

golden ticket member


Strength through joy
[h=1]NYT: Real Unemployment at 21.9 Million[/h]
But behind Friday’s Labor Department figures lies a stark economic reality: America remains in a downward jobs spiral.
Consider the following: according to the Labor Department, the U.S. added 165,000 jobs in April, but to return to pre-recession employment levels, the U.S. would need to add 208,000 jobs a month over seven years.

The government officially recognizes 11.7 million individuals as being unemployed. But as the New York Times notes, including “those who are underemployed—that is, adding in those workers who are part-time but want to be employed full time, and workers who want to work but are not looking—brings the total up to 21.9 million."
Since President Barack Obama took office, 9.5 million Americans have fallen out of the U.S. workforce. Today, 89,936,000 people living in the U.S. no longer work.
That means America is trapped in the slowest job market recovery since World War II.
As New York Times economic reporter Binyamin Appelbaum concludes, “the United States economy is not getting any closer to recreating the jobs lost during the recession.”


golden ticket member

Led by conservative economic powerhouse, Texas.
Via Washington Examiner:
‘Chief Executive,’ releases its ninth annual survey of CEO opinion about the best and worst states for business – and Republicans are governing in all of the top ten.
“In the minds of most leaders, a state’s friendliness is closely aligned with its tax and regulatory regime. Similarly, workforce quality also measures the perceived cooperativeness of workers with management, as well as the people’s general work ethic and education attainment,” the report write up states.


Strength through joy
[h=1]10,962,532: U.S. Disability Beneficiaries Exceed Population of Greece[/h]
According to newly released data from the Social Security Administration, the record 10,962,532 total disability beneficiaries in April, included a record 8,865,586 disabled workers (up from 8,853,614 in March), 1,936,236 children of disabled workers, and 160,710 spouses of disabled workers.
According to its latest census, Greece had only 10,815,197 residents.


golden ticket member
The unemployment is 7.6 % and it's up from May and April's number was revised (to what, I don't know).

"Extraordinarily Mediocre", says Charles Payne


Well-Known Member
Number of ‘Involuntary’ Part-Time Workers Jumps 332K in June

( – The number of Americans employed part time for economic reasons
(involuntary part-time workers) increased by 322,000 to 8.2 million from May to
June, the Labor Department reported on Friday.“

These individuals were working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable
to find a full-time job,” said the news release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

- See more at: Number of ‘Involuntary’ Part-Time Workers Jumps 332K in June | CNS News


Well-Known Member
Texan, with all due respect, you are only giving one side of the story. Let me present the other:

195K jobs created in June. Yes, these were mostly service sector and part-time jobs, but a job is a job.

2.1 million jobs created since Obama took office.

7.6% unemployment is still much too high but gains are being made.