Well-Known Member
This morning after load I was taken into a truck with the onroad sup and a driver.
The PT sup said the truck looked excellent that morning but nonetheless the driver apparently went and complained to the onroad sup so the three of us went in the cargo area and had a "training session" which consisted of them nitpicking the load.
He said he wants every single package in perfect numerical order, that there should be no gaps at all in between packages (he has a huge truck, not sure what model it is but the cargo area is the most spacious I've ever seen and is never full, only runs about 220 packages daily), and that I need to identify and group together every bulk stop (even "bulk stops" consisting of 2 packages).
As he was explaining this, he elucidated his point by saying something like "You see, look here, if the packages are like this, I have to walk all the way down here (he proceeded to walk literally two steps) and grab it."
I almost started laughing because it struck me as comical at first until I realized he was dead serious.
The manager proceeded to tell me that after the load is done I should be "massaging the load" to clean it up and reach the driver's standards (even though I am cut as soon as my last small is coming down the belt and am not allotted any time at all to do this. I am never even allowed to stay for air.)
My temper started to rise and I made a few sarcastic comments to them. The manager seemed apologetic but the driver didn't say much after that.
I'm wondering just how much push back we can give, how much mouthing off can we do before it becomes an issue? Because what they were asking for is ridiculous in light of the work expected of me and I'm at that stage in my life where I am not liable to keep my mouth shut anymore. I'm open to criticism but I'm not going to put up with unrealistic standards.
I hate drivers like this. They like they are performing heart surgery- you’re delivering boxes. If he doesn’t like it he can fix it himself- he’s getting paid for it. Both you and the manager should tell him to friend off.