Kamala Harris accomplishment thread


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
And you're willing to let let in criminals who rape and murder rather than bringing them in the right way?

Have you also considered that corporations are working with universities to develop both robotics and AI that will replace up to 50% of our workforce by 2050? They're serious as a heart attack about getting this done. Many jobs will be gone by 2030. Yet we're pumping in millions of people. That'll end well.
-We rape and murder and put each other down everyday. We have the highest prison rate in the world because we make more $ on modern slavery than anyone else.
-Have you considered were being incentivized to not reproduce and matriculate foreign worker ethic who are use to freedoms being wrapped?
-Japan is your example. You will get old and will be in need of care. Your kids are lining up for the “wealth transfer” as we speak. You will need care in 2050 while kids/grandkids wait for your $. The newbies are that care. 🧠


Well-Known Member
-We rape and murder and put each other down everyday. We have the highest prison rate in the world because we make more $ on modern slavery than anyone else.
-Have you considered were being incentivized to not reproduce and matriculate foreign worker ethic who are use to freedoms being wrapped?
-Japan is your example. You will get old and will be in need of care. Your kids are lining up for the “wealth transfer” as we speak. You will need care while kids/grandkids wait for your $. The newbies are that care. 🧠
You don't get it. Every rape and murder by a foreign criminal illegally let into the country is one that should not have happened. The logic behind saying Americans rape and murder too so might as well let them in without checking backgrounds is deeply flawed.

You're also not accounting the huge expenditures in caring for so many let in so quickly. The huge strain on social services designed to assist our own citizens but is being diverted to illegals is leaving our poor and veterans doing without.

And please don't preach to me about prison slavery when your intention is to use these people for all the poorly paid drudge work.

Why anyone would insist on bringing in so many so fast rather than doing background and health checks is beyond me. Makes me think the motive is more about creating a new dependent class that votes Democrat.

And you're still ignoring the push to replace so many jobs with robotics and A.I.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
-We rape and murder and put each other down everyday. We have the highest prison rate in the world because we make more $ on modern slavery than anyone else.
-Have you considered were being incentivized to not reproduce and matriculate foreign worker ethic who are use to freedoms being wrapped?
-Japan is your example. You will get old and will be in need of care. Your kids are lining up for the “wealth transfer” as we speak. You will need care in 2050 while kids/grandkids wait for your $. The newbies are that care. 🧠
Are you actually Chinese trying to translate your posts to English?


Well-Known Member
He was diagnosed with it 5 years after he left office. Liberals tried to claim otherwise because they didn't like him.

Sound kind of familiar?

the physicians who directly attended Ronald Reagan while he was president agreed unanimously that he never displayed signs or symptoms of dementia the whole time he was in office, the New York Times reported in 1997:

Will you also go against who says that Biden doesn’t have excellent mental acuity, or is that different, somehow?
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Well-Known Member

Will you also go against who says that Biden doesn’t have excellent mental acuity, or is that different, somehow?
Totally different.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
We've all seen how Biden is doing. It was bad enough that it gave the Democrats an excuse to replace him with Kamala. That cat is already out of the bag.

There will be nothing new with Kamala...Her record tells the tale. Who are these independents that will decide this election, fair to say they will be the 18-34 year olds mostly Males. There is a shift on our campuses today, all those liberal tenured professors who got their positions solely on DEI are getting exposed as frauds and cheaters, their students finally caught on. They see the politics and discriminatory directives and the constant lowering of the bar that will prevent them from competing in the open market once they leave school. I went to a alumni reunion at my old college recently and was shocked to see the quality of their education and skill level, I research some of their professors and for the most part their only qualifications for those positions was they were either gay, a women or goose stepped to the liberal agenda, all of them hated Trump. Another observation has to do with the students, particularly the Males. I am old school born in the 50's maybe I missed it, but I was surprised on how short the guys where, there was nothing physical about them, the ladies looked more imposing. They where brought up in a generation where they actual think the a 5 ' 3 ", 115 pound woman can take down an average man, far too many Marvel Movies. Kamala reminds me of those female marvel characters, they will portray her as a super hero thinking that the American Public will fall for it...Folks that is not reality, the world doesn't give a rip how WOKE you are, our enemies will kill you in a second if they see any perceived weakness..Her gender is a liability, no such thing as LA LA Land in Russia, China, Iran and North Korea...all they see is a weak woman even if she is capable....