Just had masks re- implemented. Any way to be rid of them?


Staff member


Inordinately Right
Everyone needs to be vaccinated so we can put this pandemic behind us.
The vaccine works. Vaccinated people are not dying in statistically significant numbers. Healthy young people do not need to be vaccinated for old fatties like you to be safe.

I'm sorry you're so scared.
The good news is your fear is irrational.

Carry on part timer.


I'm a star
3 years later -

"I don't care that half the people who got the vaccine are dead now, and the rest are permanently sterile, and suffering neurological damage. I can sleep soundly at night knowing I got the vaccine to save lives. That is, once the heart attacks finally numb the pain from my nerve damage enough for me to fall asleep."

Netsua 3:16

3 years later -

"I don't care that half the people who got the vaccine are dead now, and the rest are permanently sterile, and suffering neurological damage. I can sleep soundly at night knowing I got the vaccine to save lives. That is, once the heart attacks finally numb the pain from my nerve damage enough for me to fall asleep."
That is some serious, serious speculation.
Permanently sterile and suffering brain damage?
Perhaps some EVIDENCE for such wild claims is in order?
Why would the government want to SLOWY kill us off Z?
Is there a benefit to this depopulation “strategy” as opposed to some sort of mass event?
What’s “their” end game?
Who exactly is “their?”
Answer these questions with some evidence based argument and I will love you forever
As far as I can tell, you are literally basing your entire crusade on some garbage speculation that you’ve read online, from people who are INFLUENCED. I can help you filter through sources that look to prey on your desire to be “PRUDENT”
This is why you need to cite your sources


Pees in the brown Koolaid
3 years later -

"I don't care that half the people who got the vaccine are dead now, and the rest are permanently sterile, and suffering neurological damage. I can sleep soundly at night knowing I got the vaccine to save lives. That is, once the heart attacks finally numb the pain from my nerve damage enough for me to fall asleep."
“I’ll take paranoid delusions that will never happen for $100, Alex.”


Pees in the brown Koolaid
That is some serious, serious speculation.
Permanently sterile and suffering brain damage?
Perhaps some EVIDENCE for such wild claims is in order?
Why would the government want to SLOWY kill us off Z?
Is there a benefit to this depopulation “strategy” as opposed to some sort of mass event?
What’s “their” end game?
Who exactly is “their?”
Answer these questions with some evidence based argument and I will love you forever
As far as I can tell, you are literally basing your entire crusade on some garbage speculation that you’ve read online, from people who are INFLUENCED. I can help you filter through sources that look to prey on your desire to be “PRUDENT”
This is why you need to cite your sources
He’s just regurgitating some paranoid drivel that he found on Youtube or OANN.