

golden ticket member


Strength through joy
The House is constantly sending bills to the Senate , but nothing is done about them .
Kinda like the annual federal budgets .
When was the last one passed , 2006 ?


Strength through joy
years worth .
All to continue the narrative that bhos has to use Executive Orders to accomplish things that Congress won't act upon .


Strength through joy
How many bills has the House passed is Harry Reid sitting on and refusing to let the Senate vote on?
After all, in the great “shutdown showdown” crisis of late 2013, congressional Republicans proposed funding everything in the entire federal government – everything, that is, except the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare. As a desperate stopgap, the GOP was even willing to settle for just delaying Obamacare’s individual mandate for a year.

No deal, replied Obama and the Democrats. Give us a “clean CR” (continuing resolution) – meaning, no negotiating with Republicans on any front. Give us everything we want, authorize funding for the entire government, including Obamacare, or we shut it down – and our allies in the media will blame you.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

What does this graph even tell you moreluck?? What is it that you grasp from this chart? Despite what "I" and other like minded people have told you, you and the others reject our premises and simply blame OBAMA.

As I have said before, the republicans have killed the working american. Look at your own graph. prior to 1978 the participation rate was growing each year. Then in 1988 during the reagan collapse, participation drops off and flat lines during BUSH1. In 1992, the graph climbs again until 2000. In 2000 through 2009, BUSH2 straight lines towards the bottom with his policies of signing trade agreements with other countries that cost americans jobs.

This graph DOESNT help your case. It makes mine.

This shows you the damage that BUSH 2 caused this country in the long haul. It shows you how free market capitalism DOESNT help americans. What this shows you is how the loss of american jobs can hurt a country financially.

The curve downward started with GW BUSH and for 8 solid years his policies wiped out a prosperous nation and created enormous debt.

Thanks for the support.



Strength through joy
According to a new study by the Employment Policies Insitute (EPI), only four percent of the 210 lawmakers who pledged their allegiance to a bill raising the minimum wage pay their interns.
Thirty-five Senate offices pay their interns. Only 11 of them are headed by Democrats.
This includes the authors of the bill, Iowa Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin and California Democratic Rep. George Miller. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is another strong supporter of the legislation who doesn’t pay her interns.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


Mitt Romney outsourced the ENTIRE Olympics to foreign countries using tax payer money. Maybe you forgot that? Eh?

The canadian company that did the website was HIRED by GW BUSH for 8 years and STILL had a contract with the USA when it was contracted to do the website.

YOU poor thing, those emails keep you stimulated , dont they?
