Been quite a while since I've been on, but I have been following 'threads' and all I can say is 'Yikes'. Lots of rumors, lots of facts, lots of information and lots of misinformation. Seeing the names of some people in IS within posts may not be the right thing to do, but I do laugh at some knowing who they are.
Regarding layoffs in IS - What you might be talking about are particualr jobs and or projects where the number of support staff (programmers up to PM's) needed is much less than the staff in place. Some people have been redeployed and yes, some were given a month to find a job - but I was told that that was HR reps in NJ. Not application support. Some two-units were downgraded to one-unit and some managers with no staff for years were also downgraded.
Just the facts mam', Just the facts!!!
Something else that I find interesting is going on:
IS people are leaving UPS for other companies. The phrase 'better opportunity' seems to come out a lot, or more money. One option level manager left to go work for a smaller company. And, the number of people leaving is not a few, they are many. Yet, we still are hiring in IS. Lots of retirement parties to go to lately too.
The hammer is also coming down too on some. People who got by by never getting written up or were never put on a PIP. Well, those days are over. HR has given 'coaching lessons' on how to write a person up and how to tell someone they are not cutting it. People are being watched when the come in, leave for lunch, how long they take, what time they leave and why were they on the Internet. There are legimate reasons for usining the Internet, but one idiot was downloading songs and day trading. That's dumb and that person is gone. What some forget is that many of these folks work 24X7, get calls in the wee hours of the night, weekends and holidays.
UPS is stuck in the mud and everyone has a reason. Some are valid and some are not (my observation and opinion). I feel that I am paid well for what I do, but a lot of what I was told when I was hired no longer applies (that's the price for going public I guess). We are a different company and who knows what the next 5-10 years hold for us UPS Partners.
What's next ??