Kamala Harris accomplishment thread


Staff member

They're cleaning up her record.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Mysteriously, the web page that listed Kommie Harris the number one-most liberal senator has vanished?

Her Marxist ways allowed her to beat out Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth"Pocahontas" Warren!

Righties had better keep copies. Leftists will of course be asking for proof that a former prosecutor was ranked the most liberal senator over the next few months.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
She’s a leftist! She supports women’s freedom to have agency over their healthcare! She’s a righty! She once had a job to prosecute criminals!
Trump supports women's freedom in healthcare. He sides with the Supreme Court Decision of the States obligation.
If you want to healthcare your unborn human and the state you live in won't do the healthcare you decided is necessary for your unborn human, you can drive to one of the states that does healthcare for your unborn human.


Well-Known Member
Liberal politicians usually strongly support unions but I guess that’s a hard fact to admit.
liberal politicians cater to union leadership. the membership has been slowly voting in other directions. not saying they all went republican but there are a lot that are independent and libertarian