Just how much job security do we really have as union employees


Blind every day
I honestly don’t even care if stuff is in sequence. Just make sure it isn’t a misload and put it on the correct shelf. We have to sort the truck anyways.
If the shelf is blown out, put it on the ground below it.

Don’t let this guy sweat you. Next time they do this, ask if you are being disciplined. If they say yes then tell them you don’t want to continue the conversation without a steward present.

Article 3

Freaking driver should stay out of the car when you're getting talked with about the load. That would be enough to set me off...freaking management wannabe.

Call the union hall and tell them you want to file internal charges against the driver for bringing reproach upon you.


Happy Verified UPSer
Wrong answer. The driver isn't the employer or the director. He's an equal co-worker. He's not "above" the truck loader or unloader or any other worker for that matter. As for when you're getting chewed out by somebody, it's in your best interest to say the least possible response that's the most truthful, such as "I'm doing my best", and stay calm while they go off the rails. You don't even have to respond. But yes, you should group multiple packages for the same stop, and any time you get 15 seconds hop on and order as many packages as you can a few at a time starting from the 1000's and up.
sorry, you're right. i misread the post.


Well-Known Member
It dont matter what route I'm on as a cover or if the preloader sucks or not. I always resort the whole truck before noon anways by pal in perfect numerical order. So it really dont matter to me. A friend*ed up load is the norm at UPS. I just dont stress about it anymore like i used too in my first year. Plus :censored2: always moves around doing the first half of the day so you still have to find :censored2: if the load was so called perfect.
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Well-Known Member
It dont matter what route im on or if the preloader sucks or not. I always resort the whole truck before noon anways by pal in perfect numerical order. So it really dont matter to me a friend* up load is the norm at UPS

Same, find shade between 12 and 1 and open the truck up. Have to message in missloads by 1 at our building. Restick PAL to aisle and all. Takes 10 min on a good day and 50 min on a bad day.

driver matt

New Member
Yeah the drivers have a difficult job....and so do I.
I have my own set of problems to worry about and lining up packages in perfect sequence ain't one of them.
Don't give me crap about 130 degrees. I unloaded trailers on twilight all last year.
A driver in 130 degrees for a few seconds compared to me being in 130 degrees continuously for hours.
I had to create an account just to laugh at you. I was loader on twilight for 4 years before I started driving. In no way is the heat even comparable. Package car heat sends people to the hospital, trailer heat sends you to the safety office to get a popsicle. Also, twilight runs into the dark when it starts to cool down so definitely a very interesting take. Regardless I don’t necessarily agree with a driver pulling a manager onto your truck is right. Just do your best we understand some things are out of your control.

Netsua 3:16

All you gotta do is actually care about your job. If you do that it shows. Any decent driver sorts like a mother all day anyway. Just get the 1000 shelf mfl mfr rdr rdl all perfect. Don't bury stuff with irregs and either put them in places that make sense or leave them out and we'll do it ourselves. Don't friend with the next day air. Put that :censored2: where it belongs right at the front. If you're getting yout ass kicked just communicate with the drivers let them know what you're struggling with. UPS slams everybody and friend's with everybody. Most drivers know this and are cool, and just have a few very small requests fot you to remember that make things much smoother.
All that said.........if the truck is light, that load better be perfect. Don't friend with my 8 hour day
Wait a minute.

You said you put a black crayon through every one of his barcodes so he had to enter them manually.

Then you said this was before DIADS.

I hate to tell you, we did not scan barcodes before DIADS.

So which is it?