Kim Davis - The Christian Rosa Parks


nowhere special
No. Just in general, some mistake the scientific theory of evolution as atheism.

Some also reject any science which doesn't agree with their preconceived opinions. Which works for the scientific method as well as religion. Evolution is still just a theory and should be taught as such. Some scientific evidence supports it but there it still has some problems and inconsistencies. All proof is about micro evolution but applying that to macro has many issues.

Never the less, my previous comment was not about science or evolution but atheism. Which is a religion. Science is not a religion and there is no conflict between being a Christian and a scientist.


Well-Known Member
No. Just in general, some mistake the scientific theory of evolution as atheism.

Same is true of the Big Bang theory. The true irony there is that the father of the Big Bang theory was indeed a father, Father George Lemaitre.

I accept micro evolution, even with the human species but am agnostic when it is applied as an absolute to how we and everything got here. Christians are correct that it can't be proved nor ever will IMO that a lightning strike to a primordial pool began everything. Fascinating theory that does hold some valid science but still beyond being proven IMO. Same is true of the Big Bang theory which everyone is working like hell to prove. Study the theory and see how many times it has gone through modifications such as the need for dark matter or dark energy that is little more than a mathematical input to a larger formula to make the outcome consistent. Yet, dark energy or dark matter is still in actual physical terms, a hypothesis. Outside a theoretical formula, it's yet to exist. We've yet to hold it, touch it, reproduce it but in math it's judged as proven. If math replaces physical science then Enron has been wrongly judged by history IMO.

Doesn't mean all these math formulas are untrue, they may well prove so and we should continue to research and study but I'm under no obligation to accept them as absolute just as for the same reasons I'm under no obligation to accept someone else explanation of "God did it" beyond a book written by and for a bedouin desert culture which includes its own self claim of being written by god and for his chosen people. If any other group did the same and made the same claim today, the howls of racism and mentally defective among other things would be deafening.

I'm completely comfortable with the "I just don't know" answer to our ultimate origins nd how we actually got here just as I comfortable in saying when asked what do I believe occurs after death? My answer is, seems to me I just return to the same state I was in before I was born which I have no memory or knowledge of so I'm unable at this time to give you a knowledgeable, firsthand opinion. And neither can anyone else. If I try the best I can to be the best person on this earth, even appreciating many of the values taught by Jesus and using them in my life and yet I used the reason and thinking capacity given to me and I didn't fall down and worship some petty, jealous god to his liking and thus I'm judged for that, then why would I want to spend as eternity locked down in a place where every moment is spent worshiping and idolizing such an egotistical, petty tyrant. Geez, I've already spent a lifetime dealing with such so why spend an eternity with it?

I do like the idea among some that we all go together into the same after life and that this life is about lessons learned on some level. Can't prove it and don't accept it as absolute true, I just like the idea.

I'll close with this little nugget as it relates to how we got here, who we are and where we might go and this is a hypothesis and not a theory by any means. Where it does get interesting to me and admittedly fascinating to ponder is if we all dive deep into the mirco makeup of ourselves, we are made up of the tiny atoms, particles, photons, etc. all having an electrical charge that animates and drives them while at the same time neither are touching as this would result in something along the lines of a nuclear explosion. Our entire reality is made up and configured this way. The material world exists and yet it is mostly empty space as the micro level just as the space above our heads is mostly empty space. Hmmmmm!

So far, everything we've learned of our immediate existence and the existence of the farthest of space is all made the very same way, the same structure. And regardless of what happens to us when we die, these smallest of entities don't die that are us, they in fact appear to never die and it seems to suggest they have always existed so to speak. One might even think these smallest of entities will go on to reform into something else and do it time and time again as if some cycle is being followed just like the cycles of nature itself that we see and experience. Cycle of the day, the year, a life, the eons. It is as if the entities know no beginning nor know any end and being we are made from a collection of them collapsed into a material form, could we say, made in the image of?

As I have said before, if god is a noun, I'm an atheist but if god is a verb, we are having a very different conversation!

All hail Photon!


Well-Known Member
And for the record, radical atheism has not been its best friend so in some sense they will have to wear the very rags with which they danced around the fire with.

When I speak of atheism, I speak in its classical etymological sense, "a or an" meaning no and "theos" meaning god. If holding no belief in a god is a religion then the vast majority of adults hold to a religious belief that there is no Santa Klaus, Tooth Fairy or Leprechauns.


nowhere special
So the courts are only correct when you believe them to be, and in error when that suits your beliefs?

Not what I said. Atheism is a belief system and therefore a religion. Courts just confirmed it. I only mentioned courts because you claimed it was a conservative narrative. Which it is not.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
And for the record, radical atheism has not been its best friend so in some sense they will have to wear the very rags with which they danced around the fire with.

When I speak of atheism, I speak in its classical etymological sense, "a or an" meaning no and "theos" meaning god. If holding no belief in a god is a religion then the vast majority of adults hold to a religious belief that there is no Santa Klaus, Tooth Fairy or Leprechauns.
The only reason people who believe in nothing are called atheists is because we have to label everything.

I hate it.


Bad Moon Risen'
Not what I said. Atheism is a belief system and therefore a religion. Courts just confirmed it. I only mentioned courts because you claimed it was a conservative narrative. Which it is not.
I believe that I'm going to catch a muskie next weekend during my annual Muskie Hunt Tournament. Does that mean that fishing is a religion?


nowhere special
I believe that I'm going to catch a muskie next weekend during my annual Muskie Hunt Tournament. Does that mean that fishing is a religion?

To some, maybe.

With a civil rights attorney from Anchorage leading the charge, the group sought permission from the court to argue a new defense -- the free exercise of religion. Fishing for king salmon, the argument goes, is inextricably linked to the spiritual core of the Yupik people who inhabit the region.
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