Just had masks re- implemented. Any way to be rid of them?


I'm a star
He’s just regurgitating some paranoid drivel that he found on Youtube or OANN.

Yes, paranoid drivel from the world's top scientists. Weren't you the one posting stuff about how dumb it is not to accept the word of experts as though it were handed down by the almighty creator?

Since you're responding to me again, did you know most of the people who are in hospitals because of covid and aren't vaccinated are people who are in such poor health that they can't take the vaccine? And the reason that hospitals in Oregon are "at capacity" is because they intentionally run short on staff, and have been losing staff due to being overworked because they won't hire more staff, and losing more staff from the vaccine mandate? Oh, I forgot, more paranoid drivel. Like the cold is going to wipe out humanity, so take experimental gene therapy or you're a terrible person.

Netsua 3:16

Yes, paranoid drivel from the world's top scientists. Weren't you the one posting stuff about how dumb it is not to accept the word of experts as though it were handed down by the almighty creator?

Since you're responding to me again, did you know most of the people who are in hospitals because of covid and aren't vaccinated are people who are in such poor health that they can't take the vaccine? And the reason that hospitals in Oregon are "at capacity" is because they intentionally run short on staff, and have been losing staff due to being overworked because they won't hire more staff, and losing more staff from the vaccine mandate? Oh, I forgot, more paranoid drivel. Like the cold is going to wipe out humanity, so take experimental gene therapy or you're a terrible person.
“The hospitals are stupid for being understaffed, it’s the hospitals fault”
The virus hasn’t wiped out humanity, but it’s sure done a number on capitalism, hasn’t it? Like, something has to wipe out humanity in order for you to get a vaccine? You know you got flu shots before you went to school as a kid, correct?
Did you become sterile?
Did you suffer brain damage 3 years later?

Netsua 3:16

Yes, paranoid drivel from the world's top scientists.
Who are these mystery men???? For the love of god, please openly discuss where you got your information. Your words mean NOTHING without backing up what you say!!!!
Cmon Z!! This is such a lame showing for somebody with such potential for good. Seemingly, it’s not about sharing the ideas for you, it’s about BEING CORRECT.


Inordinately Right
You people are sick.


Well-Known Member
“The hospitals are stupid for being understaffed, it’s the hospitals fault”
The virus hasn’t wiped out humanity, but it’s sure done a number on capitalism, hasn’t it? Like, something has to wipe out humanity in order for you to get a vaccine? You know you got flu shots before you went to school as a kid, correct?
Did you become sterile?
Did you suffer brain damage 3 years later?
It has not done a number on capitalism. Capitalism doesn’t exist for the most part.

the end game is to have complete control over private business. The precedence bas been set that governments can tell you that you cannot operate your business. I don’t think people understand how big that is

why did they do this? Because the goal is to have a small handful of large business in control of EVERYTHING. Large business are going to profit, as well as follow along with any government directions.

when all small shops are out of business, places like Amazon, Walmart ect will be the only way to get life goods. They don’t want small business around, they don’t want cash (notice the money is dirty meme) which was not a coincidence.

When they impliment the social credit system/digital currency system, this is what will happen

I attempt to buy something on Amazon. Because I am not vaxed, not this, not that, posted “extremist” views, or for literally whatever reason, my digits wallet will be shut down, or I will not be able to deposit funds into my digital id

Automation is coming at a massive scale and ubi will be implemented. They already conditioned us for ubi with multiple stimmy’s digitally deposited into accounts. If your not vaxed, or not going along you don’t get your stimmy

you do as they say,

the WEF, klaus Schwab, and openly talk about the plan. There are lectures, and there is a book called “the 4th industrial revolution”

They openly use symbolisms such as the blue cube, which is also a hexagon. They openly explain and mock YOU. But your too busy listening to the media and not educating yourself and preparing for what is to come.