Juneteenth is now a federal holiday !!!

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Oh so now standing up for Black Lives Matter makes you some sort of BLMer like it’s a bad thing whitey. I’ll have you know black lives do matter you ignorant racist.

I’m not sure how being OK with Juneteenth as a holiday is supporting Black Lives Matter.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
It celebrates an obscure Texas event hardly anyone has heard of or something.

Really silly stuff.

Trump claims he made Juneteenth 'famous,' in defiant interview: 'Nobody had ever heard of it'

June 18, 2020

"President Trump in an interview with the Wall Street Journal on Thursday defended his response to the coronavirus pandemic and the protests against racism -- while claiming he “made Juneteenth very famous” by initially scheduling a campaign rally on that day.

“I did something good: I made Juneteenth very famous,” Trump said in the interview. “It’s actually an important event, an important time. But nobody had ever heard of it.”

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
If you think this had anything to do with historic appreciation to them and not just another day to get paid for doing nothing you're kidding yourself.
Darn Republican Senators! Always looking to give themselves more paid federal holidays without even appreciating them! 🤣