That is more of a reason to release the new Master language before the supplements are settled, than to withhold it.
Look, it's not like we will be reading this thing from cover to cover, for the first time looking for changes.
The way it has always been disseminated is in a synopsis, listed changed article by changed article, with any new language below the old struck out language.
Actually, if you think about it "rationally" (as
@Tony Q likes to say ad nauseum), in the terms that you are suggesting, shouldn't we have a tentative agreement on the Master before supplements even start negotiations or the proposal process???
Wouldn't that allow our supplemental committees to better negotiate language that "can coincide with the Master"???
Face it, it's all about the hard sell, misdirection, and controlled confusion through a well timed information overload.
That way, the sheep will be dependent on the shepherd and easily corralled.
There is no good reason that we weren't told why a strike authorization was called for, and there is no good reason why the details of this "handshake agreement" are being withheld.