Just had masks re- implemented. Any way to be rid of them?


Well-Known Member
That’s how I feel too; the problem is where you not getting the vax comes from.
I have no problem with anybody who chooses not to get it simply because they don’t think it’s a good decision for them.
But if you are politically and or socially motivated to NOT get it; my sympathy is gone for you people. Your determined ignorance is not my problem

Just like drinking multiple mountain dews a day isn’t
I have been drinking 2 dews a day since November


Well-Known Member
I’m not the one who is scared of taking a perfectly safe vaccine. I’m not the one who is scared of taking perfectly reasonable precautions like wearing a damn mask. And I’m not the one buying into fear-driven, paranoid conspiracy theories.
I feel like it’s completely reasonable to not want to inject yourself with something that isn’t even approved by the FDA

Poop Head

Judge me.

40 stops to freedom

Well-Known Member
First off you should be the one moving. The constitution aka the law of the land protects freedoms. You want to give them up, people died for our right to be idiots, jump out of planes, or do any other high risk activities.

I just don’t care.

my family literally saw war first hand, real *, death at its most evil and animalistic ways… my family had fled their respected countries and regions to get away from totalitarian governments. Totalitarian regimes always use your safety as a way to remove rights and freedoms

just as I don’t care about anybody’s life choices you shouldn’t either.

these problems solve them selves, unhealthy people will die. Heroin addicts od, the natural balance of the universe works in mysterious ways.

nothing out of my immediate control bothers me. Stop living in fear and worry.
if you end up catching covid, will you do everything you can to not spread it?


Well-Known Member

Imagine 2 sides to every story. His credentials are legit, he is explaining a theory and providing some evidence just as faucci does. Faucci has been proven wrong over and over though.

I’m surprised YouTube hasn’t taken this down yet


the grandpalooza of all you losers
You should try reading the crap you post. Thats not what it says at all. My mask doesn’t keep me from getting sick. My mask helps to keep me from making you sick. Are masks perfect? No. Do they make a huge difference? Probably no. But pandemic response is a numbers game. If masks are 3% effective that doesn’t sound like much until you do the math on 3% of 335 million people. Right now there are exactly zero available ICU beds in my county. Zero. They are all currently occupied, and a lot of the occupants are people with Covid who refused to get vaccinated or wear masks.
Regarding the last sentence , it seems to imply that wearing a mask prevents a person from getting covid. However you state earlier in your post that the worn mask does not stop a person from getting sick.
Which scenario is true and which one isn’t?


Well-Known Member
Muh more people died. Let’s look at some Nordic countries. Norway, Sweden, Finland.

the whole got damn purpose of these lockdowns was to “flatten the curve”. People seem to forget that. I attached some graphs, they speak for them selves. I don’t need the media to twist it to deaths per 100k, or covid deaths per cases…. when Sweden reached heard immunity. Over time, their ratio will obviously go down. Lock downs and mask mandates do not give relief to the medical systems. Actual organic herd immunity does. Don’t get herd immunity confused with the new vaccination herd immunity definition. They changed the definition in the middle of this covid stuff

All these lockdowns do is prolong this by weakening immune systems and keeping this money laundering big pharma scam going while empowering big data….which is exactly what those in power want.

the whole claim about lockdowns was flattening the curve. FLATTEN THE CURVE.


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Well-Known Member
Regarding the last sentence , it seems to imply that wearing a mask prevents a person from getting covid. However you state earlier in your post that the worn mask does not stop a person from getting sick.
Which scenario is true and which one isn’t?
3 studies came out this year showing they are ineffective, one actually funded by cdc/who cabal, they ignored them

show me one clinical peer reviewed study that shows effectiveness of cloth/surgical masks.


I'm a star
Even if it is admitted that cloth masks don't work, he'll feel good about forcing children to muzzle themselves, hurting their educational, social, and emotional development?



This last year might as well have been the prequel to Logan's Run. When kids grow up and realize what they were put through to keep a few geezers alive in their misery for a few more months, they gonna turn nursing homes into sleepshops.