Re: good first day
my bigest fear was that my driver would be an *******, but i got really lucky and found someone who i have a lot in common with, and who is very chill; oh, and the route is mostly single family homes so that is freakin sweet; cool neighborhood..............BUT LOOOOOOOOTS OF DOGGGGGGGGGS....oh man, it was freakin tetinus-shot city out there
luckily most owners had the hounds out of harms way
my bigest fear was that my driver would be an *******, but i got really lucky and found someone who i have a lot in common with, and who is very chill; oh, and the route is mostly single family homes so that is freakin sweet; cool neighborhood..............BUT LOOOOOOOOTS OF DOGGGGGGGGGS....oh man, it was freakin tetinus-shot city out there