. In fact, your soliciting payment for such is a violation of the TOS.


golden ticket member
No, it's not stolen, it's part of the public domain. You said it in public, I just like to remind you ;).

Are you going to have a mod remove it again? Don't say something you don't want repeated. In fact, your soliciting payment for such is a violation of the TOS.
It says "originally posted by etc."

Don't you have any original thoughts that you could use? Oh, you probably don't. Yes. I did report it!!!!! But didn't last was removed because itis just wrong.


The Nim
Reading and math challenged? It's the annualized growth of federal spending, just as the subtitle says. 2010-13 is four years, use your fingers. The budget for any President's first term is set by the prior president.

Ok, brainfart on my part. It does account 4 years for Obama. Doesn't seem to matter according to you though since the budget for Obamas first term was set by Bush.

Anyways I still want to see a source. Saying it's "annualized growth of federal spending" doesn't really tell me anything. What do the numbers represent? What is 8.7 and 1.4? Are they percentage points, millions, trillions. Without some article or data behind this to me it's just a pretty chart that doesn't tell me anything given how funny numbers get generated in government accounting.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
In my thought road runner, you are so eloquent, I feel you could make your own sig line. After reading this, I almost deleted it, but actually I agree with the comment, just me. My wish would be that you create your own, with something you feel.....Not what another poster feels. It is suppose to be a sig line that says something about YOU. Not a ramrod for vengeance against someone you disagree with. I have reported it to the other mods. I totally disagree with using anothers comment, in a sig line, without their permission. You should quote it and disagree with it, but I feel the way you are doing it is wrong. That's my 2 cents on the matter. And I do not want to discuss it. We don't have a supreme court here to decide, whether it falls in the terms of violating the TOS or not. My opinion is it is taking someones words away, and I cant spell plaguerism.


Well-Known Member
The Fed's trickle down will continue and will eventually bring down unemployment. The Fed seems to be only one who cares about jobs and the economy.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
In my thought road runner, you are so eloquent, I feel you could make your own sig line. After reading this, I almost deleted it, but actually I agree with the comment, just me. My wish would be that you create your own, with something you feel.....Not what another poster feels. It is suppose to be a sig line that says something about YOU. Not a ramrod for vengeance against someone you disagree with. I have reported it to the other mods. I totally disagree with using anothers comment, in a sig line, without their permission. You should quote it and disagree with it, but I feel the way you are doing it is wrong. That's my 2 cents on the matter. And I do not want to discuss it. We don't have a supreme court here to decide, whether it falls in the terms of violating the TOS or not. My opinion is it is taking someones words away, and I cant spell plaguerism.

Thanks, June

In my experience, sig lines can very often be a memorable quote made by another member. It serves as a reminder to always think before you speak. Please stop deleting my sig, unless you no longer allow any sigs.

We should all be equal, no matter or colour or beliefs.


golden ticket member
Can't blame sequestation either as per this quote from April 4.....

As furloughs loom, officials take up self-sacrifice. “By Thursday, the Obama administration’s stampede to embrace the politics of self-sacrifice was on. Cabinet secretaries practically tripped over themselves to hand over parts of their paycheck as federal workers brace for furloughs because of the across-the-board budget cuts known as the sequester.” Jeremy W. Peters in The New York Times.

The furloughs are just now happening...........


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
The Obama Administration tried to pass off the canard that somehow these studies, part of his ‘stimulus’ package, would create jobs. Predictable result? Zero jobs, but likely finding? Some men don’t like to wear them. There, saved you the million dollars.

Via WFB:
A University of Puerto Rico researcher received a $667,999 grant as part of President Barack Obama’s 2009 stimulus for a study on an HIV intervention programs designed for “young, heterosexual Latino couples.”
The Department of Health and Human Services wrote in a press release announcing the grant that the stimulus funds would be used “to promote economic recovery.”

However, the University of Puerto Rico study did nothing for the economy.
The project, now listed as “completed” on the Recovery Act website, created 0.00 jobs.
The study consisted of implementing different intervention programs on 75 young Latino couples.

The study is designed to test the impact of the modified intervention in: (1) increasing male condom use, (2) decreasing unsafe sex behaviors, (3) reducing the number of sexual partners; and (4) increasing mutual monogamy. The couples will be randomized to one of the following two conditions: (1) an HIV/STI risk reduction intervention; or (2) a life skills intervention, as control condition.

The Weekly Standard reported Thursday about another stimulus program to study condom use, which also created zero jobs.


Strength through joy
22.9%: The unemployment rate for Americans under age 25, adjusting for the decline in the labor force since the start of the recession.


Well-Known Member
How can you miss that Obama BOOMING economy ???

Many people today will have free education, free medical,free birth control,free abortion, free nrg assistance, free housing assisance, great food card program and they can lay in bed all day and do as they please.

More and more people have given up on finding a job --makes the government look good and we are heading for a disaster---keep printing that money !!!


Strength through joy
Seven times as many Americans gave up looking for work as found new jobs in March, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The labor force fell by 496,000 workers from the previous month’s number, helping to drag down the formal unemployment rate to 7.6 percent.
The unemployment number only includes Americans who have actively looked for jobs during the last four weeks. The unemployment rate would be 11 percent if the 11.7 million Americans who have given up looking for work since January 2009 were recognized as unemployed.
