

Oh Yeah
Couple reasons why companies arent hiring. Obama care is one of them. Theres not that consumer confidence like there used to be. Everybody is holding on to what they have instead of spending it. The recession changed alot of peoples outlook on spending. People learned an invaluable lesson. The new social norm now is companies are trying to get more for less. People better get used to it because thats how it is. Were in this hole for a long long time. Im predicting this is going to go on for at least the next 10 to 15 years. Sad part abou it is the kids growing up now are going to have a super hard time at getting jobs that pay well even with a college degree. The country needs to reinvent its self. It needs to find the next big thing that is going to invent jobs. Over the last century there was always invention to create jobs. You had the wars that created steel mill jobs. The invention of automobiles created jobs. The invention of tvs created jobs. The space program created jobs. The boom of television created jobs. The boom of the computer created jobs. Oil created jobs. See the pattern here. The country is in dire need of next big thing.


Well-Known Member
Couple reasons why companies arent hiring. Obama care is one of them. Theres not that consumer confidence like there used to be. Everybody is holding on to what they have instead of spending it. The recession changed alot of peoples outlook on spending. People learned an invaluable lesson. The new social norm now is companies are trying to get more for less. People better get used to it because thats how it is. Were in this hole for a long long time. Im predicting this is going to go on for at least the next 10 to 15 years. Sad part abou it is the kids growing up now are going to have a super hard time at getting jobs that pay well even with a college degree. The country needs to reinvent its self. It needs to find the next big thing that is going to invent jobs. Over the last century there was always invention to create jobs. You had the wars that created steel mill jobs. The invention of automobiles created jobs. The invention of tvs created jobs. The space program created jobs. The boom of television created jobs. The boom of the computer created jobs. Oil created jobs. See the pattern here. The country is in dire need of next big thing.


Not disagreeing with many of your points ------but if you are correct for the long term ---Why does everyone still insist that ALL should get a college education ? ---come out with loads of debt they can never pay back -because of no jobs ?

Obama is working on the next major crash --Government STILL handing out College LOANS like candy --making Colleges and Universities wealthy -----but over seventy five percent of the "LOANS" are not being paid back presently ------this is going to be a giant bubble burst ---China will not "forgive " our debt --as Obama will do on the College loans --Again the working middle class will pay !!!!


Oh Yeah
Agree totally. Country is in a bad bad mess. Just dont see how were going to get out of this mess. Country is maxed out in every way possible. I dont think it really matters who the president is. The government has its own agenda. They dont play on the same field as the normal people. Kinda like atletes and hollywood their living in a different planet than us lol. Sad dude it really is.


Strength through joy
Popular clothing company Forever 21 is the first of what might be many companies to limit its non-management workers’ hours to 29.5 a week, just below the 30-hour minimum that the ACA deems full-time work. Explaining that the company “recently audited its staffing levels, staffing needs, and payroll in conjunction with reviewing its overall operating budget,” Associate Director of Human Resources Carla Macias informed employees that effective August 31, they will no longer be full-time employees of Forever 21.


golden ticket member

Via Breitbart:
Outside of the federal government’s Bureau of Labor statistics, the Gallup polling organization also tracks the nation’s unemployment rate. While the BLS and Gallup findings might not always perfectly align, the trends almost always do and the small statistical differences just haven’t been worthy of note. But now Gallup is showing a sizable 30 day jump in the unemployment rate, from 7.7% on July 21 to 8.9% today.

This is an 18-month high.

At the end of July, the BLS showed a 7.4% unemployment rate, compared to Gallup’s 7.8%. Again, a difference not worthy of note. But Gallup’s upward trend to almost 9% in just the last three weeks is alarming, especially because this is not a poll with a history of wild swings due to statistical anomalies. Gallup’s sample size is a massive 30,000 adults and the rolling average is taken over a full 30 day period.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Hence the reason the official unemployment rate is artificially low.

Via Powerline:
A comprehensive disaster like the Obama administration can’t be summed up in one statistic, but the one that comes closest is labor force participation.

The combined effect of many misguided policies–Obamacare, ballooning spending, massive debt, tax increases, subsidizing of inefficient energy, anti-growth regulation, encouragement of food stamp fraud, and many more–has been to drive many millions of Americans out of the labor force. Express Employment Professionals has produced a white paper that illuminates this human tragedy:
The labor force participation rate is currently at a level not seen since the 1970s – 63.4 percent.

While the unemployment rate has steadily decreased from its high of 10.0 percent in October of 2009 to 7.4 percent in July of 2013, the percentage of Americans in the labor force has not risen. It has fallen about 2.7 percentage points since the onset of the latest recession.



Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Never mind that Congress won't allow any domestic infrastructure spending. They'd rather spend it in Afghanistan where it's easier to steal.


Oh Yeah
Economic confidence has been going down the tube for years. All these big companies and little ones want more for less. Its the new American way, you better get used to it real quick. Going to be like this for a long long time. People holding on to their money nowadays. Perfect example do you want to give me what you have, hell no I don't want to give you what I have. You get the idea now.


golden ticket member

Via CNS News:
The number of Americans who are 16 years or older and who have decided not to participate in the nation’s labor force has pushed past 90,000,000 for the first time, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The BLS counts a person as participating in the labor force if they are 16 years or older and either have a job or have actively sought a job in the last four weeks. A person is not participating in the labor force if they are 16 or older and have not sought a job in the last four weeks.

In July, according to BLS, 89,957,000 Americans did not participate in the labor force. In August, that climbed to 90,473,000–a one month increase of 516,000.
In January 2009, when President Barack Obama took office, there were 80,507,000 Americans not in the labor force. Thus, the number of Americans not in the labor force has increased by 9,966,000 during Obama’s presidency.


Strength through joy
[h=1]Black Unemployment Leaps to 13%[/h]
[h=2]While there was all kinds of bad news for everyone in the August employment and jobs numbers released Friday, the news was especially bad for black Americans. Out of every group listed in the Bureau of Labor Statistics report report (age, gender, race, etc.) the unemployment rate among blacks increased the most–almost a full half-point, from 12.6% to 13%.[/h] This news is in line with a report released earlier this week that showed black homeownership levels are at an eighteen year low.
After five years of the first black president, fifty years into the War on Poverty, and trillions of taxpayer dollars wasted, by every relevant economic measurement, the gap between whites and blacks is just as bad as it always was.


Strength through joy
[h=1]63,000 Hispanics Gave Up Looking for Work During La Raza 'Month of Action'[/h]Over the month, 63,000 more Hispanic workers completely left the labor force because they gave up looking for work, and 12.7 million Hispanics still in the workforce remained unemployed.
According to La Raza, the Hispanic unemployment rate "remained a full two points higher than the national rate at 9.3%" in August and it decreased by 0.1 percentage point because of the Hispanics that left the workforce. In fact, 98,000 Hispanics left the labor force between July and August, and "Hispanic employment declined by 63,000 people" last month.
Overall, the Hispanic labor force "dropped by 0.4 percentage points last month," which La Raza said was "a possible signal of workers’ lack of confidence that jobs will be available to them." Only 66.3% of Hispanics over the age of 16 are in the labor force.