

Well-Known Member
Gee, reviewing over 56,000 posts..... I have outside windows that need washed!!

What makes you think Roadrunner reviewed those posts? What if Roadrunner was actually here when you made those posts? Maybe at the time even responded to those posts?


golden ticket member
What makes you think Roadrunner reviewed those posts? What if Roadrunner was actually here when you made those posts? Maybe at the time even responded to those posts?
Just going by what he said......."Look at moreluck's posts going back to Katrina and further."

Maybe he thinks everyone has time to waste doing that. Like I said....the exterior windows need washed if anyone is that bored!!


Well-Known Member
:happy-very: The government reports that 200,000 Baby boomers retiring every month are putting a strain on Medicare and Social Security.

If 200,000 people are retiring --why is it so difficult to get 200,000 per month off of unemployment per month ????

Without doing anything --200,000 should be a breeze.

Still sure the "RECOVERY" is well under way ???:wink2:


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
How about raising the SS limit to $250k? How about the Republicans passing a jobs bill? How about not trying austerity and putting government workers back to work?

Why do you work so hard trying to make America fail?



golden ticket member
Gov't workers back to work???? That's funny!!!! Gov't workers stand around a lot and know nothing about hard work.
Go observe in the P.O. sometime.......or watch the workers filling a hole in the street.......4 sups. and one guy shoveling!



golden ticket member
The general population is something like 8% delinquent in their taxes. The gov't workers are 3% delinquent and they are paid by the taxpayers.
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Well-Known Member
How about raising the SS limit to $250k? How about the Republicans passing a jobs bill? How about not trying austerity and putting government workers back to work?

Why do you work so hard trying to make America fail?



Spoken like a true Liberal.

Government workers and Government Programs are FUNDED by US the taxpayors.

Instead of the thousands of Regulations to hurt the private economy, preventing the pipeline, driving up nrg and Health care costs ---Time for the Obama Government to produce a BUDGET --Like all the rest of us live by.

You cannot keep taking from the private sector and Living the life of Royalty in D.C.

Typical Liberal have the Rich pay more --work harder and longer --but support me.--Raise SS to 250,000 --next step --means test --those that paid the most in --will not receive anything --In your world --THATS FAIR ????

I will at least understand disagreeing with the Ryan budget --but how do you negotiate when the "other side" does not even put a counter offer on the table.

I know libs like to blame BUSH or even Reagon --but lets face it --Just saying NO to making a budget --even NANCY would disagree to that.


Well-Known Member
Also --AUSTERITY ????

The Government spends 50 BILLION per Day ----and could not find a way to reduce the growth of spending by 80 Billion over numerous years ???

You must live in a world with rose colored glasses on .

How many more White House Parties with Beiber and Beyonce --or Golfing with Woods or Multi Million dollar vacations --traveling seperately or good old Joe flying Air force 2 every weekend for a golf game ---sure AUSTERITY ?????


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link


The Nim

Why is everything a year off? Understood Obama was elected in '08 and Bush was elected in 2000, but they didn't enter office until '09 and '01 respectively. So why is everything an extra year off? You can't tell me a President has no control of spending their first year off office. (edit) If you are then you're just admitting that congress controls the spending and the President doesn't so it really doesn't matter who was the President but who controlled congress.(/edit)

Not to mention the chart is also skewing things for Obama as it's only stating 3 years when every other term is 4 and we're now in his 5th year.

Despite all this, could we get a link where you got this from? I'm sure they'll have the data they based this on somewhere there. I really wanna see how they came up with these numbers. I also have no idea what these numbers are supposed to represent, is this spending vs gdp, spending vs the year(s) before?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Why is everything a year off? Understood Obama was elected in '08 and Bush was elected in 2000, but they didn't enter office until '09 and '01 respectively. So why is everything an extra year off? You can't tell me a President has no control of spending their first year off office. (edit) If you are then you're just admitting that congress controls the spending and the President doesn't so it really doesn't matter who was the President but who controlled congress.(/edit)

Not to mention the chart is also skewing things for Obama as it's only stating 3 years when every other term is 4 and we're now in his 5th year.

Despite all this, could we get a link where you got this from? I'm sure they'll have the data they based this on somewhere there. I really wanna see how they came up with these numbers. I also have no idea what these numbers are supposed to represent, is this spending vs gdp, spending vs the year(s) before?

Reading and math challenged? It's the annualized growth of federal spending, just as the subtitle says. 2010-13 is four years, use your fingers. The budget for any President's first term is set by the prior president.