Dirk Digler
Bam all done!!
You don’t have the seniority to cover my route when I’m on vacation . Nice try kiddoyou’ll never be a RPCD
You don’t have the seniority to cover my route when I’m on vacation . Nice try kiddoyou’ll never be a RPCD
Friday morningYou answer the phone on your day off?
or did they tell you on friday during work?
before cell phones the company wanted to give me a pager so they could page me to come in when I was on the relief board. I wouldn't take it. I just called in in the morning and then late afternoon to see if there was any feeder work. If they bypassed my seniority in retaliation I filed greivances . I filed so many that after awhile they left me alone.
pre-emptive strike.Friday morning
Shop steward said they can get me for dependability even when calling inpre-emptive strike.
fight fire with fire
call out sick Saturday morning and there is no reason to prove it with a drs note unless it is 3 days in a row.
these people think they own you but they don't. learn and know your rights before doing anything.
My BA told me that if the company forced me to carry a company owned pager then they would have to pay
me all the hours I was waiting "on call"
That stopped the company in it's tracks.
You Shop Stewart is partially correct, The problem begins with the failure of UPS to uphold their end of the bargain. The building is not properly staffed indefinitely.Shop steward said they can get me for dependability even when calling in
I'm sorry. Was just trying to help. maybe some of the other responses may help.Shop steward said they can get me for dependability even when calling in
Man upSometimes you got a man up.
Save an extra money we may need it next year
Or just take a good old time and maybe they won't ask you againMan up
Tell ups tough I got a family. Won’t be in.
I was the last one to clock out. They made me get another route.Or just take a good old time and maybe they won't ask you again
How many hours?I was the last one to clock out. They made me get another route.
11 and some changeHow many hours?
Nice payday!11 and some change
I’ve got a cash gig lined up I’m gonna do during the strike. Give ‘em hell on the lines! I’ll be back when it’s over.I really hope everyone is ready to strike next year.
Stripper?I’ve got a cash gig lined up I’m gonna do during the strike. Give ‘em hell on the lines! I’ll be back when it’s over.
All that belly weight would slow anyone downso glad I’m too slow for Saturdays
how many drivers they need and the seniority list isn’t just something they can choose to ignore.Or just take a good old time and maybe they won't ask you again
Hopefully that gets addressed in the next contract.how many drivers they need and the seniority list isn’t just something they can choose to ignore.