Las Vegas Massacre - 58 killed, 515 hurt


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Well you have a habit of posting silly optimistic things I guess.
But since I seem to have offended your delicate sensitivities I'll clarify for you:

To say we do "everything" we can to avoid civilian casualties is a little disingenuous. We take what I would consider an appropriate level of precautions, but it seems there is an accepted level of doubt vs reward that will always end up with innocent lives being lost. Couple that with an unwinnable war that, imo, serves no purpose, I'd say your POV is extremely optimistic.

Given the bombastic and completely undiplomatic twitter rantings of our president, I'd say it's optimistic to assume we won't share a whole lot of the blame if the North Korea tensions come to military action.
we have been at war with nk since 1953, trump isnt even a tenth of the cause of nk


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Don't try to tell me you approve of his twitter rantings that inflame the tensions though. If this comes to blows it is 100% the failings of him and his administration.
considering every administration before him has tried appeasement, talking nice and giving them money hasnt worked. So yes i do approve because china dont want a war and are acting accordingly


Staff member
your never going to stop attacks like these no matter the laws. Cars, pressure cookers, bombs, knifes, any and everything
I bet none of those kill 50 and wound 200. Just think though, possibly completely legal right up until he opened fire.


Well-Known Member
i almost did but you did it for me. and its true. canada has hurt alot of people around the world and its the chickens coming home to roost.

Lol you are mentally deranged. Who has this nebulous idea of "canada" hurt and who did the victims of that attack hurt!? Are we now in some kind of midevil system where we pay for the crimes of our families!? Is this north korea?!


Inordinately Right
considering every administration before him has tried appeasement, talking nice and giving them money hasnt worked. So yes i do approve because china dont want a war and are acting accordingly
Hasn't worked?
Have we ever been this close to nuclear war with them?
Trump is what's not working.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
I bet none of those kill 50 and wound 200. Just think though, possibly completely legal right up until he opened fire.
the truck in nieces killed like 80, boston pressure cooker killed 13, knife attacks are numerous, two woman were killed the other day


nowhere special
funny the dudes companion is out of the country and this dude hauled 10 guns and 500 pounds of ammo into his room

He was a very atypical shooter. Retired from aerospace industry, professional gambler, traveled extensively and had lived in several states. Maybe he was in massive debt and suffered depression.