Start a 22.4 job now @22 years old and retire @ 51 with a 90K+ pension.
OMFG! OK lets assume that shall we? Whats this driver looking at?
1. First knee surgery at 31.
2. First lower back surgery at 36 (partial discetomy.)
3. Second Knee surgery (other knee) at 38.
3. Lower back fusion (2 segments) at 40.
4. New knee at 41!
5. Carpal Tunnel surgery at 42.
6. Ankle and heal surgery at 44.
7. Second new knee at 46.
8. Ankle fusion at 48, (this is the killer, the writing is on the wall, you don't ever recover 100% from this)
9. Next 2 years the driver is out more than he works from shoulder, elbow and back problems the doctor can not fix with surgery! Just plain "worn out."
10. Retires at 51 unable to walk more than a mile at a time. Self medicates to get though the day in his Lazy Boy and dies of a combination of heart disease, Liver failure and pancreatic cancer at 53.
11. But hey UPS isn't to blame, his wife gets to know Turdferguson on a personal level!