Just had masks re- implemented. Any way to be rid of them?


Never bought my own handtruck
Even if it is admitted that cloth masks don't work, he'll feel good about forcing children to muzzle themselves, hurting their educational, social, and emotional development?

Actually making kids stronger. They will have learned the ability to deal with a pandemic at an early age. Something none of us “adults” ever have (quite obviously).


Inordinately Right
Masks don’t hurt brah. You have kids? Young kids?
There's plenty of studies from before the pandemic on the importance of facial cues for social and emotional development and the importance of it in education.

These mask mandates in schools are sick.
People pretend it's based on science, it's not. They're not doing it in the UK and other places for exactly the reasons I'm talking about.

It's really disgusting.


Pees in the brown Koolaid


Pees in the brown Koolaid
You're sick in the head and you're teaching children that's normal. It's not.
The wearing of masks in other countries during epidemics has been commonplace for decades.
We teach kids to accept inconveniences for the good of society all the time. Stop at red lights, go on green. Wash your hands after using a public restroom. Obey the speed limit. Pay your taxes. Dont drive drunk. Wear seat belts. Wear your helmet while biking or skateboarding. Obey fire alarms. Use crosswalks. Give up your seat on the bus to an elderly or disabled person. Go to school and do homework and follow the rules in order to become an educated and productive member of society when you grow up. Those things are all normal and acceptable. So explain to me how masks during a pandemic are not.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Since when was it a medical procedure?
Never said it was.
I just find it amusing that so many people who are scared to death of getting injected with a vaccine that only has emergency use authorization from the FDA have no problem whatsoever getting injected with inks that haven’t been tested by the FDA at all. I will also find it amusing when those same people bend over backwards to come up with a different excuse once the FDA does give ”full” approval to the Pfizer vaccine later this week. Because the reality is, it was never about FDA approval to begin with.


Inordinately Right
We teach kids to accept inconveniences for the good of society all the time. Stop at red lights, go on green. Wash your hands after using a public restroom. Obey the speed limit. Pay your taxes. Dont drive drunk. Wear seat belts. Wear your helmet while biking or skateboarding. Obey fire alarms. Use crosswalks. Give up your seat on the bus to an elderly or disabled person. Go to school and do homework and follow the rules in order to become an educated and productive member of society when you grow up. Those things are all normal and acceptable. So explain to me how masks during a pandemic are not.
And none of those things hurt their education and social and emotional development. In other words, your post is not comparable in any way at all. It's a completely irrelevant deflection.

Is that all you got?


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Never said it was.
I just find it amusing that so many people who are scared to death of getting injected with a vaccine that only has emergency use authorization from the FDA have no problem whatsoever getting injected with inks that haven’t been tested by the FDA at all. I will also find it amusing when those same people bend over backwards to come up with a different excuse once the FDA does give ”full” approval to the Pfizer vaccine later this week. Because the reality is, it was never about FDA approval to begin with.
Inks that have been around for decades.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I couldn't give two sh8s about the FDA anyway. I said from the beginning I simply don't want a new experimental injection that's so safe the manufacturers need to be made immune to liability to protect myself from a virus that's a nominal threat to me in the first place.