known closed abuse


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Maybe my Center must be the exception. The Preload Sup shuttles the misloads out to me, usually at about 3:30 everyday. Our last Oncar Sup hired calls himself a Shuttle Driver. We are told not to attempt a business between 12-1PM, and the 9.5 rule is kept in place. My Oncar Sup was transfered last month, no replacement yet, (haven't noticed any difference). The only known closed abuse I hear about is from certain drivers.


Well-Known Member
Sups should not touch packages!!!!!!!

A driver should shuttle packages

That is what a grivence is for and you will get paid for his work!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
"Sups should not touch packages!!!!!!!

A driver should shuttle packages

That is what a grivence is for and you will get paid for his work!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Am I wrong in thinking these types of posts are overly done? We know sups should not touch packages. We know about sups not shuttling packages. We know about grievances, and what they are for.
I wont criticize UPS for the occasional problem like that. I commend them actually when management browns up, and brings pkgs to us. It is a business where everything is done through guesstimates. In our center, it doesnt happen often, but there is the occasion where mgmt stretches themselves a little to thin on staffing, to give someone the day off for a special event. They know they are shooting themselves in the foot, and are hoping for no sick calls. From a business standpoint, I would rather they do it, and document it, and see if it is a big trend, than have missed pkgs, because they are crossing the line, of what is okay, vs. not.
Does anyone else agree? In my center, I think way too many grievances are filed for piddly things. The occasional manager helping out is silly I think.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member

You have got the right idea. We don't have a full time driver sitting around the Hub doing nothing so that when a missload or rewrap can't make service they can go deliver it. We also don't have Supervisors run routes if there is an hourly there to do it. People don't go into management so they can deliver packages, no way does the company save money by paying someone more to do the job of a Teamster. The Preload Sup I mentioned in the above post lives near my area, he goes into work about 2:30 AM and if he shuttles anything out to me to deliver, he has been working 14 to 15 hours at that point. I am glad the Management Team where I work tries to get our customer's packages delivered. Thats why everybody at UPS has a job and gets a paycheck.


Central Pa Member
I hope it is other drivers that shuttle the packages out to you not the sups?

As a feeder(ex-pkgcar) driver who punches out and walks out late everyday, I've seen sups bring their personal vehicles(mini-vans, pickup trucks) inside the building after all the drivers had left, especially on a late or heavy volume morning and load pkgs in them and drive off to meet drivers on the road....I always see this brand new red pickup truck backed in a pkg-car bay loaded with pkgs, I know this truck is not being driven by any hourly, It belongs to one of the center mangers....This happens in my bldg once or twice an week...Also, I want to add that I dont bring back any loads causing this to happen....


Well-Known Member
I did blow the whistle the other day i had a 9.55 day when I clocked out the next morning it sai I had a 9.47 day. This was a time card change to have the percentages of 9.5 to look a little better. When I confronted them noone knew who changed it. My on rad sup went in office and fixed my time card back to 9.55. I got a crowd of people and confronted center manager asking how many minutes were taken away from us that we didn't catch over the year, I told him it was time that immediately stopped before we made an NLRB charge against the company next day a pcm was read that involved integrity and honesty in the work place beginning with management


Staff member
Am I right? Obviously, your direct sup or manager changed your timecard to make their numbers look better. This is STEALING pure and simple. Please call the ethics hotline immediately. Stealing and dishonesty are firable offences for hourly employees. I would hope it's the same for management.


Spitt2000, who is we? Even if you are instructed by management to do this (falsify delivery records) you should not. Protect yourself by acting with integrity at all times. In fact, this is the best way to get back at management. It is THEIR reports and numbers to which THEY must deal with. Stop lying for them, it will only get you fired.


Well-Known Member
In our district, they canned every package car center manager in one of our hubs (4 centers), and their boss for a non-service related numbers manipulation scheme. And several years ago they canned an entire centers management team for similar offense. They would never get away with that here, would be canned for integrity reasons and falsify delivery records.

please please tell me how to catch my sups who so deserve to get caught and get canned.


Well-Known Member
Re: known closed abuse


I did blow the whistle the other day i had a 9.55 day when I clocked out the next morning it sai I had a 9.47 day. This was a time card change to have the percentages of 9.5 to look a little better. When I confronted them noone knew who changed it. My on rad sup went in office and fixed my time card back to 9.55. I got a crowd of people and confronted center manager asking how many minutes were taken away from us that we didn't catch over the year, I told him it was time that immediately stopped before we made an NLRB charge against the company next day a pcm was read that involved integrity and honesty in the work place beginning with management

Our building had the blame game going so bad for this that the part time night sups put together a notebook to log ALL changes to timecards. A driver can forget to punch in or have to leave for a shuttle run.
The part time sups were tired of being blamed by the full time sups!


From the promised LAND

The number is posted on the board along with other information on your rights. There should be several boards, one that is for union information, the others for UPS related info. That number in on the UPS info board.

If not, send me a PM and I will get it for you.



Well-Known Member
An occassional shuttle would be ok but my center abuses it and sends home air, cover and full time drivers who would gladly do it. 14 plus hours and then driving out boxes is a DOT violation and a safety issue. We had a part time sup who was forced to shuttle yet given no extra pay they want us to file. Another full time sup was asked to shuttle and called in to be relieved due to falling asleep at the wheel only to be told you will have to ask so and so first. They don't care about safety so we have to.