Kim Davis - The Christian Rosa Parks

iowa boy

Well-Known Member
When I say Michael Jordan, am I talking baseball or basketball?

If I were to say that Obama is the left's Reagan, where do you think that conversation would go?

If I were to say Trump is the first Reaganesque republican to run for the presidency since Reagan, where would that go?

Threads do weird things.

Threads do weird things when they are pulled (or pushed) in a direction they don't need to go.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Just a request: this is an important thread about an important topic, can we move the fluff and irrelevant banter to the "meaningless fluff" folder where it belongs?


Bad Moon Risen'
After reading the links, it sounds like " it could have been this or that, but we really don't know."
No one can prove evolution, just as no one can prove creationism. It's a matter of faith which ever you think.
I personally don't put a lot of faith in the way scientists date things. Maybe they're right, or it could be another one if the many wrong assumptions made by the scientific leadership. Time will tell.
As for me personally, I find it hard to believe that mankind evolved from single cell organisms. Too much chance of dead ends along the way. I believe I read that it would take 1,000,000 mutations to change an ape to a man or vice versa. More than 2 mutations in a single generation would cause the fetus to abort. Think of the countless mutations it would take to creat a person from scratch. Even if something resembling a self aware, thinking person was born, think of the odds against it reaching the age where it could reproduce. It would be hard enough for one of us to survive in the wild, how much more so would it be for something without the knowledge and resources that we have at our disposal. How many dead ends? It takes a lot of faith to believe in evolution when you start thinking along those lines. I don't have that much faith.
Evolution sounds like a very tidy theory at first glance. Micro evolution, such as breeding different types of animals or plants, is realistic. We all know that. But macro evolution, such as people evolving from single cell organisms, doesn't stand on it's own 2 feet. Every "missing link" ever found has been determined to be either a man or ape. Not the missing link science has been searching for all these years.
Bible prophesy has never been disproved. Misinterpreted by some, but never been disproved. A lot of people throughout the centuries have tried to make the Bible out as a lie, but no one has succeeded. As I said earlier, it's a matter of faith.
Not every fart in Africa causes a hurricane in the Atlantic.


Rosa Parks knew she would be arrested, and quite possibly beaten or even killed by Klan sympathizers. But she followed her conscience anyway.

Ghandi knew he would be arrested, and quite possibly beaten or even killed by the British. But he followed his conscience anyway.

Kim Davis knows she can get out of jail any damn time she wants, she wont get beaten or killed, and she will probably even get lots of donations from the religious right. But she wants to follow her conscience and keep her $80K government job instead of doing the right thing and resigning.

She's not a victim. She is a hypocrite.
My guess is this nut bag is going to milk this for as much as she can get. From talk shows and news interviews to probably even a book deal. There's one thing that the religious right love more than Jesus and that's $.

10 point

Well-Known Member
Kim went to jail for what she believed.
Her staff didn't follow suit.

The Bible says not to partake in another person's sin.

In my opinion she should have quit her job if she couldn't comply with the law and found a better field to work in that didn't force her to disobey her conscience.

Maybe the $80,000.00 was the apple she didn't want to give up but if you can't comply you should leave.

Free on unemployment is better than incarcerated with no hope to affect change.