Just had masks re- implemented. Any way to be rid of them?

Netsua 3:16

It has not done a number on capitalism. Capitalism doesn’t exist for the most part.

the end game is to have complete control over private business. The precedence bas been set that governments can tell you that you cannot operate your business. I don’t think people understand how big that is

why did they do this? Because the goal is to have a small handful of large business in control of EVERYTHING. Large business are going to profit, as well as follow along with any government directions.

when all small shops are out of business, places like Amazon, Walmart ect will be the only way to get life goods. They don’t want small business around, they don’t want cash (notice the money is dirty meme) which was not a coincidence.

When they impliment the social credit system/digital currency system, this is what will happen

I attempt to buy something on Amazon. Because I am not vaxed, not this, not that, posted “extremist” views, or for literally whatever reason, my digits wallet will be shut down, or I will not be able to deposit funds into my digital id

Automation is coming at a massive scale and ubi will be implemented. They already conditioned us for ubi with multiple stimmy’s digitally deposited into accounts. If your not vaxed, or not going along you don’t get your stimmy

you do as they say,

the WEF, klaus Schwab, and openly talk about the plan. There are lectures, and there is a book called “the 4th industrial revolution”

They openly use symbolisms such as the blue cube, which is also a hexagon. They openly explain and mock YOU. But your too busy listening to the media and not educating yourself and preparing for what is to come.
These people are preying on you.
Writing books and taking your money gleefully
Read all you want, but take care to not BELIEVE this is righteous information. They have a business to run, and YOU are their customer


Well-Known Member
Mocking everybody. Those of us who know can do nothing but shake our heads.

some in the know have went down the rabbit hole of Davos lectures, the carbon scam, the occult symbolisms, the openly discussed population control.

those who see, have a massive advantage, and can create generational wealth by only putting a mediocre amount of money in the right places.


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Well-Known Member
These people are preying on you.
Writing books and taking your money gleefully
Read all you want, but take care to not BELIEVE this is righteous information. They have a business to run, and YOU are their customer
You ignorance is sad. You should not have so much conviction in something you obviously know nothing at all about.

do you even know who klaus Schwab is?
Do you know who WEF is?
Do you know what happens at davos every year and who is there and what is openly being discussed?

they count on everybody being lazy sheep. You did not even take 5 second to google klaus Schwab and the WEF. They are the most powerful organization in the world and connected to the word bank and international bankers. Stay narcoleptic.

Netsua 3:16

You ignorance is sad. You should not have so much conviction in something you obviously know nothing at all about.

do you even know who klaus Schwab is?
Do you know who WEF is?
Do you know what happens at davos every year and who is there and what is openly being discussed?

they count on everybody being lazy sheep. You did not even take 5 second to google klaus Schwab and the WEF. They are the most powerful organization in the world and connected to the word bank and international bankers. Stay narcoleptic.
Stay woke bruh
Keep funding misinformation. It’s so brave of you to rage against the machine like this


Well-Known Member
These people are preying on you.
Writing books and taking your money gleefully
Read all you want, but take care to not BELIEVE this is righteous information. They have a business to run, and YOU are their customer
I’m the customer who is gaining monitary success by understanding what is happening. Wealth will be the only way out.

I’m just a customer, but you are the product

“if something is free, you are the product”

you use free social media I’m sure which is curated bs to push an agenda, you get the free vaccination. You are the product

Netsua 3:16

I’m the customer who is gaining monitary success by understanding what is happening. Wealth will be the only way out.

I’m just a customer, but you are the product

“if something is free, you are the product”

you use free social media I’m sure which is curated bs to push an agenda, you get the free vaccination. You are the product
Blah blah blah weird conservative uneducated rhetoric
Spare me
You and DIDO should move to a different country
Take Z and his family with you
Start a new republic
Together, you guys can stop the evils the of the world!!


Well-Known Member
Stay woke bruh
Keep funding misinformation. It’s so brave of you to rage against the machine like this
How old are you? Woke 😂

im not raging against the machine, I’m using the information openly available to anybody who wants to dig for personal gain. I see the symbolisms, the 33’s, pathygarus/216, the occult of black cube of Saturn. Everything is easy to predict when you have these knowledges.

the book 1984 is an example of how certain minds can ansorb data, recognize patterns and literally predict the future down to details like the thought police and big brother when tech was not even around at that time.
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Well-Known Member
Blah blah blah weird conservative uneducated rhetoric
Spare me
You and DIDO should move to a different country
Take Z and his family with you
Start a new republic
Together, you guys can stop the evils the of the world!!
Uneducated. What is educated to you?

you can come back to this post in 2/4 years and see how I was 100% correct about the digital dollar, ubi, social credit, big data and every aspects of your life being controled. COVID-19 is the catalyst for all of this to happen. The great reset enh? You getting sleepy yet?

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
The vaccine works. Vaccinated people are not dying in statistically significant numbers. Healthy young people do not need to be vaccinated for old fatties like you to be safe.

I'm sorry you're so scared.
The good news is your fear is irrational.

Carry on part timer.
BMI of 24, run 3 to 4 miles a day. Don't you ever tire of being wrong?


Well-Known Member
I mean....
more like 10-20 years.....
but I don't disagree.

soon. They already can shut you off from basically every major payment system, ie PayPal ect, banks cutting off business to people due to wrong think, cutting of business to onlyfans/pornhub…. But not to xvideos/or degen incest sites

actual businesses saying “cash not accepted” Even though it’s legal tender to settle debts

China many years ago dis-allowed travel with those with low social credit scores

before Covid I would agree with your time estimate, but I bet if I told you 3 years ago the government in the USA would pick and choose what business can operate, you would need papers for domestic travel, that the government could force you to stay in your house, to the extent of issueing citations and arrests, you would say that’s impossible

it’s accelerating friend

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member

soon. They already can shut you off from basically every major payment system, ie PayPal ect, banks cutting off business to people due to wrong think, cutting of business to onlyfans/pornhub…. But not to xvideos/or degen incest sites

actual businesses saying “cash not accepted” Even though it’s legal tender to settle debts

China many years ago dis-allowed travel with those with low social credit scores

before Covid I would agree with your time estimate, but I bet if I told you 3 years ago the government in the USA would pick and choose what business can operate, you would need papers for domestic travel, that the government could force you to stay in your house, to the extent of issueing citations and arrests, you would say that’s impossible

it’s accelerating friend
None of that is happening. You are projecting.


Well-Known Member
None of that is happening. You are projecting.
“None of that is happening”

stimmys literally paid in digital dollars.

Half of South Korean banks won’t even work with paper currency, probably more than that now

in 2020 4 out of every 5 transactions in China we’re done using mobile phones.

the missing link for America has been proof of reserve and digital id’s. Look up id2020 and CanDID.
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Well-Known Member
Republicans are the most authoritarian. Just look at the Big Brother trump regime. Tried to rule by decree.
Literal divide and conquer tactics. Rep/dem is an illusion to keep you mad at the other side while we all get it in the butt

vax/anti vax, BLM/all lives matter, rural/urban, all tactics to keep people from looking at the big picture.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Republicans are the most authoritarian. Just look at the Big Brother trump regime. Tried to rule by decree.

“President Joe Biden may have averted a flood of evictions and solved a growing political problem when his administration reinstated a temporary ban on evictions because of the COVID-19 crisis. But he left his lawyers with legal arguments that even he acknowledges might not stand up in court.

The new eviction moratorium announced Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention could run into opposition at the Supreme Court, where one justice in late June warned the administration not to act further without explicit congressional approval.”


I'm a star
I despise Reddit, the upvote culture, and the shutting down of ideas….. but this thread sums everything up very well with tons of sources and is more logical than anything I have heard from faucci or any other shills. I’m sure people will ask his credentials…… look at the sources and make up your own mind.


A while back I posted a question, I think on the Coronavirus thread about whether anyone had heard aboit Famotidine as a treatment for covid. I asked because I had only seen the claim from a lawyer about it. But then I came across an article co-written by Dr. Robert Malone that referenced it as a treatment. Famitodine is the active ingredient in Pepcid ac, available otc.

"Numerous other useful treatments range from famotidine/celecoxib, fluvoxamine, and apixaban to various anti-inflammatory steroids, Vitamin D, and zinc."