Here is the section that the union is using to say they are required to ratify:
"If less than half of the eligible members cast valid ballots, then a twothirds (2/3) vote of those voting shall be required to reject such fnal offer and to authorize a strike. The failure of such membership to reject the fnal offer and to authorize a strike as herein provided shall require the negotiating com‑ mittee to accept such fnal offer or such additional provisions as can be negotiated by it"
1) Who is an eligible member, and where are the rules outlining such?
2) Most importantly two things had to happen in order for the negotiating committee to be required to ratify. One was we had to fail to reject, which we did, and two was we had to fail to authorize a strike, which we did not. Negotiating committee was not required to ratify under the conditions.
Why is the strike authorization important? Because it gives the committee the leverage needed to continue negotiating. We gave them that leverage in a separate vote. Section 2d, in regards to strike authorization, need only come into play at all if a strike had not already been authorized.
Another interesting paragraph from section 2c:
"All provisions of Section 2(b) and (c) of this Article shall be equally applicable to companywide negotiations and agreements negotiated on an area, multi‑employer, multi‑state, multi‑area, or national basis"
Section 2b explains the process for renogotiation if a majority of voters rejects an offer.