"Sups should not touch packages!!!!!!!
A driver should shuttle packages
That is what a grivence is for and you will get paid for his work!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Am I wrong in thinking these types of posts are overly done? We know sups should not touch packages. We know about sups not shuttling packages. We know about grievances, and what they are for.
I wont criticize UPS for the occasional problem like that. I commend them actually when management browns up, and brings pkgs to us. It is a business where everything is done through guesstimates. In our center, it doesnt happen often, but there is the occasion where mgmt stretches themselves a little to thin on staffing, to give someone the day off for a special event. They know they are shooting themselves in the foot, and are hoping for no sick calls. From a business standpoint, I would rather they do it, and document it, and see if it is a big trend, than have missed pkgs, because they are crossing the line, of what is okay, vs. not.
Does anyone else agree? In my center, I think way too many grievances are filed for piddly things. The occasional manager helping out is silly I think.